第146章 CCLVII
Now very well strikes the King Charlemagne, Naimes the Duke, also Oger the Dane, Geifreid d'Anjou, who that ensign displays.
Exceeding proof is Don Oger, the Dane;
He spurs his horse, and lets him run in haste, So strikes that man who the dragon displays.
Both in the field before his feet he breaks That king's ensign and dragon, both abased.
Baligant sees his gonfalon disgraced, And Mahumet's standard thrown from its place;That admiral at once perceives it plain, That he is wrong, and right is Charlemain.
Pagan Arabs coyly themselves contain;
That Emperour calls on his Franks again:
"Say, barons, come, support me, in God's Name!"Answer the Franks, "Question you make in vain;All felon he that dares not exploits brave!"AOI.