"You look a very pretty figure, Walter," Geoffrey said, "and will be able to hold your own among the young gallants of the court.If you lack somewhat of courtly manners it will matter not at all, since you are leaving so soon for the wars.
The dress sets off your figure, which is fully two years in advance of your age, seeing that hard work has widened you out and thickened your muscles.
I need not tell you, lad, not to be quarrelsome, for that was never your way; but just at first your companions may try some jests with you, as is always the manner of young men with newcomers, but take them in a good spirit and be sure that, seeing the strength of arm and skill which you showed yesterday and the day before, none will care to push matters with you unduly."One of the journeymen accompanied Walter to Westminster to carry up from the boat the valise with his clothes and the armour which he had worn in the sports.Sir Walter received the lad with much kindness and introduced him to his future companions.They were five in number; the eldest was a man of some thirty years old, a Hainaulter, who had accompanied Sir Walter Manny to England at the time when the latter first came over as a young squire in the suite of the Princess Philippa.He was devotedly attached to the knight, his master, and although he might several times have received the rank of knighthood for his bravery in the field, he preferred remaining in his position as esquire and faithful friend of his master.
The other four were between the ages of nineteen and twenty-one, and all belonged to the families of the highest nobility of England, it being deemed a distinguished honour to be received as a squire by the most gallant knight at the court of England.Their duties were, as Walter soon learned, almost nominal, these being discharged almost exclusively by John Mervaux.Two of the young esquires, Richard Coningsby and Edward Clifford, had fought in the melee, having been among the ten leaders under Clarence Aylmer.They bore no malice for the defeat, but received Walter with cordiality and kindness, as did the other young men.Walter on his arrival acquainted the knight with Ralph's wish to follow him, and requested permission for him to do so.This was readily granted, Sir Walter Manny telling the lad that although esquires were supposed to wait entirely upon themselves, to groom their horses, and keep their armour and arms bright and in good order, yet, in point of fact, young men of good families had the greater part of these duties performed for them by a retainer who rode in the ranks of their master's following as a man-at-arms.