Paralinguistic Features of Language
Good morning, everyone. Today we’ll continue our discussion on describing language. Last week we examined such features of...of language as grammar, vocabulary, the sounds of language, etc. In this lecture, we’ll look at another important aspect of language. Perhaps some of you may wonder what is this important aspect of language. Let me tell you. It refers to features of communication that takes place without the use of grammar or vocabulary. They are called“paralinguistic features of language”. These features fall into two broad categories: those that involve the voice and those that involve the body.
Now, the first category, is what we call vocal paralinguistic features.[1]Vocal features are actually tones of voice. While they are, perhaps, not central to meaning in communication in the same way as grammar or vocabulary, they may, nevertheless, convey attitude or intention in some way. Let me give you some examples. The first is whispering, which indicates the need for secrecy. The second is [2] breathiness. This is to show deep emotion. [3] The third is huskiness, which is to show unimportance. [4] The fourth is nasality. This, um, is to indicate anxiety. [5] The last is extra lip-rounding, which expresses greater intimacy, especially with babies, for example. So we can see that there are a number of ways of altering our tone of voice. And when we do this consciously, we do it to create different effects in communication.
Now, let’s come to the second category, physical paralinguistic features, which involves the body. In addition to conveying meanings with tone of voice, we can also express our intention through the ways in which we use our bodies. You may ask: What are the ways, then? Let me cite some brief examples. The expression on our face, the gestures we make and even proximity or way we sit, are some of the ways we send powerful messages about how we feel, or what we mean. Let me explain some of these in more detail. First, facial expression. Facial expression is a powerful conveyer of meaning. [6] We all know smiling is an almost universal signal of pleasure or welcome. But there are other facial expressions that may not be so common. [7] For instance, raising eyebrows suggest that you are surprised or interested in something. [8] Other facial actions, such as biting your lip, which indicates that you are deep in thinking, or are uncertain about something; compressing the lips, which show that you are making decisions; and a visible clenching of the teeth to show that you are angry, are all powerful conveyers of meaning, too.
The second in this category is gesture. You see, we use gesture to indicate a wide range of meanings, though I have to emphasize that the actual gestures we use may be specific to particular cultures. That is to say, different cultures have their own favorite gestures in conveying meaning. Here, a few examples may show you how powerful gestures can be. [9] In British English behavior, shrugging shoulders may indicate an attitude of“I don’t care”, or“I don’t know”. Crossing your arms may indicate relaxation. But it can also powerfully show you are bored. [10] Waving can mean welcome and farewell while scratching your head may indicate that you are at a loss. [11] In other cultures, placing your hand upon your heart is to indicate that you are telling the truth. Pointing your finger at your nose means it’s a secret. That’s why we say that gestures are culture-bound.
The third is proximity, posture and echoing. Proximity refers to the physical distance between speakers. This can indicate a number of things and can also be used to consciously send messages about intent. Closeness, for example, indicates intimacy or threat to many speakers.[12]But distance may show formality, or lack of interest. Once again, I’d like to say, proximity is also both a matter of personal style, and is often culture-bound. So, what may seem normal to a speaker from one culture may appear unnecessarily close or distant to a speaker from another.[13]And standing close to someone may be quite appropriate in some situations such as an informal party, but completely out of place in other situations, such as a meeting with a superior. Next, posture. Posture means the way in which someone holds his or her body, especially the back, shoulders and head, when standing, walking or sitting. A few examples. [14] Hunched shoulders and a hanging head give a powerful indication of whether the person is happy or not. A lowered head when speaking to a superior, with or without eye contact can convey the appropriate relationship in some cultures. On the other hand, direct level eye contact, changes the nature of the interaction, and can be seen as either open or challenging. Last, echoing. Now, what is echoing? Let me start with an example. Some of you may have noticed this phenomenon in your experience. [15] When two people are keen to agree with each other, they would likely, though unconsciously, adopt the same posture, as if an imitation of each other. They sit or stand in the same manner. When used in this way, echoing appears to complement the verbal communication. Of course, when such imitation is carried out consciously, it often indicates that someone is mocking at another speaker.
OK, in today’s lecture, we looked at some paralinguistic features, such as tone of voice, gesture and posture. These features, together with linguistic features of language, like grammar, or vocabulary, are all part of the way we communicate with each other in face-to-face encounters. In our next lecture, we’ll watch some video material, and see how people actually use paralinguistic means in communication to express their intention or desire or mood.
2 Categories
I. Vocal features: tones of voice&convey attitude or intention e.g.:
1) whispering: the need for secrecy
2) breathiness: deep emotion
3) huskiness: unimportance
4) nasality: anxiety
5) extra lip-rounding: greater intimacy
II. Physical features: involve the body
1) facial expression: powerful conveyer of meaning e.g.:
—smiling: universal signal of pleasure or welcome
—raising eyebrows: surprised or interested
—biting your lip: deep in thinking or uncertain about something
—compressing lips: make decisions
—clenching teeth: angry
2) gesture: specific to particular cultures
—British culture:
①shrugging shoulders: “I don’t Care.”or“I don’t know.”
