Listen,friend,and I will tell you Why I sometimes seem so glad,Then,without a reason changing,Soon become so grave and sad.
Half my life I live a beggar,Ragged,helpless,and alone;But the other half a monarch,With my courtiers round my throne.
Half my life is full of sorrow,Half of joy,still fresh and new;One of these lives is a fancy,But the other one is true.
While I live and feast on gladness,Still I feel the thought remain,This must soon end,--nearer,nearer Comes the life of grief and pain.
While I live a wretched beggar,One bright hope my lot can cheer;Soon,soon,thou shalt have thy kingdom,Brighter hours are drawing near.
So you see my life is twofold,Half a pleasure,half a grief;Thus all joy is somewhat tempered,And all sorrow finds relief.
Which,you ask me,is the real life,Which the Dream--the joy,or woe?
Hush,friend!it is little matter,And,indeed--I never know.