List 4
accommodate [ə'kɔmədeit]
vt. 容纳;使适应,顺应;向…提供住处(或膳宿)
【例】accommodate...to... 使…适应…:Some find it hard to accommodate themselves to the new working conditions. 一些人发现很难适应新的工作环境。
【考】accommodate sb. with sth. 向某人提供某物
【派】accommodation (n. 住宿)
accurate ['ækjurət]
a. 准确的,精确的
【例】accurate scientific data 准确的科学数据//accurate observations 准确的报告
【派】accurately (ad. 正确地,精确地);inaccurate (a. 错误的,不准确的)

adapt [ə'dæpt]
vt. 使适应,使适合;修改,改编
vi. 适应
【例】adapt to 适应…:It took me a while to adapt to the new job. 我花了一段时间来适应这份新工作。
adapt...for... 将…改编成…:Dennis is busy adapting Tracy's latest novel for television. 丹尼斯正忙着把特雷西的最新小说改编成电视剧。
【考】adapt oneself to sth. 使自己适应…
【派】adaptation (n. 适应;改编,改写本);adaptable (a. 能适应的;可修改的);adaptive (a. 适应的;适合的)
administer [əd'ministə]
vt. 施行,实施;给予,派给;掌管,料理…的事务
【例】be administered to 施行//Hospital workers in at least one case deserted their workplace in panic, thus halting the administering of potentially unclean disease spreading injections, but Ebola has not disappeared. (2013.6) 至少在一个案例中,医护人员由于恐慌而逃离了他们的工作岗位,因此停止了实施那些可能导致疾病传播的不卫生的注射行为,但埃博拉病毒还没有消失。
administer...to... 给予…:The latest opinion polls have administered a severe blow to the party. 最新的民意测验给这个党派以沉重的打击。
【派】administration (n. 管理;当局);administrative (a. 管理的,行政的);administrator (n. 管理者,行政官)
appeal [ə'piːl]
n. 呼吁,恳求;感染力,吸引力;申诉,上诉
vi. 有吸引力,有感染力;诉诸,诉请;呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉;裁决(或证实等)
vt. 将…上诉,将…移交上级法院审理
【例】appeal to 对…有吸引力;求助于:What appeals to you about life on the road?(2015.12)是什么吸引你过这种总是在旅行、在路上的生活的?
【考】appeal to sb. for help 向某人求助
【派】appealing (a. 吸引人的;打动人心的)
associate [ə'səuʃieit][ə'səuʃiət]
vt. 使联合,使有联系;(在思想上)把…联系在一起
vi. 结交,交往
n. 伙伴,合伙人;大专毕业证书
a. 副的
【例】associate...with... 把…和…联系起来:It is true of critics as well as ordinary people that the popularity of artistic works is closely associated with publicity.(2015.6)对批评家和普通人确实是这样,艺术作品的名气与宣传有紧密的联系。// Psychologists assess what is known as “implicit bias”,using a computer-based test that measures how quickly people associate positive and negative words—such as “love”or “evil”—with photos of black or white faces. (2010.6)心理学家采用电脑测试来评估“暗示性偏见”,即测量人们把例如“爱”或“邪恶”这样正面和负面的字眼与黑人或白人的脸部照片联系起来的速度有多快。
【考】associate with sb. 和某人交往,和某人打交道
【派】associated (a. 关联的,联合的)
attractive [ə'træktiv]
a. 吸引的,有吸引力的,引起注意的
【例】be attractive to sb. 对某人有吸引力:Jean is attractive to me. 琼对我来说有吸引力。
【派】attractiveness (n. 魅力,吸引力);unattractive (a. 不引人注意的)
candidate ['kændideit]
n. 候选人;申请求职者;投考者
【例】presidential candidate 总统候选人
【派】candidacy (n. 候选人的资格)
client ['klaiənt]
n. 委托人,当事人;顾客
【例】Energy service contractors profit by taking a part of clients' annual utility-bill savings. (2007.12)能源服务承包商从客户每年节省的水电费中抽取一部分,以此获利。
communication [kəˌmjuːni'keiʃən]
n. 交流,交际,通讯;[pl.] 通信(或交通)工具
【例】means of communication 通信手段//Communication with others not only affects our sense of identity but also directly influences our physical and emotional well-being. (2010.6)与他人交流不仅影响我们的身份认同感,也会直接影响我们的身心健康。
comply [kəm'plai]
vi. 遵从,依从,服从
【例】comply with 遵从,服从:Failure to comply with the conventions will bring about serious results. 不遵从惯例会导致严重后果。
conform [kən'fɔːm]
vi. 遵守,适应,顺从;相似,符合