②crossing arms: relaxa-tion or bored
③waving: welcome&farewell
④scratching head: at a loss
—other cultures:
①placing hand upon heart: tell the truth
②pointing finger at nose: it’s a secret
3) proximity, posture&echoing
—physical distance e.g.:
①closeness: intimacy, threat
②distance: formality, lack of interest
It is a personal style&culture-bound. Standing close is appropriate in situations of informal party, but not in meeting with a superior.
—posture: the way of holding body e.g.:
①hunched shoulders&a hanging head: happy or not
②a lowered head, eye contact: the appro-priate relationship
③direct eye contact: open or challenging
①definition: uncon-sciously adopt the same posture, imita-tion to complement the verbal communi-cation
②conscious imitation: mocking others
III. Conclusion: Paralinguistic fea-tures&linguistic features are all part of the way we communicate with each other.
1. [答案] tones of voice
[考点] 本题的出题点在转折处(while)
[精析] 题干问的是关于声音方面的副语言特征,______是为了表达态度或目的。讲座中提到,语调尽管不是传递信息的主要方式,但在某种程度上可以表达说话者的态度或目的,故得答案tones of voice。
2. [答案] deep emotion
[考点] 本题的出题点在序数词处(second)
[精析] 题干问呼吸声表示什么意思。讲座中说,呼吸声表示深切的情感,所以答案为deep emotion。
3. [答案] huskiness
[考点] 本题的出题点在序数词处(third)
[精析] 题干列举了几个说明声音方面的副语言特征的例子,此处问的是第三个例子,即什么语调表达的意义为“不重要”。讲座中提到,第三个就是沙哑的声音,它表现的是某事不重要,故得答案huskiness。
4. [答案] anxiety
[考点] 本题的出题点在序数词处(fourth)
[精析] 题干问的是鼻音表达的是什么意思。此处问的是第四个例子。讲座中提到,第四个就是鼻音,它表示的是焦虑(The fourth is nasality. This, um, is to indicate anxiety),所以答案为anxiety。
5. [答案] extra lip-rounding
[考点] 本题的出题点在表示排序的词汇上(the last)
[精析] 题干问的是______表达的意思是更亲密的关系。此处问的是第五个例子,也是声音方面的副语言特征的最后一个例子。讲座中提到The last is extra lip-rounding, which expresses greater intimacy,所以答案为extra lip-rounding。
6. [答案] universal expression
[考点] 本题考查细节
[精析] 题干问的是微笑属于一种______面部表情。讲座中提到,众所周知,微笑几乎被普遍认为是一种表达愉悦或欢迎的信号。直接听到的答案是universal signal,但这里要与下一句中的“其他没有那么普遍的表情”相对应,故得答案universal expression。
7. [答案] surprise or interest
[考点] 本题考查细节
[精析] 题干问的是挑眉表示什么。讲座中提到,例如,挑眉表明你对某些事情感到惊讶或感兴趣(raising eyebrows suggest that you are surprised or interested in something),所以答案为surprise or interest。
8. [答案] thinking/contemplation or uncertainty
[考点] 本题的出题点在举例处(such as)
[精析] 题干问咬嘴唇这个动作所表达的含义是______。讲座中提到,咬嘴唇表示你在深思或是你对某些事不确定,故得答案thinking or uncertainty contemplation or uncertainty。
9. [答案] indifference
[考点] 本题的出题点在专有名词处(British English)
[精析] 题干问在英国文化里,耸肩表示______。讲座中提到,在英式行为语言中,耸肩可能意味着一种“我不在乎”或“我不知道”的态度。直接听到的答案是an attitude of“I don’t know”or“I don’t care”,但题干要求不超过3个单词,根据理解应该是一种“冷漠,不关心”的态度,故得答案indifference。
10. [答案] puzzlement
[考点] 本题的出题点在专有名词(British English)和细节词(scratching head)处
[精析] 题干问在英国文化里,挠头表示______。讲座中提到,挠头表明不知所措(you are at a loss),和第9题一样,答案总结为一个名词就是puzzlement。
11. [答案] truth-telling/honesty
[考点] 本题考查细节
[精析] 题干问在其他文化里,把手放在心口上表示的意思是______。讲座中提到,在其他文化里,将手放在心口上表明你在说实话。直接得到的答案是you are telling the truth。为跟下文的secret对应,需要填写一个名词,故得答案truth-telling/honesty。
12. [答案] distance
[考点] 本题的出题点在转折处(but)
[精析] 题干问说话人之间的______表明很正式或者说话人没有兴趣。讲座中提到,远距离可能表示很正式或者是没有兴趣(distance may show formality, or lack of interest)。该空与名词closeness对应,故答案为distance。
13. [答案] situation
[考点] 本题考查细节
[精析] 题干问的是接近的距离是一种个人的、文化的和______的特性。讲座中提到,和某人站得近在有些情况下可能是合适的,比如在一般的聚会上。但在像与上级见面这种情况下就有些不合适。由此可知,跟人说话的远近还要看场合和情况,故得答案situation。
14. [答案] mood
[考点] 本题出题点在举例处(a few examples)
[精析] 题干问弓着肩膀或耷拉着脑袋暗示______。讲座中提到,弓着肩膀和耷拉着脑袋有力地表明了一个人是否开心。直接听到的答案是whether a person is happy or not,根据常识,开不开心说的是一个人的心情,故得答案mood。
15. [答案] unconscious imitation
[考点] 本题考查细节
[精析] 题干问的是______能在交流中有所帮助。讲座中提到,当两个人强烈地想表示赞同对方时,他们可能会无意识地采用相同的姿势,看起来像是在模仿对方。他们的坐姿和站姿都一样。当采取这种方式时,回应能对语言交流进行补充。其中,this way指的就是无意识地模仿对方这种行为,该空跟下面的conscious imitation对应,故得答案unconscious imitation。讲座中的complement与题干中的aid同义。
(I=Interviewer; J=Dr. James Johnson)
I: The word“diversity”has become a clichéin the United States today. It seems to me that nowadays Americanscannot turn on the television or read a newspaper without seeing the word pop up somewhere as a description of American demographic. [1] Then what is this diversity in the US? Today we are very pleased to have Dr. James Johnson here on our talk show. Welcome, Dr. Johnson.
