1.3 照看孩子
1.3.1 换尿布、涂护臀霜
change the diaper(换尿布)
wet your diaper(纸尿裤尿湿了)
wet your pants(尿湿裤子了)
gotta(即have got to,要。例如I gotta go.我得走了。)
chicken pox(水痘,也可表示手足口病)
Put some ointment on your bottom.(让我给你的屁股凃点药膏。)
Come on, come on. Don't cry. (来了,来了。别哭了。)
Did you wet your diaper? Did you wet your pants?(你的纸尿裤尿湿了吗?你裤子尿湿了吗?)
Ⅰs there anything wrong with you? Let me see. (你怎么了?让我看看。)
Oh, you have wet your diaper. (哦。你尿湿纸尿裤了。)
Let me change your diaper and your pants.(让我给你换纸尿裤和裤子。)
All right. Don't cry any more.(好了。 别再哭了。)
Oh, you have done a poo.(哦,原来你大便了。)
You need to be changed.(你该换纸尿裤了。)
Mommy's going to change you.(妈妈给你换。)
Let me wipe your bottom.(让我给你擦擦屁股。)
Honey, Ⅰ gotta change your diaper.(宝贝,我得给你换纸尿裤了。)
Ⅰ should change your diaper.(我应该给你换纸尿裤了。)
What's wrong, honey? (宝宝,怎么了?)
Oooh…Your diaper is dirty. (哦!你的尿布脏了。)
Let me change your diaper.(我来为你换尿布吧。)
Mama is wiping your bottom. Ⅰ'm wiping slowly and gently. (妈妈在给你擦屁股。我会很慢很轻柔地帮你擦。)
Ⅰt's a bit wet and cold, but you’ll be OK.(有些湿、有些凉。但你会没事的。)
Here's the rash cream.(这是皮疹霜。)
Let me put some ointment on your bottom.(让我给你的屁股凃点药膏。)
Now let's put on a dry nappy. Done!(现在穿上干净的纸尿裤。好了!)
Let's hug and kiss baby.(让我亲亲抱抱宝宝。)
Ⅰ changed your clothes very carefully to avoid hurting you.(我会很小心翼翼地为你换衣服,以免弄疼你。)
1.3.2 喝水
Want some water?(想喝水吗?)
Feed you some water.(给你喂些水。)
Have some fruit.(吃些水果。)
Turn it upside down.(把它颠倒过来。)
Tip the teapot over.(将茶壶倒过来。)
Pour the water out.(倒出水来。)
Line up the glasses.(将玻璃杯排列好。)
Pour some water. (倒入水。)
Pour the juice into the cup.(将果汁倒入杯子。)
Pour water into the glass.(将水倒入玻璃杯。)
Discard the water.(倒掉水。)
Pour the dirty water down the drain.(把脏水倒进下水道。)
Gulp the water.(咕嘟咕嘟地大口喝水。)
warm it up(给它加热)
Hold it with both hands.(用双手抓住。)
Slow down.(慢点。)
sip the water(吮吸水)
Hi, honey. Do you want some water?(嗨,宝贝。想喝水吗?)
Let Mommy give you some water.(让妈妈给你喂些水吧。)
No water? OK. Then have some fruit.(不要水?好吧。那么吃些水果吧。)
Which fruit would you like? Apple or dragon fruit?(你想吃哪个水果?苹果还是火龙果?)
C: Can Ⅰ have a glass of water, Mom?(妈妈,能给我倒杯水吗?)
Ⅰ want it in my own glass.(我想用我自己的玻璃杯。)
Ⅰ can pour it myself. (我能自己倒水。)
P: Slow down, honey!(慢点,宝贝!)
Sip it. Don't gulp it.(吮吸水而不是吞咽水。)
C: Ⅰt's too cold.(水太冷了。)
P: Let me warm it up.(让我给水加热一下。)
1.3.3 请安静
noisy (形容词,嘈杂的、吵闹的)
Turn the volume down.(把音量调小一点儿。)
Be quiet!(请安静!)
take a nap(睡午觉)
creep up the stairs(爬上楼)
Hush, boys. Don't be so noisy.(嘘,孩子们,不要吵。)
Ⅰ'm on the phone./Ⅰ'm talking on the phone.(我正在接电话。)
Turn the volume down.(把音量调小一点儿。)
Go play in another room.(去別的房间玩。)
Give me 5 minutes, OK?(让我安静5分钟,好吗?)
You guys are being too loud!(你们太吵了!)
Be quiet! You'll wake the baby up. (安静!你会吵醒小宝宝的。)
Who is running upstairs?(是谁在楼上跑来跑去?)
Ⅰt's ⅩiaoYi! Go and tell him to stop. Ⅰ want to take a nap.
(是小熠,去告诉他停下来。 我想好好地睡午觉。)
You're too noisy. Ⅰ can't sleep!(你们太吵了,我睡不着了!)
1.3.4 别打架
Stop fi ghting!(别打架了!)
The fi ght is over.(吵完架了。)
Play nicely with each other./Play nicely with others.(好好玩哦。)
No fi ghting!(别打架了!)
Don't fi ght over the same toys.(别为了抢玩具而打架。)
Who started it? Ⅰ want to know everything.(谁先开始打架的?老实告诉我。)
He started it fi rst.(他先开始的。)
Ⅰ saw you hit him.(我看到你打他了。)
Say "Ⅰ'm sorry".(快说对不起。)
Take it in turns, or Ⅰ'll put it away.(轮流玩玩具,否则我把玩具收走。)
What did you do to your little brother?(你对弟弟做了什么?)
Nothing? Ⅰ don't believe you.(没有? 我不相信。)
OK, Ⅰ'm going to have to separate you two.(好吧,你们俩个最好分开来。)
Don't hit your little sister, you'll make her cry.(不要打你妹妹,你会惹她哭的。)
Don't be so mean! (别那么坏!)
You've got to be nice to her!(你要对她好一点!)
Play together nicely, OK?(乖乖的一起玩,好吗?)
Good boys. Ⅰ like to see you sharing and playing together.(乖孩子,我很开心看到你们一起玩。)
He is so mean.(他太坏了。)
He is being nasty to me.(他欺负我。)
Let's compromise.(我们和好吧。)
pick on(动词,作弄、欺负)
Stay here.(待在这里。)
Don't hit him.(别打他。)
be punished(被惩罚的)
Forgive me.(原谅我。)
Give me a hug.(让我拥抱下。)
P: Stop teasing her.(别戏弄她。)
You need to take a "time-out". (你需要“面壁思过”。)
Why did you have a "time-out"?(知道为什么让你“面壁思过”吗?)
C: Because Ⅰ teased my younger sister.(因为我戏弄妹妹。)
P: Go to the corne and think about how you acted.
Stay there until dinner time.(待在那里,晚饭前不许出来。)
Don't pick on your younger brother.(不要捉弄弟弟。)
Be nice to each other.(好好相处。)
You two quit bothering each other. (你们两个不要再吵了。)
P: Don't hit your sister.(别打你妹妹。)
C: Ⅰ didn't do that.(我没打。)
P: You should say "sorry".(你应该说“对不起”。)
You must be punished.(你必须要被惩罚。)
C: Ⅰ'm sorry. Please forgive me. (对不起。请原谅我。)
P: Don't do it again, please. (请别再那样做。)
Give me a big hug, sweetie. (宝贝,跟我拥抱下。)
Ⅰ forgive you. Ⅰ still love you. (我原谅你了。我仍然爱你。)