第1章 Little Sister(1)
"And could another child-world be my share,I'd be a Little Sister there."Have I got a Little Sister anywhere in this house?"inquired Laddie at the door,in his most coaxing voice.
"Yes sir,"I answered,dropping the trousers I was making for Hezekiah,my pet bluejay,and running as fast as I could.There was no telling what minute May might take it into her head that she was a little sister and reach him first.Maybe he wanted me to do something for him,and I loved to wait on Laddie.
"Ask mother if you may go with me a while."
"Mother doesn't care where I am,if I come when the supper bell rings.""All right!"said Laddie.
He led the way around the house,sat on the front step and took me between his knees.
"Oh,is it going to be a secret?"I cried.
Secrets with Laddie were the greatest joy in life.He was so big and so handsome.He was so much nicer than any one else in our family,or among our friends,that to share his secrets,run his errands,and love him blindly was the greatest happiness.
Sometimes I disobeyed father and mother;I minded Laddie like his right hand.
"The biggest secret yet,"he said gravely.
"Tell quick!"I begged,holding my ear to his lips.
"Not so fast!"said Laddie."Not so fast!I have doubts about this.I don't know that I should send you.Possibly you can't find the way.You may be afraid.Above all,there is never to be a whisper.Not to any one!Do you understand?""What's the matter?"I asked.
"Something serious,"said Laddie."You see,I expected to have an hour or two for myself this afternoon,so I made an engagement to spend the time with a Fairy Princess in our Big Woods.Father and I broke the reaper taking it from the shed just now and you know how he is about Fairies."I did know how he was about Fairies.He hadn't a particle of patience with them.A Princess would be the Queen's daughter.
My father's people were English,and I had heard enough talk to understand that.I was almost wild with excitement.
"Tell me the secret,hurry!"I cried.
"It's just this,"he said."It took me a long time to coax the Princess into our Big Woods.I had to fix a throne for her to sit on;spread a Magic Carpet for her feet,and build a wall to screen her.Now,what is she going to think if I'm not there to welcome her when she comes?She promised to show me how to make sunshine on dark days.""Tell father and he can have Leon help him."
"But it is a secret with the Princess,and it's HERS as much as mine.If I tell,she may not like it,and then she won't make me her Prince and send me on her errands.""Then you don't dare tell a breath,"I said.
"Will you go in my place,and carry her a letter to explain why I'm not coming,Little Sister?""Of course!"I said stoutly,and then my heart turned right over;for I never had been in our Big Woods alone,and neither mother nor father wanted me to go.Passing Gypsies sometimes laid down the fence and went there to camp.Father thought all the wolves and wildcats were gone,he hadn't seen any in years,but every once in a while some one said they had,and he was not quite sure yet.And that wasn't the beginning of it.Paddy Ryan had come back from the war wrong in his head.He wore his old army overcoat summer and winter,slept on the ground,and ate whatever he could find.Once Laddie and Leon,hunting squirrels to make broth for mother on one of her bad days,saw him in our Big Woods and he was eating SNAKES.If I found Pat Ryan eating a snake,it would frighten me so I would stand still and let him eat me,if he wanted to,and perhaps he wasn't too crazy to see how plump Iwas.I seemed to see swarthy,dark faces,big,sleek cats dropping from limbs,and Paddy Ryan's matted gray hair,the flying rags of the old blue coat,and a snake in his hands.
Laddie was slipping the letter into my apron pocket.My knees threatened to let me down.
"Must I lift the leaves and hunt for her,or will she come to me?"I wavered.
"That's the biggest secret of all,"said Laddie."Since the Princess entered them,our woods are Enchanted,and there is no telling what wonderful things may happen any minute.One of them is this:whenever the Princess comes there,she grows in size until she is as big as,say our Sally,and she fills all the place with glory,until you are so blinded you scarcely can see her face.""What is she like,Laddie?"I questioned,so filled with awe and interest,that fear was forgotten.
"She is taller than Sally,"said Laddie."Her face is oval,and her cheeks are bright.Her eyes are big moonlit pools of darkness,and silken curls fall over her shoulders.One hair is strong enough for a lifeline that will draw a drowning man ashore,or strangle an unhappy one.But you will not see her.
I'm purposely sending you early,so you can do what you are told and come back to me before she even reaches the woods.""What am I to do,Laddie?"
"You must put one hand in your apron pocket and take the letter in it,and as long as you hold it tight,nothing in the world can hurt you.Go out our lane to the Big Woods,climb the gate and walk straight back the wagon road to the water.When you reach that,you must turn to your right and go toward Hoods'until you come to the pawpaw thicket.Go around that,look ahead,and you'll see the biggest beech tree you ever saw.You know a beech,don't you?""Of course I do,"I said indignantly."Father taught me beech with the other trees.""Well then,"said Laddie,"straight before you will be a purple beech,and under it is the throne of the Princess,the Magic Carpet,and the walls I made.Among the beech roots there is a stone hidden with moss.Roll the stone back and there will be a piece of bark.Lift that,lay the letter in the box you'll find,and scamper to me like flying.I'll be at the barn with father.""Is that all?"