J: Thanks.
I: Dr. Johnson, we know you have done an extensive research on diversity. So what is...how do you define diversity in the American context?
J: Well, at one time, the US was called“a melting pot”, you know, which means that people of many different religions, cultures and races could shed their traditional cultural identities and blend into one homogeneous nation.
I: Am I right in saying that [2] a melting pot would emphasize the idea of all in one or being the same?
J: [2] Yes, you may say so. Um, of course, when the phrase“melting pot”was popular, there was also the idea of being different. But being different then simply meant Catholic as opposed to Protestant, or Irish as opposed to Swedish or Italian.
I: Has the idea of being different changed over the years?
J: Yes, of course. [3] You see, today we use the word“diversity”to refer to more visible ethnic differences—Asian American, African American and Latino, for instance. [4] And religious diversity refers to a variety of world religions, not merely different branches of Christianity.
I: [5] And now is America as a whole truly diverse?
J: Well, I think, in all this talk of diversity, there is a critical point that may be missed. That is, diversity is not occurring everywhere in the US, or at least not to a degree that would alter the demography of every region in the country.
I: Oh, really?
J: I can give you an example. Recently, a New York Times article describes the town of Selinsgrove in Pennsylvania. [5] You see, in the last ten years, things have barely changed in that town. The population has dropped by one from 5,384 to 5,383, and the town remains virtually 100%white. The article thus concludes that many portions of the country remain, like Selinsgrove, virtually unchanged on this march towards“diversity”.
1. Which of the following is the topic of the interview?
A. Different religions.
B. Diversity in the US.
C. A melting pot.
D. American demography.
2. What would a melting pot emphasize?
A. Being different.
B. Being popular.
C. Being a US citizen.
D. Being the same.
3. According to Dr. Johnson, what is diversity?
A. Merging of different cultural identities.
B. More emphasis on homogeneity.
C. Embracing of more ethnic differences.
D. Acceptance of more branches of
4. What does religious diversity refer to?
A. Branches of Christianity.
B. Christianity and Catholicism.
C. Buddhism and Christianity.
D. Various religions.
5. What can we learn from the example given by Dr. Johnson?
A. Diversity can not be seen everywhere.
B. Towns are less diverse than large cities.
C. Diversity has become a cliché.
D. America is a truly diverse country.
1. [答案] B
[考点] 本题考查段落主题
[精析] 题干问:这段采访的主题是什么?访谈开头指出Then what is this diversity in the US? Today we are very pleased to have Dr. James Johnson here on our talk show. Welcome, Dr. Johnson. 由此可知,被采访人受邀来的目的就是谈论美国的多样化,故选B。
2. [答案] D
[考点] 本题出题点在解释处
[精析] 题干问:熔炉强调什么?采访者说a melting pot would emphasize the idea of all in one or being the same,并问约翰逊博士他说的是否正确,从下段可知约翰逊博士给出肯定的回答,所以熔炉强调的是同化,故选D。
3. [答案] C
[考点] 本题出题点在阐释性词语(refer to)和举例处(for instance)
[精析] 题干问:根据约翰逊博士所说,多样化是什么?约翰逊博士指出,现在我们用“多样化”这个词来指比较容易辨认出来的民族差异,比如亚裔美国人、非裔美国人和拉美人。由此可知,约翰逊博士认为多样化就是接受更多不同民族的差异,故选C。
4. [答案] D
[考点] 本题出题点在解释处
[精析] 题干问:宗教多样化指的是什么?约翰逊博士说And religious diversity refers to a variety of world religions, not merely different branches of Christianity. 由此可知,宗教多样化指的是宗教的整体,而不是指某一种或某几种宗教,故选D。
5. [答案] A
[考点] 本题出题点在解释处(that is)
[精析] 题干问:从约翰逊博士给出的例子,我们可以了解到什么?约翰逊博士总结例子说You see, in the last ten years, things have barely changed in that town. 上文中主持人问博士,现在美国是不是整体上都存在多样化现象。博士回答说,不是美国的所有地区都存在多样化现象,或者至少说多样化程度还没有达到能改变每个地区的人口结构的程度,故选A。
(I=Interviewer; J=Dr. James Johnson)
I: So regions vary in terms of the degree and types of diversity?