【例】conform to/with 符合;遵守:Joseph does not conform to the stereotype of a lawyer. 约瑟夫与人们传统观念中的律师形象不一样。
【派】conformity (n. 符合,一致)

contradict [ˌkɔntrə'dikt]
vt. 反驳;否认…的真实性;与…发生矛盾,与…抵触
【例】The paradox of American cultrue is what Americans strive after often contradicts their beliefs. (2005.12)美国文化中比较矛盾的一点是美国人追求的东西经常与他们的信仰相抵触。
【派】contradiction (n. 反驳,矛盾);contradictory (a. 对立的,矛盾的)
controversy ['kɔntrəvəːsi]
n. 争论,辩论
【例】create/spark/stir/cause/provoke controversy 引起争论:The appointment of the new director stirred a lot of controversy. 新负责人的任命引起了许多争论。
【考】controversy over/about 关于…的争论
【派】controversial (a. 有争议的)
conventional [kən'venʃənəl]
a. 普通的,习惯的,常规的;传统的;符合习俗的,因循守旧的
【例】conventional notion 传统观念//a conventional mind 守旧的人
convey [kən'vei]
vt. 表达,传达,传递;运送,输送;转让
【例】All this information can be conveyed in a simple diagram. 所有的信息能用一个简单的图表来表达。
【考】convey one's best wishes to sb. 向某人转达最由衷的祝愿
【派】conveyable (a. 可搬运的;可传达的)
crash [kræʃ]
vt. 撞击,砸碎;冲,闯
vi. 碰撞;坠落;发出撞击(或爆裂)声;垮台,破产
n. 碰撞,坠落,坠毁;破裂声,哗啦声
【例】crash into 与…发生碰撞:The plane, a Boeing 737,taking German holiday makers to the island crashed into a hillside as it circled while preparing to land.(2010.6)这架载有来该岛度假的德国游客的波音737客机在盘旋准备降落的时候撞到了一座小山上。
【考】air crash 飞机坠毁
credible ['kredəbl]
a. 可信的,可靠的
【例】a credible person 可靠的人
【派】credibility (n. 可信性,可靠性)
deprive [di'praiv]
vt. 剥夺,使丧失
【例】deprive of 使丧失:The prisoner were deprived of his basic rights. 这名罪犯被剥夺了基本权利。
【派】deprivation (n. 缺失;剥夺);deprivable (a. 可剥夺的)
【辨】deprive, strip
detect [di'tekt]
vt. 察觉,发现;查明,侦查出
【例】An animal that can't detect danger can't stay alive. (2006.12)不能察觉危险的动物无法生存。

device [di'vais]
n. 装置,设备,器械;手段,策略
【例】leave to one's own devices 听任…自便,让…自行发展:Dirk seemed to be a responsible person, so I left him to his own devices. 德克看起来是一个认真负责的人,所以我让他自行发展。
【考】detection device 探测设备
distinct [di'stiŋkt]
a. 有区别的,不同的;清楚的,清晰的;明确的,显著的
【例】be distinct from 与…截然不同,有别于…:This region's cultural identity is quite distinct from that of the rest of the country. 这一地区的文化特征和这个国家的其他地方完全不同。
The results of the survey fell into two distinct groups. 这次调查出现了两个截然不同的结果。
【考】a distinct possibility 明确的可能性
【派】distinction (n. 差别;特性);distinctive (a. 与众不同的)
dramatic [drə'mætik]
a. 引人注目的;戏剧的;戏剧性的,激动人心的
n. [-s] 戏剧表演,演剧活动
【例】Now a new study suggests that your dramatic complaint may hold some scientific truth. (2012.12) 现在一项新的研究表明戏剧性的抱怨可能包含某些科学真理。
【派】dramatically (ad. 戏剧性地;引人注目地)
electronic [ˌilek'trɔnik]
a. 电子的
n. [-s] 电子学;电子设备
【例】electronic business 电子商务//electronics engineering 电子工程
engage [in'geidʒ]
vt. 雇,聘;吸引;占用(时间、精力等);使订婚
vi. 参加,从事于
【例】Einstein also took time off from furiously revising his equations to engage in an awkward fandango with his competitor Hilbert. (2007.12)爱因斯坦拼命修改他的方程式时也会抽时间与他的竞争对手希尔伯特笨拙地跳方丹戈舞。// Since December, when the report came out, the mayor, neighborhood activists and various parent-teacher associations have engaged in a fierce battle over its validity. (2009.12)自12月报告发表以来,市长、地区活跃分子和各种家长教师协会都参与到一场关于这份报告真实性的激辩中来。// As the nation moves further into the Obama presidency, will politically engaged young people continue to support the President and his agenda, or will they gradually drift away?(2010.6)当这个国家进一步步入奥巴马的任期时,参与政治的年轻人会继续支持这位总统和他的议程吗?还是他们会逐渐远离政治?
