"It is many years since I became interested in Peruvian antiquities, and then I had no idea of the lost city.But some of the antiques I picked up contained in their inscriptions references to Pelone.At first I conceived this to be a sort of god, a deity, or perhaps a powerful ruler.But as I went on in my work of gathering ancient things from Peru, I saw that the name Pelone referred to a city--a seat of government, whence everything had its origin.
"Then I got on the track more closely.I examined ancient documents.I found traces of an ancient language and writings, different from anything else in the world.I managed to construct an alphabet and to read some of the documents.From them I learned that Pelone was a city situated in some fertile valley of the Andes.It had existed for thousands of years; it was the seat of learning and culture.Much light would be thrown on the lives of the people who lived in Peru before the present races inhabited it, if I could but locate Pelone.
"Then I came across two golden tablets on which were graven the information that Pelone had utterly vanished.""How?" asked Tom.
"The golden tablets did not say.They simply stated the fact that Pelone was lost, and one sentence read: 'He who shall find it again shall be richlyrewarded.' But it is not for that that I seek.It is that I may give to the world the treasures it must contain--the treasures of an ancient civilization.""And how do you think the city disappeared?" asked Mr.Titus.
"I do not know.Whether it was destroyed by enemies, whether it was buried under the ashes of a volcano, whether it still exists, deserted and solitary in some valley amid the mountain fastnesses of the Andes, I do not know.But I am certain the city once existed, and it may exist yet, though it may be in dust-covered ruins.That is what I seek to find.See! Here are the tablets telling about it.I got them from an old Peruvian grave."He took from a box two thin sheets of yellow metal.They were covered with curious marks, but Tom and the others could make nothing of them.Only Professor Bumper was able to decipher them.
"And that is the story of the lost city of Pelone --as much as I know," he said."For years I have sought it.If I can find it I shall be famous, for I shall have added to human knowledge.""If the people of that city wrote on golden tablets, the yellow metal must have been plentiful," commented Mr.Titus."You might strike a rich mine.""I have no use for riches," said the professor.
"Well, I have," the contractor said, with a laugh."That's why I'm putting through this tunnel.And if my brother and I don't do it we'll be in a bad way financially.We have struck traces of gold, but not in paying quantities.I should like to see this lost city of yours, Professor Bumper.It may contain gold.""You may have all the gold, if I am allowed to keep the antiquities we find," stipulated the scientist."Then you will help me in my search?""As much as we can spare time for from the tunnel work," promised Mr.Titus."I'll instruct my men to keep their eyes open for any sign of ancient writings on the rocks we blast out.""Thank you," said the professor.
The night passed uneventfully enough, if one excepts the mosquitoes which seemed to get through the nets, making life miserable for all.And once Tom thought he heard gruntings in the bush back of the tent, whichnoises might, he imagined, have been caused by a bear.Toward morning he heard an unearthly screech in the woods, and one of the Indians, tending the fire, grunted out a word which meant pumas.
"I can see it isn't going to be dull here," Tom mused, as he turned over and tried to sleep.
Breakfast made them all feel better, and they set off on the final stage of their journey.
"If all goes well we'll be at the tunnel entrance and camp to-night," said the contractor."This second half of the trip is the roughest."There was no need of saying that, for it was perfectly evident.The trail was a most precarious one, and only a mule or llama could have traveled it.The mules were most sure-footed, but, as it was, one slipped, and came near falling over a cliff.
But no real accident occurred, and finally, about an hour before sunset, the cavalcade turned down the slope and emerged on a level plain, which ended against the face of a great cliff.
As Tom rode nearer the cliff he could make out around it groups of rude buildings, covered with corrugated iron.There was quite a settlement it seemed.
Then, in the face of the cliff there showed something black--like a blot of ink, though more regular in outline.
"The mouth of the tunnel," said Mr.Titus to Tom."Come on over to the office and I'll introduce you to my brother.I guess he will be glad we've arrived."Tom dismounted from his mule, an example followed by the others.Professor Bumper gazed up at the great mountains and murmured:
"I wonder if the lost city of Pelone lies among them?"Suddenly the silence of the evening was broken by a dull, rumbling sound.
"Bless my court plaster!" cried Mr.Damon."What's that?""A blast," answered Mr.Titus."But I never knew them to set off one so late before.I hope nothing is wrong!"And, as he spoke, panic-stricken men began running out of the mouth of the tunnel, while those outside hastened toward them, shouting andcalling.