J: That’s correct. [6] Let’s say there are 3 types of diversity in the US and they differ from region to region.
I: Could you elaborate on that?
J: OK. The first is racial diversity. States with the most racially diverse populations stand in stark contrast to those with the least racially diverse populations. Um, let’s look at two states, California and Maine. From 1990 to 2000, California’s Caucasian population—meaning non-Hispanic whites—declined from 57%to 48%. [7] By 2025, it is predicted, that figure will drop to just 34%, which indicates the future change in the racial composition of California. On the contrary, Maine’s Caucasian population was 98%of its total population throughout the 1990s. And by 2025, Maine’s population will still be 97%Caucasian, which means virtually no change in Maine’s racial diversity over the next 20 or so years.
I: This shows that racial diversity is not occurring everywhere. Then what about other types of diversity?
J: Right. The second type of diversity is age diversity. And there’re some interesting age gaps developing between states. For example, there is a large gap between the average age of the 5 states with the youngest populations, and the 5 states with the oldest populations. This, of course, is well-known. What is less discussed is the difference between the racial makeup of younger and older populations. [8] Most of the populations having the greatest racial diversity are younger on average than the populations with greater Caucasian representation. It is also well-known that Caucasians tend to be more affluent than other ethnic groups on average. In our pay-as-you-go social security system, workers are taxed to pay the benefit of retirees. So this could lead to a future where wealth is systematically redistributed from younger, poorer minorities to older, wealthier whites.
I: This is a very interesting point. Then what is the third type of diversity in the US?
J: The third is religious diversity. Immigration from India, Pakistan and the Middle East brought radically increased numbers of Hindus and Muslims to the US. And Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese and other Asian immigrants increased the numbers of Buddhists.
I: Oh, I see.
J: [9] But the point is that these religions didn’t settle everywhere. They settled mainly in California and major northeastern and mid-western cities, such as New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and Minneapolis. From 1990 to 2000, the number of Muslims in New York City grew from 600,000 to nearly 1 million. In the Los Angeles area, there are now more than 300 Buddhist temples.
I: [10] So we see that many parts of the US are truly becoming more diverse, while at the same time others are essentially remaining the same in terms of race, age and religion.
J: Yes, that is true.
I: OK, Dr. Johnson. Thank you very much for coming on the show and talking to us.
J: My pleasure.