enthusiastic [inˌθjuːzi'æstik]
a. 满腔热情的,热心的;极感兴趣的
【例】enthusiastic soccer fans 狂热的足球迷
be enthusiastic for/about sth. 对某事极其感兴趣:Roy is very enthusiastic about the party. 罗伊对聚会很感兴趣。
【派】overenthusiastic (a. 过度热情的);enthusiastically (ad. 热心地);enthusiast (n. 热心者)
exaggerate [ig'zædʒəreit]
v. 夸大,夸张
【例】A stereotype is a simplistic or exaggerated image that human carries in their minds about groups of people. (2009.12)成见是人类在脑海中对某类人的过于简单化或夸大的印象。

exhaust [ig'zɔːst]
vt. 使筋疲力尽;用光,耗尽;详尽论述
n. 排气装置,排气孔;(排出的)废气,废液
【例】I'm really exhausted, Mary. But I don't want to miss the Hollywood movie that comes on at 11. (2009.6)玛丽,我真的是筋疲力尽了,但是我又不想错过11点开始的好莱坞电影。
explore [ik'splɔː]
v. 探索,探究;探险;勘探,探测;仔细查阅
【例】The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links. 大会探讨了在贸易上进一步加强联系的可能性。// We spend a week exploring the Oregon coastline. 我们花了一周时间勘查俄勒冈州的海岸线。
【派】exploratory (a. 探险的,探测的);exploration (n. 探索);explorer (n. 探险者)
expose [ik'spəuz]
vt. 暴露,显露;使处于…作用(或影响)之下;曝光,揭露
【例】expose sb./sth. to使…处于…作用:According to the report, people living near the power station may have been exposed to radiation. 根据报道,居住在这座发电站附近的居民可能受到了辐射的影响。
The documentary exposed the appalling living conditions of the farm workers. 纪录片揭露了农民工极其恶劣的居住条件。
【考】expose oneself 暴露自己;expose a fraud 揭露骗局
【派】exposure (n. 暴露;曝光)

hostile ['hɔstail]
a. 敌对的,敌意的,不友善的;敌方的
【例】Many Europeans may view the U.S. as an arrogant superpower that has become hostile to foreigners. (2008.6)许多欧洲人可能把美国视为傲慢的超级大国,对外国人已变得不友好。
inevitable [in'evitəbl]
a. 不可避免的,必然(发生)的
【例】Their defeat was inevitable. 他们被击败是必然的。
【用】常用在强调句里,结构是It is inevitable that +从句,意思是“…是不可避免的”。
instance ['instəns]
n. 例子,实例,事例;情况
【例】Let me give you some instances. 让我给你举几个例子。
【考】for instance 例如;in some instances 在一些情况下;in the first instance 首先,起初
institution [ˌinsti'tjuːʃən]
n. (教育、慈善等)社会公共机构;制度,习俗;设立,创立,制定
【例】a financial institution金融机构//institution of higher learning 高等院校
【派】institutional (a. 制度上的)
interaction [ˌintər'ækʃən]
n. 相互作用,相互影响
interpret [in'təːprit]
vt. 解释,说明,诠释
vi. 口译,翻译
【例】interpret...as... 把…理解为…:Ben interpreted my silence as acceptance. 本把我的沉默理解为接受。
【派】interpretation (n. 解释;艺术处理);interpretive (a. 解释的;理解的)
manufactruer [ˌmænju'fæktʃərə]
n. 制造商;制造厂
modify ['mɔdifai]
vt. 修改,更改;(语法上)修饰
【例】As these decisions and agreements are made, we modify our behavior accordingly. (2014.6) 随着这些决定和协议的达成,我们也相应地调整我们的行为。// Is the experience of having a charismatic black president modifying lingering racist attitudes?(2010.6)有一位魅力无穷的黑人总统是否会改变挥之不去的种族主义态度?
