Tom Swift acted promptly, for he realized the necessity.The events that had hedged him about since he had begun work on his giant cannon made him suspicious.He did not quite know whom to suspect, nor the reasons for their actions, but he had been on the alert for several days, and was now ready to act.
The instant Ned answered as he did, and warned Tom, the young inventor slid his hand under his pillow and pressed an auxiliary electric switch he had concealed there.In a moment the rooms were flooded with a bright light, and the two lads had a momentary glimpse of an intruder making a dive for the window.
"There he is, Tom!" cried Ned.
"What do you want?" demanded Tom, instinctively.But the intruder did not stay to answer.
Instead, he made a dive for the casement.It was one story above the ground, but this did not cause him any hesitation.It was summer, and the window was open, though a wire mosquito net barred the aperture.This was no hindrance to the man, however.
As Ned and Tom leaped from their beds, Ned catching up the heavy, empty water pitcher as a weapon, and Tom an old Indian war club that served as one of the ornaments of his room, the fellow, with one kick, burst the screen.
Then, clambering out on the sill, he dropped from sight, the boys hearing him land with a thud on the turf below.It was no great leap, though the fall must have jarred him considerably, for the boys heard him grunt, and then groan as if in pain.
"Quick!" cried Ned."Ring the bell for Koku, Ned.I want to capture this fellow if possible.""Who is he?" asked Ned.
"I don't know, but we'll see if we can size him up.Signal for the giant!"There was an electric bell from Tom's room to the apartment of his big servant, and a speaking tube as well.While Ned was pressing the button, and hastily telling the giant what had happened, urging him to get in pursuit of the intruder, Tom had taken from his bureau a powerful, portable, electric flash lamp, of the same variety as that used by the would-be thief.Only Tom's was provided with a tungsten filament, which gave a glaring white pencil of light, increased by reflectors.
And in this glare the young inventor saw, speeding away over the lawn, the form of a big man.
"There he goes, Ned!" he shouted.
"So I see.Koku will be right on the job.I told him not to dress.Can you make out who the fellow is?""No, his back is toward us.But he's limping, all right.I guess that jump jarred him up a bit.Where is Koku?""There he goes now!" exclaimed Ned, as a figure leaped from the side door of the house--a gigantic figure, scantily clad.
"Get to him, Koku!" cried Tom.
"Me git, Master!" was the reply, and the giant sped on.
"Let's go out and lend a hand!" suggested Ned, looking at the water pitcher as though wondering what he had intended to do with it.
"I'm with you," agreed Tom."Only I want to get into something a little more substantial than my pajamas."As the two lads hurriedly slipped on some clothing they heard the voice of Mr.Swift calling:
"What is it, Tom? Has anything happened?""Nothing much," was the reassuring answer."It was a near- happening, only Ned woke up in time.Someone was in our rooms--a burglar, I guess." "A burglar! Good land a massy!" cried Eradicate, who had also gottenup to see what the excitement was about."Did you cotch him, Massa Tom?""No, Rad; but Koku is after him."
"Koku? Huh, he nebber cotch anybody.I'se got t' git out dere mahse'f! Koku? Hu! I s'pects it's dat no-'count cousin ob mine, arter mah chickens ag'in! I'll lambaste dat coon when I gits him, so I will.I'll cotch him foryo'-all, Massa Tom," and, muttering to himself, the aged colored man endeavored to assume the activity of former years.
"Hark!" exclaimed Ned, as he and Tom were about ready to take part in the chase."What's that noise, Tom?""Sounds like a motor-cycle." "It is.That fellow--""It's the same chap!" interrupted Tom."No use trying to chase him on that speedy machine.He's a mile away from here by now.He must have had it in waiting, ready for use.But come on, anyhow.""Where are you going?"
"Out to the shop.I want to see if he got in there." "But the charged wires?""He may have cut them.Come on."
It was as Tom had suspected.The deadly, charged wires, that formed a protecting cordon about his shops, had been cut, and that by an experienced hand, probably by someone wearing rubber gloves, who must have come prepared for that very purpose.During the night the current was supplied to the wires from a storage battery, through an intensifying coil, so that the charge was only a little less deadly than when coming direct from a dynamo.
"This looks bad, Tom," said Ned.
"It does, but wait until we get inside and look around.I'm glad I took my gun-plans to the house with me."But a quick survey of the shop did not reveal any damage done, nor had anything been taken, as far as Tom could tell.The office of his main shop was pretty well upset, and it looked as though the intruder had made a search for something, and, not finding it, had entered the house.
"It was the gun-plans he was after, all right," decided Tom."And I believe it was the same fellow who has been making trouble for me right along.""You mean General Waller?"