6. According to Dr. Johnson, how many types of diversity are there in the US?
A. Three.
B. Four.
C. Five.
D. Six.
7. Which place will witness a radical change in its racial makeup by 2025?
A. Maine.
B. Selinsgrove.
C. Philadelphia.
D. California.
8. What does Dr. Johnson indicate about age diversity?
A. Greater racial diversity exists among younger populations.
B. Both older and younger populations are racially diverse.
C. Age diversity could lead to pension problems.
D. Older populations are more racially diverse.
9. According to the interview, what is the situation of religious diversity?
A. It was most evident between 1990 and 2000.
B. It exists among Muslim immigrants.
C. It is restricted to certain places in the US.
D. It is spreading to more parts of the country.
10. What can we learn from the interview about the degree of diversity in the US?
A. Age gaps develop between states.
B. Some places are more diverse than others.
C. Asian immigrants increased the numbers of Buddhists.
D. There is no change in California’s Caucasian population over the next 20 or so years.
6. [答案] A
[考点] 本题出题点在数字处
[精析] 题干问:根据约翰逊博士所说,在美国多样化有几种?在采访开篇处,约翰逊博士说Let’s say there are 3 types of diversity in the US and they differ from region to region. 由此可知,有三种多样化,故选A。
7. [答案] D
[考点] 本题出题点在时间信息处
[精析] 题干问:下面哪个地方,在2025年种族构成将会发生巨变?对话中指出,据预测,到2025年,加利福尼亚的白人数量将下降到34%,这表明加利福尼亚将来的民族构成将发生剧烈的变化,故选D。
8. [答案] A
[考点] 本题出题点在比较处(than)
[精析] 题干问:关于年龄多样化,约翰逊博士指出了什么?对话中提到,总体上说,与白人占多数的人口群体相比,种族多样化的现象最为明显的群体平均年龄更小,故选A。
9. [答案] C
[考点] 本题出题点在转折处(but)
[精析] 题干问:根据这次采访,宗教多样化的状况是什么样?约翰逊博士提到,宗教的多样化并不是每个地方都有,主要发生在加利福尼亚及美国东北部和中西部城市。由此可知,美国的宗教多样化仅局限在美国的一些地区,故选C。
10. [答案] B
[考点] 本题出题点在结尾处
[精析] 题干问:关于美国多样化的程度,从采访中我们能了解到什么?主持人说So we see that many parts of the US are truly becoming more diverse, while at the same time others are essentially remaining the same in terms of race, age and religion. 由此可见,在美国,一些地方比其他地方更具有多样化的特点。
cliche n. 陈词滥调
pop up突然出现
demographic n. 人口统计
homogeneous adj. 同种的,同类的
elaborate on详细说明
affluent adj. 富裕的
11. [答案] A
[考点] 本题考查细节
[精析] 文章第二段第一句话就指出,那里的人力车不是用来拉载游客的。因此,选项A中所描述的拉载这个城市的外国游客不是人力车的用途,故选A。选项B、C、D中的接送孩子上下学、为商店运载货物和拉送短途乘客都在第二段中提及。
12. [答案] C
[考点] 本题考查对细节的综合归纳
[精析] 文章第四段从不同方面介绍了加尔各答人力车夫的生活情况,首先是这些车夫来自印度最贫困的比哈尔州。然后介绍了他们居住的地方,他们睡在自己的黄包车里或街道上,稍微好点的可以睡在一间由车库、修理店和集体宿舍结合成的小屋子里,但车夫每个月需要支付相当于2.5美元的100卢比。虽然这看起来是个不错的交易,但作者进行了细算,每天人力车夫的总收入大概是100~150卢比,但每天要支付20卢比的租车费。偶尔还会因为进入了人力车禁止进入的街道被警察抓到而需要支付75卢比或更多的罚款。2003年的一份调查发现,人力车夫是加尔各答收入最低的行业,他们只比捡垃圾的和乞丐稍好一点。从人力车夫的居住环境和收入可以看出他们在加尔各答的生活水平很低,故选C。
13. [答案] A
[考点] 本题出题点在because处
[精析] 文章第五段提到,加尔各答有一部分人,特别是有学识的人和政治意识强的人,他们不坐人力车。然后解释说,因为他们对一个人拉着另一个人的方式感到反感,或者他们认为这不是他们这种身份的人应该做的事情,或者他们把人力车看作殖民主义的遗俗。但是具有讽刺意味的是,他们中的一些人并不热衷于禁止人力车这个行业。由此可见,那些有学识的人和政治意识强的人对人力车现象持有复杂的情感,故选A。
rickshaw n. 人力车
haul vi. 拖,拉
backpacker n. 背包旅行者
a notch above the other比其他人略胜一筹
canopy n. 顶棚
hyperbole n. 夸张法
stray adj. 流浪的
customer base客户群
ragpicker n. 捡破烂的人
demeaning adj. 卑微的
be resigned to听天由命
imminent adj. 迫近的
clout n. 权力
clog vt. 阻塞
supplant vt. 代替
conveyance n. 运输工具
rehabilitate vt. 使改善
14. [答案] A
[考点] 本题考查多处细节,需一一对应原文进行排除
[精析] 文章第五段提到了一个NBA球员的话。这个例子是用来说明现在人们对排队的误解,而不是说明插队的,故选A。文章第四段提到的在游乐园的金闪光通行卡,第三段提到的机场头等舱乘客以及第六段提到的花钱买位置都是插队的例子。