modify sth. to do sth. 改变…使其能做…:The back seats can be modified to fit those cars. 这些后排座位可以改造后配在那些车上。
【派】modification (n. 更改,修正)
neglect [ni'glekt]
vt. 忽视,忽略;疏忽,玩忽
n. 疏忽,玩忽
【例】neglect to do sth. 没有做某事:The lectruer neglected to mention the name of the film. 演讲者没有提到那部电影的名字。
objection [əb'dʒekʃən]
n. 反对,异议;反对的理由
【例】have no objection to sth. 不反对某事:Matthew has no objection to this plan. 马修不反对这个计划。
property ['prɔpəti]
n. 财产,资产,所有物;房产,物业;性质,性能
【例】intellectual property rights 知识产权//unique property 特性
recovery [ri'kʌvəri]
n. 恢复,痊愈;追回,寻回,收复
【例】There can be no speedy recovery for mental patients. (2007.6)精神病人是不能迅速痊愈的。

remote [ri'məut]
a. 遥远的,偏僻的;关系疏远的,脱离的;绝少的,微乎其微的;孤高的,冷淡的
【例】Technology advances, including the widespread availability of broadband, are making the introduction of remote working a piece of cake. (2009.12)科技的进步,包括宽带的普及,使远程工作的实现变得轻而易举。
revenue ['revənjuː;'revənuː]
n. (尤指大宗的)收入,收益;(政府的)税收,岁入
【例】The revenue of the Google company is largely generated from advertising. (2007.6)谷歌公司的收入大部分来自于广告业务。
scan [skæn]
vt. 细看,审视;浏览;扫描
n. 扫描
【例】Michael scanned the newspaper article quickly and made a note of the main points. 迈克尔快速浏览了报纸上的文章,然后记下要点。
【用】scan的过去式和过去分词为scanned, scanned。
【派】scanner (n. 扫描仪)
schedule ['ʃedjuːəl;'skedʒuːəl]
n. 时刻表,日程安排表;清单,明细表
vt. 安排,排定
【例】ahead of schedule 提前:The new stadium has been finished two months ahead of schedule. 新体育场提前两月就完工了。
behind schedule 落后于预定计划:The subway project has already fallen behind schedule. 地铁工程已经落后于预定计划了。
schedule sth. for 为…安排时间:The meeting is scheduled for Sunday afternoon. 会议被安排在星期天下午。
【考】in one's schedule 在某人的日程安排里;on schedule 按照预定时间,准时;train schedule 列车时刻表;schedule an appointment 安排会面
【派】scheduling (n.日程安排);reschedule (v.重新计划); scheduled (a. 预定的)
series ['siəriːz]
n. 一系列,连续;丛书,(电视)连续剧
【例】In the experiments, the two groups of volunteers were asked to handle a series of moving tasks which were considered equivalent in difficulty to driving. (2009.12)实验要求两组志愿者处理一系列移动任务,这些任务被认为难度与驾驶相当。
somewhat ['sʌmwɔt]
ad. 稍微,有点
【例】The situation has changed somewhat the last few years. 在过去的几年里,形势稍有变化。
stability [stə'biləti]
n. 稳定,稳固,稳定性
【例】economic stability 经济的稳定
【派】instability (n. 不稳定性)
sustain [sə'stein]
vt. 保持,使持续下去;支持,承受;供养,维持(生命等);经受,遭受
【例】Fiona found it difficult to sustain her own interest. 菲奥纳发现自己很难维持自己的兴趣。// In its 1994 report, the World Bank argued that the current pension system in most countries could not be sustained in the long term. (2010.12) 在1994年的报告中,世界银行声称目前大多数国家的养老金系统从长远来看是不可能持续的。
【派】self-sustaining (a. 自给自足的);sustainable (a. 可持续的;足可支撑的)
transport [træns'pɔːt]
vt. 运输,运送
n. 运输;运输系统;运输工具
【例】The goods will be transported to Tokyo by air. 货物将被空运到东京。
【派】transportation (n. 运输;交通)
trivial ['triviəl]
a. 琐碎的,不重要的
【例】a trivial problem 微不足道的问题
【派】triviality (n. 琐碎;琐事)
【辨】minimal, slight, trivial
minimal意为“最小的,最低的”;slight意为“微小的,轻微的”,侧重强调尺寸、程度或数量上的小,如a slight increase; trivial意为“琐碎的,不重要的”,一般指容易处理且不重要的,如a trivial problem。
