Pride hath Rollanz, wisdom Olivier hath;
And both of them shew marvellous courage;Once they are horsed, once they have donned their arms, Rather they'd die than from the battle pass.
Good are the counts, and lofty their language.
Felon pagans come cantering in their wrath.
Says Oliver: "Behold and see, Rollanz, These are right near, but Charles is very far.
On the olifant deign now to sound a blast;Were the King here, we should not fear damage.
Only look up towards the Pass of Aspre, In sorrow there you'll see the whole rereward.
Who does this deed, does no more afterward."Answers Rollanz: "Utter not such outrage!
Evil his heart that is in thought coward!
We shall remain firm in our place installed;From us the blows shall come, from us the assault."AOI.