15. [答案] D
[考点] 本题出题点在举例处
[精析] 文章第七段指出,一些半平民主义的政客看出了和普通人一起排队的政治价值,即他们认为排队对他们是有好处的。之后举了两个例子——费城市长和纽约市长故作姿态排队的例子,对第一句话提出的观点加以说明。作者在叙述他们排队的经历时都以揶揄的方式揭露了他们排队中的虚假行为。由此可以推断,政客们在为了自己的好处而充分利用排队,故选D。
16. [答案] C
[考点] 本题考查对细节的推测
[精析] 文章倒数第二段指出,整个社会似乎正分裂为两个群体:一组是达官显贵,他们从不排队;另一组是非常没有耐心的人,他们只能不开心地排队。题目中的the latter group指的就是只能不开心地排队的人,并根据最后一段最后一句可知,这些人能做的只能是排队,故选C。
17. [答案] D
[考点] 本题考查作者的写作态度
[精析] 文章第二段的average和poor与wealthy形成对比,以及第三至六段的富人优先接受服务的例子表明了作者对这种用钱买优先权的做法的嘲讽。第七段更是以揶揄的方式揭露了为获取政治资本而虚假排队的半平民主义政治家的行径。最后作者暗自嘲讽说“整个社会似乎正分裂为两个群体:一组是达官显贵,他们从不排队;另一组是非常没有耐心的人,他们只能不开心地排队。对于我们这些属于后一个群体的人来说——被打发在经济舱,没有闪光通行卡,太穷或太守规矩而不花钱找占位的人——我们该怎么办?”这里更加显示出作者的无奈和自嘲口吻,故选D。
resemble vt. 类似
disembark vi. 着陆
unwashed adj. 不洁的
haplessly adv. 不幸地
bemused adj. 困惑的
chuckle n. 轻声笑
stand-in n. 替身
official business公务
motorcade n. 车队
amnesty n. 特赦
integrity n. 正直
unaffiliated adj. 独立的
coveted adj. 梦寐以求的
savvy adj. 精明的
be adept at擅长
cleave vi. 裂开
consign to交付给
bereft adj. 失去的,被剥夺的
18. [答案] A
[考点] 本题出题点在对比处(just as)
[精析] 文章第一段第二句话的后半部分指出,在这薄薄的大理石层下都是钢筋和混凝土。然后用just as解释道:正如奢华无度靠的是数以百万计的金钱,这种交换关系渗透进最后那半个便士里。作者将the thin marble比喻为the careless luxury,而把concrete and steel比作pence,这表现出了外表的浮华与真实的商业之间的对照,故选A。
19. [答案] C
[考点] 本题考查多处细节,需一一定位至原文进行排查
[精析] 选项A中的...turned Babylonian出现在第一段第一句话,与其并列的是gone mad,由此能看出...turned Babylonian是具有批判意义的。选项B中的a new barbarism出现在第二句话,barbarism并没有与前面的civilization并列,推测应是对立关系,故也有批判意味。barbarism意思是“野蛮”。选项C的acres of white napery出现在第三句话,描述的是茶馆规模庞大,不带有批判的意思,故选C。选项D的balanced to the last halfpenny也出现在第二句话,用来衬托豪华装修背后的商业企图,具有深刻的讽刺意味,所以也应予以排除。
20. [答案] B
[考点] 本题考查对细节的理解
[精析] 文章首先描述了茶馆的表面奢华和奢华背后的黑暗,然后指出“蒂尔吉走进的巨大茶馆就是这样,他来这里可不只是享用茶点,还要寻找一切他不熟悉的奢华魅力”。“不熟悉的奢华魅力”意味着蒂尔吉并不知道茶馆富丽堂皇背后的真相,所以本段最后一句“此处就是为他而建的”就表明,茶楼表面的奢华就是吸引像他这样容易受骗的人,故选B。
21. [答案] A
[考点] 本题考查作者的观点态度
[精析] 文章第一段对茶馆外部的描述带有很大的批判性,从gone mad, Babylonian, barbarism, luxury等词可以看出,作者对这种外表浮华的事物的厌恶。第二段继续描写茶馆内部的氛围,店内的奢华和热闹与店外的肮脏和阴冷形成了对比,进一步对茶馆的浮华进行了批判,故选A。
illumination n. 照明
shatter vt. 打碎
crimson adj. 深红色的
citadel n. 城堡
outpost n. 前哨
barbarism n. 野蛮
napery n. 餐桌用布
cauldron n. 大锅
juggle with玩弄
vulgar adj. 粗俗的
entrance hall门廊
bonbon n. 棒棒糖
confectionery n. 糖果店
disdain vt. 不屑于
tremolo n. 颤音
clamour n. 喧闹
sleek adj. 圆滑的
deferentially adv. 谦恭地
22. [答案] A
[考点] 本题出题点在时间状语从句处
[精析] 文章第三段第二句话提到,自从20世纪80年代初期为保护鱼群而实行定量捕鱼制度后,许多个体渔夫将他们的捕鱼配额出售或转送他人。这使得大多数捕鱼权最后都落到了少数捕鱼公司手中,并且新一代都不再从事捕鱼行业了。由此可见,文章并没有提到捕鱼公司数量的增减问题,只提到捕鱼权落到了捕鱼公司手上,故选A。第三句话提到了工作的减少和年轻人的迁移。
23. [答案] A
[考点] 本题考查对细节的推断
[精析] 文章第三段最后一句提到了“要么炼铝,要么灭亡。”第三段首句指出遥远且人口稀少的东部地区,那里的生活状态已经衰落到令人绝望的境地,当地捕鱼的权利大多都落到了几家公司的手中,经济衰退,这个冶炼厂的项目被看作是冰岛经济的最后一次机会,不管到底是否明智。所以,该项目是拯救冰岛经济的最后一根稻草。
24. [答案] C
[考点] 本题考查文章篇章关系
[精析] 文章第四段主要介绍了美铝公司项目合同的签订给冰岛带来的好处。这个项目可以为冰岛地区注入外资,带来400个工作机会和推动服务业的发展。同时,还可以为冰岛开发专业技术,促进冰岛的产业多元化等。这在第三段最后两句话进行过阐释,第三段最后一句话提出,随着旧的生活方式的消失,这个冶炼厂的项目被看作冰岛经济的最后一次机会,不管到底是否明智。“要么炼铝,要么灭亡。”由此可见,第四段就是对冶炼厂带来机会的解释,故选C。
pristine adj. 原始的
bypass vt. 绕过
encumber vt. 拖累
hydroelectric power水力发电
smelter n. 冶炼厂
servitude n. 奴役状态
imprint n. 印记
ostensibly adv. 表面上
sparsely adv. 稀少地
quota n. 配额
allotment n. 分配额
aluminum n. 铝
infuse vt. 注入
spin-off n. 副产品
can-do adj. 肯苦干的
verve n. 气魄
25. [答案] The difficulty of finding a good solution.