abandon [ə'bændən]
vt. 离弃,丢弃;放弃;遗弃,抛弃
n. 放任
【例】abandon oneself to 纵情于…,沉溺于…:Cynthia abandoned herself to grief. 辛西娅沉溺于悲痛之中。
They drank and smoked with abandon. 他们纵情地酗酒和抽烟。
【考】with abandon 放纵地,放任地;纵情地
【派】abandonment (n. 放弃,抛弃)
【辨】abandon, discard, desert
accomplish [ə'kʌmpliʃ]
vt. 达到(目的),完成(任务),实现(计划、诺言等)
【例】We have accomplished all we set out to do. 我们已经完成了我们应该做的所有事情。
【派】accomplishment (n. 成就,完成);accomplished (a. 完成了的;有技巧的)
achievement [ə'tʃiːvmənt]
n. 成就,成绩;达到,完成,实现
【例】a creditable achievement 值得称道的成就
adopt [ə'dɔpt]
vt. 收养;采取,采纳,采用;正式通过,批准
【例】The new tax would force companies to adopt energy-saving measures. 新的税收政策将使公司不得不采用节能新措施。
【用】注意区别adapt (v. 适应;改编)。
【派】adoption (n. 收养;采用);adoptive (a. 收养的);adopted (a. 收养的,过继的;被采取的)
advocate ['ædvəkeit]['ædvəkət]
vt. 拥护,提倡,主张
n. 拥护者,提倡者;辩护者,律师;代言人
【例】Robin advocates taking a more long-term view. 罗宾提倡采取更长远的眼光来看问题。
【派】advocacy (n. 拥护,支持)
alarm [ə'lɑːm]
n. 惊恐,忧虑;报警器,闹钟;警报
vt. 使惊恐,使担心
【例】I don't want to alarm you, but we are lost. 我不想令你担心,但是我们迷路了。
【派】alarmed (a. 惊恐的;担心的);alarming (a. 令人担忧的);alarm不清)

ambiguous [æm'bigjuəs]
a. 引起歧义的,模棱两可的,含糊不清的
【例】ambiguous answer 含糊的回答
【派】ambiguity (n. 含糊不清)
annual ['ænjuəl]
a. 每年的,一年一次的
【例】This kind of songbird sleeps much less during its annual migration, but that doesn't seem to affect its flying. (2006.12)这种鸣禽在每年的迁徙中睡眠大量减少,但这似乎并不影响它们飞行。
apartment [ə'pɑːtmənt]
n. 一套公寓房间,房间
ascribe [ə'skraib]
vt. 把…归因于;把…归属于
【例】ascribe to 把…归因于:Donald always ascribes his failure to others. 唐纳德总把失败归咎于他人。
assignment [ə'sainmənt]
n. (分派的)任务,(指定的)作业;分配,指派
basis ['beisis]
n. 基础,根据;原则
【例】on the basis of 在…的基础上,根据:You should make sure decisions you have made were on the basis of correct information. 你应该确保你作出的决定是建立在正确信息的基础之上的。
【辨】base, basis
colleague ['kɔliːg]
n. 同事,同僚
【例】The biological project is now in trouble, you know, my colleague and I have completely different ideas about how to proceed. (2007.12)这个生物工程现在陷入了麻烦,你知道,我和我的同事在如何进行上观点完全不同。
collide [kə'laid]
vi. 碰撞,互撞;冲突,抵触
【例】collide with 与…相撞:Drivers routinely collide with deer and there are so many dead bodies left by the side of the road that the town has made a deal with a local pet cemetery to collect and dispose of the bodies. (2013.12) 司机常常撞到鹿,因此路边有很多(鹿的)尸体,所以小镇与当地的宠物墓园达成交易,让其来收集和处理这些尸体。
【派】collision (n. 碰撞)
commercial [kə'məːʃəl]
a. 商业的,商务的;商品化的,商业性的
n. 商业广告
【例】the commercial heart of the country 该国的商业中心//The TV commercial attracted a lot of interest. 这条电视广告引起了极大的兴趣。
compromise ['kɔmprəmaiz]
n. 妥协,折中办法
vi. 妥协
vt. 危及;放弃(原则、理想等)
【例】Primary care physicians who refuse to compromise quality are either driven out of business or to cash-only practices, further contributing to the decline of primary care. (2009.12)那些拒绝放弃质量的初级护理医生要么歇业,要么去从事那些只收现金的业务,这进一步加剧了初级护理的退步。
conference ['kɔnfərəns]
n. (正式)会议;讨论,商谈
【例】press conference 记者招待会
confidence ['kɔnfidəns]
n. 信任;信心,自信
