第174章 21st September,1839
To the Rev.G.Browne (ENDORSED:recd.Oct.7,1839)CADIZ,SEPR.21[1839].
REVD.AND DEAR SIR AND EXCELLENT FRIEND,-I arrived at Cadiz this morning by a small coasting-vessel,after undergoing a quarantine of four days at Tarifa.On calling at Mr.Brackenbury's I received your kind communication of the 29th July,acquainting me with the resolution of the Committee.
Had I been aware of that resolution before my departure for Tangiers,I certainly should not have gone.My expedition,however,was the result of much reflection.I wished to carry the Gospel to the Christians of the Barbary shore who were much in want of it;and I had one hundred and thirty Testaments at San Lucar which I could only make available by exportation.The success which it has pleased the Lord to yield me in my humble efforts at distribution in Barbary will,I believe,prove the best criterion as to the fitness of the enterprise.
I stated in my last communication to Mr.Brandram the plan which Iconceived to be the best for circulating that portion of the edition of the New Testament which remains unsold at Madrid,and Iscarcely needed a stimulant in the execution of my duty.At present however I know not what to do;I am sorrowful,disappointed,and unstrung.
I wish to return to England as soon as possible;but I have books and papers at Madrid which are of much importance to me and which Icannot abandon.This perhaps alone prevents me embarking in the next packet.I have moreover brought with me from Tangiers the Jewish youth who so powerfully assisted me in that place in the work of distribution.I had hoped to have made him of service in Spain;he is virtuous and clever.My servant Antonio I was compelled to send back to Madrid ere my departure from Seville on account of his many irregularities.
I am almost tempted to ask whether some strange,some unaccountable delusion does not exist.What should induce me to stay in Spain,as you appear to suppose I intend?I may,however,have misunderstood you.I wish to receive a fresh communication as soon as possible either from yourself or Mr.Brandram;in the meantime Ishall go to Seville,to which place and to the usual number pray direct.
I enclose the last letter which I received from the firm of O'Shea,from which it will appear that I received [word missing]thirty of the fifty pounds drawn for:the residue covers the expenses at Madrid,of which I defray one-half,the books being deposited at my lodgings.I shall shortly send in my account for the last four months.Pray present my kind remembrances to Mrs.B.and believe me to remain,Revd.and dear Sir,Ever truly yours,G.B.
P.S.-Best regards also to Messrs.Brandram and Jowett.
I have this moment received a letter from Seville,which was awaiting my arrival at the post office.The British consul states that the Bibles in embargo there are at the disposal of the Society;this is the work of my friend Mr.Southern at Madrid,for had he not exerted his powerful interest in the matter they were lost,and could not even have been exported.To whom shall I send them?To Gibraltar,or to England?