[考点] 本题的出题点在文章结尾的直接引语处
[精析] 题干问:从文章结尾的对话我们能推测出什么?市政官员和作者的对话主要是关于一份市政府就如何改善人力车夫的境况而发布的报告。这份报告的发布时间是作者到访的一年前,但当作者问官员采取了什么办法时,官员说还没有决定,甚至连什么时候决定也还没有定。再由前文内容可知,人们对人力车该不该受到限制持有不同观点,这也使政府迟疑,不知采取何种办法。由此可见,找到一个好的解决办法很困难。
26. [答案] Lines are now for most ordinary Americans.
[考点] 本题主要考查对原文细节的理解
[精析] 题干问:在第二段中,美国穷人和富人有何不同?文章第二段第一句话提到,最关键的词是“普通”这个词,因为有钱的美国人在生活中根本不排队。排队曾经最能体现民主体制,如今却迅速沦为那些仍然信奉并践行排队的人的独有职责,而他们大多数都是穷人。由此可见,后两句话都是对第一句的进一步解释说明——排队已经成为普通美国人做的事了。
27. [答案] The caféappealed to most senses simultaneously.
[考点] 本题主要考查对原文细节的理解
[精析] 题干问:作者说“蒂尔吉再一次因茶馆里的所见、所听和所闻兴奋不已”的意思是什么?文章的第一段描述了蒂吉尔所见的茶馆内部奢华的装修和体面的服务,文章第二段的第五、六句描述了茶馆里的乐队演奏,碰杯声、聊天声、喧闹声,带有香味的金色空气及神态高贵的侍者,由此可知茶馆能同时刺激人的多重感观。
28. [答案] A magnet.
[考点] 本题主要考查对原文细节的理解
[精析] 题干问:根据这篇文章,管弦乐队被比喻成什么?第二段的第五句话提到管弦乐队就像磁铁一样吸引了众多女孩,所以管弦乐队在文中被比喻成磁铁。
29. [答案] To describe how crowded the caféwas.
[考点] 本题主要考查对修辞手法的理解
[精析] 题干问:第二段使用“火车站”一词的目的是什么?第二段的第三句话提到茶馆的花岗岩大厅像火车站一样拥挤,所以是把茶馆大厅比喻成火车站,描述茶馆大厅的拥挤程度。
30. [答案] Icelanders view land as something of commercial value.
[考点] 本题的出题点在对比处(rather than)
[精析] 题干问:第一段提到的“蒙娜丽莎”是什么意思?文章第一段最后一句话提到,对于冰岛的岛民来说,那里的土地应该尽量地加以开发利用——他们一直以来都是把土地看作一件商品而不是把它看作像“蒙娜丽莎”那样无价的艺术瑰宝。由此可见,冰岛岛民只是把土地看作具有商业价值的东西。
31. [答案] The project symbolizes an end to the colonial legacies.
[考点] 本题的出题点在语义转折处(but)
[精析] 题干问:那些上了年纪的冰岛拥护者对于美铝公司的这个项目的看法是什么?文章第二段第三句话提到了美铝公司这个项目的拥护者的一些看法。文章提到,这些拥护者有些已经上了年纪,他们对这个国家几个世纪以来经历的苦难更加敏感,虽然国家在1944年已经脱离了这种状态,但是他们仍然对此记忆犹新。由此可见,这些上了年纪的拥护者把美铝公司的项目看作殖民遗留问题结束的标志。
32. [答案] The infusion of foreign capital.