【例】have confidence in sb. 信任某人:You should have complete confidence in your doctor. 你应该完全信任你的医生。
【考】in confidence 私下,秘密地;take sb. into one's confidence 把某人作为知己,向某人吐露秘密
【派】self-confidence (n.自信心,自信)
conscious ['kɔnʃəs]
a. 意识到的,自觉的;神志清醒的;有意的,存心的
【例】be conscious of 意识到:I think Laura is very conscious of being the only person in the office who didn't have a university education. 我想劳拉也意识到了她是办公室里唯一没有受过大学教育的人。
【考】become conscious 恢复知觉、意识
【派】consciousness (n. 知觉;意识);unconscious (a. 无意识的);subconscious (a. 下意识的);self-consciousness (n. 自觉,自我)
consult [kən'sʌlt]
vt. 请教,找…商量;查阅,查看
vi. 交换意见,商议
【例】consult with sb. 与某人商议:I need to consult with my doctor. 我需要和我的医生商量一下。
If the symptoms get worse, consult your doctor. 如果症状加重,请向你的医生咨询。
【用】consult sb. 表示“请教某人,咨询某人”,而consult with sb. 则表示“和某人商讨,和某人切磋”。
【派】consultation (n. 请教;咨询)
consultant [kən'sʌltənt]
n. 顾问;会诊医师,专科医生
【例】It can be accessible by all the company's consultants over broadband internet connections. (2009.12)公司所有的咨询师都可以通过宽带连接使用(数据)。
consume [kən'sjuːm; kən'suːm]
vt. 消耗,花费;吃完,喝光;使着迷;充满;烧毁,毁灭
【例】The car consumes a lot of fuel. 这辆汽车很费油。
consume with 使着迷;充满:I will be consumed with jealousy if you get the honor of outstanding student cadre. 如果你获得优秀学生干部的荣誉,我会嫉妒得不得了的。
【考】consume energy 消耗精力
contact ['kɔntækt] [kən'tækt]
n. 接触,联系;隐形眼镜;熟人;(电路的)触点,接头
vt. 与…取得联系,与…接触
【例】come into contact with 与…接触;与…交往:Don't let that glue come into contact with your skin. 不要让那种胶水与你的皮肤直接接触。
in contact with sb. 和某人有联系:Have you been in contact with anyone with the disease?你接触过患有这种疾病的人吗?
【考】out of contact with 与…失去联系;make/have contact with 与…取得联系;contact lens 隐形眼镜
criminal ['kriminəl]
n. 罪犯,犯人
a. 犯罪的,刑事的
【例】I'm interested in the criminal justice system of our country. (2008.6)我对我国的刑事司法系统很感兴趣。
cycle ['saikl]
n. 循环,周期;圈子,阶层;自行车,摩托车
vi. 骑自行车,骑摩托车;循环
【例】Breaking the cycle of doing what you have always done is one of the most difficult tasks for job seekers. (2007.6)对于求职者而言,打破一直做的工作的圈子是最困难的任务之一。
debate [di'beit]
n. / vi. 辩论,争论
【例】They had been debating for several hours without reaching a conclusion. 他们争论了几个小时,但仍未得出结论。
【派】debatable (a. 有争执的); debater (n. 辩论者)
demonstrate ['demənstreit]
vt. 论证,证明;说明,演示;显示,表露
vi. 举行示威游行(或集会)
【例】For instance, one student took the lead in dealing with a difficult landlord and so demonstrated negotiation skills. (2011.6) 例如,一个学生在处理难缠的雇主方面树立了榜样,展示了良好的谈判技巧。
【考】demonstrate one's ability显示了某人的能力
【派】demonstration 〔n. 示威;(教学)示范〕;demonstrative (a. 说明的,指示的)
depress [di'pres]
vt. 使沮丧,使消沉;使不景气;削弱;按下,压下;使贬值
【例】Trade was depressed by the rise in oil prices. 石油价格上涨导致贸易不景气。
【派】depressed (a. 沮丧的;不景气的);depression 〔n. 抑郁,沮丧;不景气,萧条(期);洼地,凹陷〕
destination [ˌdesti'neiʃən]
n. 目的地,终点;目标,目的
【例】Russia's Mir space station was supposed to be the first destination for space tourists. (2006.12)俄罗斯的“和平”号空间站被认为将成为太空旅游者的第一个目的地。
dismiss [dis'mis]
vt. 不再考虑,不接受;解雇,开除;解散;驳回,不受理
【例】With my decision to work from home I dismissed any opportunity for promotion. (2007.12)我放弃了所有晋升的机会,决定在家办公。
