MR. RAYMOND'S house was called The Mound, because it stood upon a little steep knoll, so smooth and symmetrical that it showed itself at once to be artificial. It had, beyond doubt, been built for Queen Elizabeth as a hunting tower--a place, namely, from the top of which you could see the country for miles on all sides, and so be able to follow with your eyes the flying deer and the pursuing hounds and horsemen. The mound had been cast up to give a good basement-advantage over the neighbouring heights and woods.
There was a great quarry-hole not far off, brim-full of water, from which, as the current legend stated, the materials forming the heart of the mound--a kind of stone unfit for building--had been dug. The house itself was of brick, and they said the foundations were first laid in the natural level, and then the stones and earth of the mound were heaped about and between them, so that its great height should be well buttressed.
Joseph and his wife lived in a little cottage a short way from the house.
It was a real cottage, with a roof of thick thatch, which, in June and July, the wind sprinkled with the red and white petals it shook from the loose topmost sprays of the rose-trees climbing the walls.
At first Diamond had a nest under this thatch--a pretty little room with white muslin curtains, but afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Raymond wanted to have him for a page in the house, and his father and mother were quite pleased to have him employed without his leaving them.
So he was dressed in a suit of blue, from which his pale face and fair hair came out like the loveliest blossom, and took up his abode in the house.
"Would you be afraid to sleep alone, Diamond?" asked his mistress.
"I don't know what you mean, ma'am," said Diamond. "I never was afraid of anything that I can recollect--not much, at least.""There's a little room at the top of the house--all alone,"she returned; "perhaps you would not mind sleeping there?""I can sleep anywhere, and I like best to be high up. Should I be able to see out?"
"I will show you the place," she answered; and taking him by the hand, she led him up and up the oval-winding stair in one of the two towers.
Near the top they entered a tiny little room, with two windows from which you could see over the whole country. Diamond clapped his hands with delight.
"You would like this room, then, Diamond?" said his mistress.
"It's the grandest room in the house," he answered. "I shall be near the stars, and yet not far from the tops of the trees.
That's just what I like."
I daresay he thought, also, that it would be a nice place for North Wind to call at in passing; but he said nothing of that sort.
Below him spread a lake of green leaves, with glimpses of grass here and there at the bottom of it. As he looked down, he saw a squirrel appear suddenly, and as suddenly vanish amongst the topmost branches.
"Aha! little squirrel," he cried, "my nest is built higher than yours.""You can be up here with your books as much as you like,"said his mistress. "I will have a little bell hung at the door, which I can ring when I want you. Half-way down the stair is the drawing-room."So Diamond was installed as page, and his new room got ready for him.
It was very soon after this that I came to know Diamond.
I was then a tutor in a family whose estate adjoined the little property belonging to The Mound. I had made the acquaintance of Mr. Raymond in London some time before, and was walking up the drive towards the house to call upon him one fine warm evening, when I saw Diamond for the first time. He was sitting at the foot of a great beech-tree, a few yards from the road, with a book on his knees. He did not see me. I walked up behind the tree, and peeping over his shoulder, saw that he was reading a fairy-book.
"What are you reading?" I said, and spoke suddenly, with the hope of seeing a startled little face look round at me. Diamond turned his head as quietly as if he were only obeying his mother's voice, and the calmness of his face rebuked my unkind desire and made me ashamed of it.
"I am reading the story of the Little Lady and the Goblin Prince,"said Diamond.
"I am sorry I don't know the story," I returned. "Who is it by?""Mr. Raymond made it."
"Is he your uncle?" I asked at a guess.
"No. He's my master."
"What do you do for him?" I asked respectfully.
"Anything he wishes me to do," he answered. "I am busy for him now.
He gave me this story to read. He wants my opinion upon it.""Don't you find it rather hard to make up your mind?""Oh dear no! Any story always tells me itself what I'm to think about it. Mr. Raymond doesn't want me to say whether it is a clever story or not, but whether I like it, and why I like it.
I never can tell what they call clever from what they call silly, but I always know whether I like a story or not.""And can you always tell why you like it or not?""No. Very often I can't at all. Sometimes I can. I always know, but I can't always tell why. Mr. Raymond writes the stories, and then tries them on me. Mother does the same when she makes jam.
She's made such a lot of jam since we came here! And she always makes me taste it to see if it'll do. Mother knows by the face I make whether it will or not."At this moment I caught sight of two more children approaching.
One was a handsome girl, the other a pale-faced, awkward-looking boy, who limped much on one leg. I withdrew a little, to see what would follow, for they seemed in some consternation. After a few hurried words, they went off together, and I pursued my way to the house, where I was as kindly received by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond as I could have desired. From them I learned something of Diamond, and was in consequence the more glad to find him, when I returned, seated in the same place as before.
"What did the boy and girl want with you, Diamond?" I asked.
"They had seen a creature that frightened them.""And they came to tell you about it?"
"They couldn't get water out of the well for it. So they wanted me to go with them.""They're both bigger than you."
"Yes, but they were frightened at it."
"And weren't you frightened at it?"