[考点] 本题主要考查对原文细节的理解
[精析] 题干问:什么将使冰岛经济多元化?文章第四段提到,和美铝公司签订的合同会给这个地区注入外资,预计提供400个就业岗位,推动与之相关的副产品服务业的发展。对于冰岛来说,这也是一条发展专业技术的道路,而这些技术很可能还可以卖给世界其他国家,也是一条使一直以来依赖渔业的经济变得多元化的道路,由此可知,外资的注入使冰岛的经济变得多元化。
1. [答案] 在well前加上as
[考点] 本题考查固定搭配
[精析] 根据后文的as判断,这里应该是as...as...结构。文章中as well equipped as...指“每种语言都有完好的系统……”。
2. [答案] their→its
[考点] 本题考查代词
[精析] speakers前的代词指代的应该是every language,应该用单数形式,故改为its。
3. [答案] There→It
[考点] 本题考查代词
[精析] 这里it做的是形式主语。真正的主语是to talk about primitive peoples or cultures。如果用there,该句就缺少主语,故改为it。
4. [答案] Whereas→But
[考点] 本题考查连词的使用
[精析] whereas有“然而,但是,反之”的意思,引导表示对立、相反的状语从句,一般用于像法律等较正式的文体。But表示句意的转折。根据上下文,此处表示转折,故改为But。
5. [答案] further→far/much
[考点] 本题考查形容词比较级的修饰语
[精析] further不可以修饰形容词的比较级。a bit, a little, rather, much, far等可以修饰形容词的比较级。
6. [答案] come→bring
[考点] 本题考查固定短语
[精析] come to light意思是“真相大白,为人所知”,后面不能再接宾语。bring to light意思是“发现,揭露”,后面可以接宾语,故改为bring。此处译为:这个例子并不是要揭露英语的缺点。
7. [答案] similar→different
[考点] 本题考查对篇章的理解
[精析] 根据文章主题和常识,爱斯基摩人和英国人应该是生活在不同的环境中,故改为different。
8. [答案] will→would
[考点] 本题考查时态
[精析] 该句是一个条件状语从句,从句部分用的是一般过去时,主句应该用相应的过去将来时,故改为would。
9. [答案] 去掉as
[考点] 本题考查make作使役动词的用法
[精析] make作使役动词接形容词作宾补的结构为make sth./sb.+adj.。这里应该是make such distinctions important,故去掉as。
10. [答案] 去掉第一个the或第一个the→a
[考点] 本题考查冠词
[精析] 文中“汽车制造或板球成为爱斯基摩人生活的一部分”中的“生活的一部分”是泛指,且在文章中第一次出现,故应用不定冠词。“生活的一部分”也可以不用冠词,故第一个the可去掉或改为a。
Friends who are more familiar and closer can not be too casual and show no respect. Otherwise the harmony and balance will be broken, and the friendship will also be nonexistent any more. Everyone hopes to have his own private space, and if too casual among friends, it is easy to invade this piece of restricted areas, which will lead to conflicts and result in alienation. It may be a small matter to be rude to friends; however, it is likely to plant the seeds of devastation. The best way to keep good friendship between friends is never to go beyond a certain limit in dealing with friends or meddle in friends’affairs.
1. 随便过头:too casual。
2. 不恭不敬:就是指“不尊敬”,故译为show no respect。
3. 默契:直译为tacit understanding。不能说“默契”被打破了,应理解为一种“默契的(和睦的)局面”被打破。故用了具象译法,译为harmony。
4. 私密空间:private space。
5. 禁区:可译为forbidden area或restricted area。
6. 隔阂:可译为estrangement或alienation。
7. 埋下破坏性的种子:直译成bury destructive seeds显得生涩难懂。可以理解为种下恶果。故译为plant/sow the seeds of devastation/destruction。
8. 往来有节,互不干涉:“节”是指“节制,限制”,故译为limit。“互不干涉”指不打扰对方的私密空间,“干涉”可译为meddle in one’s affairs。故整体译为(is)never to go beyond a certain limit in dealing with friends or meddle in friends’affairs。
Embracing the Conventional and the Innovative
①A small, little-known area in the mountains near Guiyang, Guizhou Province, invited an international design company to come up with a new look for what is hoped will become a central business district for Guiyang not long ago. The design company worked out blueprints for quite unconventional, super-futuristic buildings. Responses to the design varied: some loved the bold innovation, but others felt strongly that the design had failed to incorporate or honor the regional characteristics. It seems to me that such futuristic-looking buildings would actually be a benefit to the area.
②In the first place, going ahead with a bold new design would be a way to pay homage to creativity and imagination. These buildings will hopefully become the business center of this region. Creativity and imagination are keys to developing and building good business, so there’s no better way to attract businesses to the area than by demonstrating with architecture how highly creativity is valued.
③Such a bold decision by the city officials might also be an encouragement to students and rising businessmen in the area, by showing that“thinking outside the box”is valued in this region. It might even go a long way toward persuading local talent to stay in the area or return from the big cities, offsetting the“brain drain”that so many small regions have seen happen, as their best and brightest are attracted to Shanghai and other centers of business.
④It seems to me that it is high time that this region and others around China began to realize that“something new”is very likely what is needed to advance development! Clearly the old styles and ways won’t lead to development any more; it is time to start thinking outside the box; it is time to bring in something new.
⑤Guiyang officials would be wise to proceed with the construction of these unconventional buildings. When critics bring up the failure to incorporate regional characteristics, I would suggest that officials not answer by just throwing out the innovation. We shouldn’t consider new architecture as competing with the old styles, but as simply introducing new directions to develop old ways. Side by side, old and new styles provide a contrast to each other, highlighting each other’s unique characteristics. We need to uphold creativity while still respecting the old ways, showing that old and new can live in harmony, and together be stronger and even more beautiful than either alone.
come up with想出,提出
central business district(CBD)中心商务区
blueprint n. 蓝图
innovation n. 创新
incorporate vt. 体现
pay homage to... 对……表示敬意
architecture n. 建筑风格
think outside the box解放思想
brain drain人才流失
highlight vt. 强调