dispose [di'spəuz]
vi. 丢掉,除掉;处理,解决
vt. 排列,布置;使倾向于,使有意于
【例】dispose of 去掉,除掉,舍弃:Obviously we ask all our customers to dispose of litter responsibly.(2009.12)不言而喻,我们要求所有的消费者在扔垃圾时都要本着负责任的态度。
dispose sb. to/towards sth. 使某人倾向于,使某人有意于:These pills could dispose the patient towards sleep. 这些药片能让病人入睡。
【派】disposal (n. 处理;垃圾倾倒);disposable (a. 一次性的)

distinguish [di'stiŋgwiʃ]
vt. 区别,辨别;看清,听出;使杰出,使扬名
【例】distinguish oneself 使杰出,使扬名:The new president distinguished herself by her coolness and bravery. 这位新总统因头脑冷静、敢作敢为而为人称道。
distinguish from 从…中辨别:The power of language distinguishes human beings from animals. 语言的力量把人类和动物区分开来。
【考】distinguish right from wrong 弄清是非
【派】distinguishable (a. 可区别的);distinguished (a. 著名的);distinguishing (a. 有区别的)
diverse [dai'vəːs]
a. 不同的,相异的;多种多样的
【例】New York is a very culturally and ethnically diverse city. 纽约是一个文化上和种族上都很多样化的城市。
【派】diversity (n. 多样,千变万化)
element ['elimənt]
n. 成分,要素;元素;[pl.] 基础,纲要,原理;[pl.] 自然力
【例】economic elements 经济成分//the elements of mathematics 数学的基本原理
【派】elemental (a. 基本的;元素的)
【辨】element, component, ingredient, constituent
element意为“要素”,指整体中不可缺少的基本组成部分;component意为“成分”,表示与其他部分关系密切但可以分割并独立成体的部分,多用于机器或系统,如each component of their work; ingredient指混合整体中的一个部分,既可以是主要部分也可以是次要部分;constituent指整体中不可缺少并起决定作用的关键性部分,失去它们整体的性质就会有极大改变,如Sugar is the key constituent of candy.
emphasis ['emfəsis]
n. 强调,重点
【例】put/lay/place emphasis on 把重点放在…上:Amanda Ripley argues that America should learn from other countries that rank high in international tests and lay less emphasis on athletics. (2014.12) 阿曼达·雷普利认为美国应该向其他在国际考试中名列前茅的国家学习并降低对运动的重视度。
emphasize ['emfəsaiz]
vt. 强调,着重,加强…的语气
【例】In the lectrue, the speaker emphasized how important it is for people to learn foreign languages. 在演讲中,讲演者着重强调了学习外语的重要性。
【派】over-emphasized (a. 过分强调的);under-emphasized (a. 强调不够的)
enthusiasm [in'θjuːziæzəm; in'θuːziæzəm]
n. 热情,巨大兴趣;热衷的事物
【例】enthusiasm for 对…具有巨大兴趣:These overseas students show great enthusiasm for learning a new language. (2005.12) 这些留学生对学习一种新语言表现出很大的兴趣。
【考】with enthusiasm热衷地,狂热地
exclusive [ik'skluːsiv]
a. 独有的,独享的;排他的;不包括…的;奢华的,高级的
n. 独家新闻
【例】exclusive of 除…外,不把…计算在内:The cost is 50 dollars exclusive of shipping and handling. 费用是50美元,不包括运费和手续费。
exclusive to sb. 为某人所专属的:This offer is exclusive to the club members. 这个价格只有俱乐部会员才能享有。
Patents provide exclusive use of inventions. (2008.12) 专利提供发明物的独家使用权。
【考】be for one's exclusive use某人专用的
incidentally [ˌinsi'dentəli]
ad. 顺便说及地,顺便提一句
【派】incident (a. 附带的)
intensify [in'tensifai]
v. (使)增强,(使)加剧
【例】The central government is intensifying efforts to fight crime. 中央政府正加强力度打击犯罪。
intent [in'tent]
n. 意图,意向
a. 专心的,专注的;急切的
【例】intent on/upon sth./doing sth. 专心于…;急切…:Louis was intent on saving money. 路易斯一心想攒钱。
to all intents (and purposes)几乎在一切方面;实际上:The two paintings are, to all intents and purposes, identical. 这两幅画几乎完全相同。
【派】intention (n. 意图,目的);intentional (a. 存心的,故意的)
