One evening Miss Cornelia telephoned down to Anne.
"The writer man has just arrived here. I'm going to drive him down to your place, and you can show him the way over to Leslie's. It's shorter than driving round by the other road, and I'm in a mortal hurry. The Reese baby has gone and fallen into a pail of hot water at the Glen, and got nearly scalded to death and they want me right off--to put a new skin on the child, Ipresume. Mrs. Reese is always so careless, and then expects other people to mend her mistakes. You won't mind, will you, dearie? His trunk can go down tomorrow.""Very well," said Anne. "What is he like, Miss Cornelia?""You'll see what he's like outside when I take him down. As for what he's like inside only the Lord who made him knows THAT. I'm not going to say another word, for every receiver in the Glen is down.""Miss Cornelia evidently can't find much fault with Mr.
Ford's looks, or she would find it in spite of the receivers," said Anne. "I conclude therefore, Susan, that Mr. Ford is rather handsome than otherwise.""Well, Mrs. Doctor, dear, I DO enjoy seeing a well-looking man," said Susan candidly. "Had I not better get up a snack for him? There is a strawberry pie that would melt in your mouth.""No, Leslie is expecting him and has his supper ready.
Besides, I want that strawberry pie for my own poor man. He won't be home till late, so leave the pie and a glass of milk out for him, Susan.""That I will, Mrs. Doctor, dear. Susan is at the helm.
After all, it is better to give pie to your own men than to strangers, who may be only seeking to devour, and the doctor himself is as well-looking a man as you often come across."When Owen Ford came Anne secretly admitted, as Miss Cornelia towed him in, that he was very "well-looking"indeed. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with thick, brown hair, finely-cut nose and chin, large and brilliant dark-gray eyes.
"And did you notice his ears and his teeth, Mrs.
Doctor, dear?" queried Susan later on. "He has got the nicest-shaped ears I ever saw on a man's head. Iam choice about ears. When I was young I was scared that I might have to marry a man with ears like flaps.
But I need not have worried, for never a chance did Ihave with any kind of ears."
Anne had not noticed Owen Ford's ears, but she did see his teeth, as his lips parted over them in a frank and friendly smile. Unsmiling, his face was rather sad and absent in expression, not unlike the melancholy, inscrutable hero of Anne's own early dreams; but mirth and humor and charm lighted it up when he smiled.
Certainly, on the outside, as Miss Cornelia said, Owen Ford was a very presentable fellow.
"You cannot realise how delighted I am to be here, Mrs.
Blythe," he said, looking around him with eager, interested eyes. "I have an odd feeling of coming home. My mother was born and spent her childhood here, you know. She used to talk a great deal to me of her old home. I know the geography of it as well as of the one I lived in, and, of course, she told me the story of the building of the house, and of my grandfather's agonised watch for the Royal William. Ihad thought that so old a house must have vanished years ago, or I should have come to see it before this.""Old houses don't vanish easily on this enchanted coast," smiled Anne. "This is a `land where all things always seem the same'-- nearly always, at least.
John Selwyn's house hasn't even been much changed, and outside the rose-bushes your grandfather planted for his bride are blooming this very minute.""How the thought links me with them! With your leave Imust explore the whole place soon."