When the last soldier had disappeared among the trees, Henry turned to the others."Well, boys," he asked, "what are you thinking about?""I?" asked Paul."I'm thinking about a certain place I know, a sort of alcove or hole in a cliff above a lake.""An' me?" said Shif'less Sol."I'm thinkin' how fur that alcove runs back, an' how it could be fitted up with furs an' made warm fur the winter.""Me?" said Tom Ross."I'm thinkin' what a snug place that alcove would be when the snow an' hail were drivin' down the creek in front of you.""An' ez fur me," said Long Jim Hart, "I wuz thinkin' I could run a sort uv flue from the back part uv that alcove out through the front an' let the smoke pass out.I could cook all right.It wouldn't be ez good a place fur cookin' ez the one we hed that time we spent the winter on the island in the lake, but 'twould serve.""It's strange," said Henry, " but I've been thinking of all the things that all four of you have been thinking about, and, since we are agreed, we are bound to go straight to 'The Alcove' and pass the winter there."Without another word he led the way, and the others followed.It was apparent to everyone that they must soon find a winter base, because the cold had increased greatly in the last few days.The last leaves had fallen from the trees, and a searching wind howled among the bare branches.Better shelter than blankets would soon be needed.
On their way they passed Oghwaga, a mass of blackened ruins, among which wolves howled, the same spectacle that Wyoming now afforded, although Oghwaga had not been stained by blood.
It was a long journey to "The Alcove," but they did not hurry, seeing no need of it, although they were warned of the wisdom of their decision by the fact that the cold was increasing.The country in which the lake was situated lay high, and, as all of them were quite sure that the cold was going to be great there, they thought it wise to make preparations against it, which they discussed as they walked in, leisurely fashion through the woods.
They spoke, also, of greater things.All felt that they had been drawn into a mightier current than any in which they had swam before.They fully appreciated the importance to the Revolution of this great rearguard struggle, and at present they did not have the remotest idea of returning to Kentucky under any circumstances.
"We've got to fight it out with Braxton Wyatt and the Iroquois,"said Henry."I've heard that Braxton is organizing a band of Tories of his own, and that he is likely to be as dangerous as either of the Butlers.""Some day we'll end him for good an' all," said Shif'less Sol.
It was four or five days before they reached their alcove, and now all the forest was bare and apparently lifeless.They came down the creek, and found their boat unharmed and untouched still among the foliage at the base of the cliff.
"That's one thing safe," said Long Jim, "an' I guess we'll find 'The Alcove' all right, too.""Unless a wild animal has taken up its abode there," said Paul.
"'Tain't likely," replied Long Jim."We've left the human smell thar, an' even after all this time it's likely to drive away any prowlin' bear or panther that pokes his nose in."Long Jim was quite right.Their snug nest, like that of a squirrel in the side of a tree, had not been disturbed.The skins which they had rolled up tightly and placed on the higher shelves of stone were untouched, and several days' hunting increased the supply.The hunting was singularly easy, and, although the five did not know it, the quantity of game was much greater in that region than it had been for years.It had been swept of human beings by the Iroquois and Tory hordes, and deer, bear, and panther seemed to know instinctively that the woods were once more safe for them.
In their hunting they came upon the ruins of charred houses, and more than once they saw something among the coals that caused them to turn away with a shudder.At every place where man had made a little opening the wilderness was quickly reclaiming its own again.Next year the grass and the foliage would cover up the coals and the hideous relics that lay among them.
They jerked great quantities of venison on the trees on the cliff side, and stored it in "The Alcove." They also cured some bear meat, and, having added a further lining of skins, they felt prepared for winter.They had also added to the comfort of the place.They had taken the precaution of bringing with them two axes, and with the heads of these they smoothed out more of the rough places on the floor and sides of "The Alcove." They thought it likely, too, that they would need the axes in other ways later on.
Only once during these arrangements did they pass the trail of Indians, and that was made by a party of about twenty, at least ten miles from "The Alcove." They seemed to be traveling north, and the five made no investigations.Somewhat later they met a white runner in the forest, and he told them of the terrible massacre of Cherry Valley.Walter Butler, emulating his father's exploit at Wyoming, had come down with a mixed horde of Iroquois, Tories, British, and Canadians.He had not been wholly successful, but he had slaughtered half a hundred women and children, and was now returning northward with prisoners.Some said, according to the runner, that Thayendanegea had led the Indians on this occasion, but, as the five learned later, he had not come up until the massacre was over.The runner added another piece of information that interested them deeply.Butler had been accompanied to Cherry Valley by a young Tory or renegade named Wyatt, who had distinguished himself by cunning and cruelty.It was said that Wyatt had built up for himself a semi-independent command, and was becoming a great scourge.