The Khalif El Mamoun once said to [his uncle] Ibrahim ben el Mehdi'Tell us the most remarkable thing that thou hast ever seen.'I hear and obeyO Commander of the Faithful,' answered he. 'Know that I went out one daya-pleasuringand my course brought me to a place where I smelt the odour of food. My soul longed for it and I haltedperplexed and unable either to go on or enter. PresentlyI raised my eyes and saw a lattice window and behind it a hand and wristthe like of which for beauty I never saw. The sight turned my brain and I forgot the smell of the food and began to cast about how I should get access to the house. After awhileI espied a tailor hard by and going up to himsaluted him. He returned my greeting and I said to him'Whose house is that?'It belongs to a merchant called such an one,' answered he'who consorteth with none but merchants.'
As we were talkingup came two men of comely and intelligent aspectriding on horseback;and the tailor told me their names and that they were the merchant's most intimate friends. So I spurred my horse towards them and said to them'May I be your ransom! Abou such an one waits for you!' And I rode with them to the gatewhere I entered and they also. When the master of the house saw mehe doubted not but I was their friend;so he welcomed me and made me sit down in the highest room. Then they brought the table of food and I said'God hath granted me my desire of the food;and now there remain the hand and wrist.' After awhilewe removedfor carousalto another roomwhich I found full of all manner of rarities;and the host paid me particular attentionaddressing his conversation to mefor that he deemed me a guest of his guests;whilst the latterin like mannermade much of metaking me for a friend of the master of the house.
When we had drunk several cups of winethere came in to us a damsel of the utmost beauty and eleganceas she were a willow-wandwho took a lute and playing a lively measuresang the following verses:
Is it not passing strangeindeedone house should hold us tway And still thou drawst not near to me nor yet a word dost say,Except the secrets of the souls and hearts that broken be And entrails blazing in the fires of lovethe eye bewray With meaning looks and knitted brows and eyelids languishing And hands that salutation sign and greeting thus convey?
When I heard thismy entrails were stirred and I was moved to delightfor the excess of her grace and the beauty of the verses she sang;and I envied her her skill and said'There lacketh somewhat to theeO damsel!' Whereupon she threw the lute from her handin angerand cried'Since when do you use to bring ill-mannered fools into your assemblies?' Then I repented of what I had doneseeing that the others were vexed with meand said in myself'My hopes are at an end;' and I saw no way of quitting myself of reproach but to call for a lutesaying'I will show you what escaped her in the air she sang.' So they brought me a lute and I tuned it and sang the following verses:
This is thy lover distraughtabsorbed in his passion and pain;
Thy loverthe tears of whose eyes run down on his body like rain.
One hand to his heart ever pressedwhilst the other the Merciful One Implorethso He of His grace may grant him his hope to attain.
O thouthat beholdest a youth for passion that's perished,thine eye And thy hand are the cause of his death and yet might restore him again.
When the damsel heard thisshe sprang up and throwing herself at my feetkissed them and said'It is thine to excuseO my lord! By AllahI knew not thy quality nor heard I ever the like of this fashion!' And they all extolled me and made much of mebeing beyond measure delightedand besought me to sing again. So I sang a lively airwhereupon they all became as drunken menand their wits left them. Then the guests departed to their homes and I abode alone with the host and the girl.
The former drank some cups with methen said to me'O my lordmy life hath been wastedin that I have not known the like of thee till now. By Allahthentell me who thou art,that I may know who is the boon-companion whom God hath bestowed on me this night.'