investigation [inˌvesti'geiʃən]
n. 调查,调查研究
【例】You can imagine the reaction when a recent USA Today investigation of air quality around the nation's schools singled out those in the smugly green village of Berkeley, Calif.,as being among the worst in the country. (2009.12)《今日美国》最近对全国范围内学校周边的空气质量进行了一次调查,结果显示那些一向为位于加利福尼亚伯克利地区的绿色村庄附近沾沾自喜的学校的空气质量是全国最差的,大众对此的反应可想而知。
irritate ['iriteit]
vt. 使恼怒,使烦躁;使(身体某部分)不适,使疼痛
【例】The boy's foolish question irritated his mother who was busy with housework and had no interest in talking. (2005.12)男孩愚蠢的问题惹怒了忙着做家务而无心谈话的妈妈。
【派】irritation (n. 愤怒,急躁;刺激)
largely ['lɑːdʒli]
ad. 大部分,主要地,很大程度上
moreover [mɔː'rəuvə]
ad. 而且,再者,此外
【例】The whole report is badly written. Moreover, it's inaccurate. 整份报告写得很糟糕,而且还不准确。
motivate ['məutiveit]
vt. 作为…的动机;激励,激发
【例】motivate sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事:The bonus system is designed to motivate the staff to work hard. 奖金制度是为了激励员工努力工作而设计的。
【派】motivation (n. 动机;刺激)

occupy ['ɔkjupai]
vt. 占,占用,占领;使忙碌,使从事
【例】occupy sb. with doing sth. 某人忙于做某事:The rest of the time Peter was occupied with writing a report. 剩余的时间里,彼得忙于写报告。
The bathroom's occupied—I think John's there. 浴室被占用了,我猜约翰一定在里面。
【考】occupy oneself with sth. 从事于或忙于某事
【派】occupation (n. 职业);occupancy (n. 居住);occupant (n. 居住者)
optimism ['ɔptimizəm]
n. 乐观,乐观主义
【例】At the airport, he expressed optimism about the talks. 在机场,他对谈话表示了乐观。
【用】反义词为pessimism (n. 悲观,悲观主义)。
【派】optimist (n. 乐观主义者)
phenomenon [fi'nɔminən]
n. 现象,迹象;非凡的人,特殊的事物
【例】an abnormal phenomenon 反常现象
【派】phenomenal (a. 显著的)
preserve [pri'zəːv]
vt. 保护,维持;保存,保藏;腌制
n. 动植物保护区
【例】The professor was anxious to preserve his reputation. 教授急于维护自己的名誉。
【派】preservation (n. 保护,保存);preservative 〔a. (能)保存的,储藏的 n. 保护剂,防腐剂〕
【辨】preserve, reserve
preserve意为“保持,保持完好”,强调抵制破坏因素,如preserve one's reputation; reserve意为“保存,保留”,强调存起来以备他用,还有“预约”的意思,如reserve a table。
primary ['praiməri]
a. 首要的,基本的;最初的,初级的
【例】Primary care should be the backbone of any health care system. (2009.12)任何医疗护理体系都应以初级护理为基础。
principle ['prinsəpl]
n. 原则,原理;基本信念,信条
【例】in principle 理论上:In principle I approve Paul's words, but they're too harsh. 理论上我同意保罗的话,但他的话说得太苛刻了。
【考】moral principle道德准则;on principle 依照原则
profound [prə'faund]
a. 知识渊博的,见解深刻的;深奥的;深度的,深远的
【例】Music produces profound and lasting changes in the brain. (2012.6) 音乐能使大脑产生深远而持久的变化。
region ['riːdʒən]
n. 地区,区域;范围,幅度
【例】in the region of 在…左右,接近:Dean earns somewhere in the region of $500,000 each year. 迪安每年差不多挣50万美元。
In poor, dry regions, untreated wastewater is the only viable irrigation source to keep farmers in business.(2016.6)在贫穷、干旱的地区,未经处理的废水是维持农业唯一可用的灌溉来源。
【考】in mountainous regions在山区
【派】regional (a. 地区的,地域性的)
relevant ['reləvənt]
a. 有关的;切题的
【例】be relevant to 与…有关:We try to make the experience relevant to individual lives. (2011.6) 我们试图把这种经历与个人生活联系起来。
【考】relevant policies 相关政策
【派】relevance (n. 有关,相关);irrelevant (a. 不相关的;不切题的)
reliable [ri'laiəbl]
a. 可靠的,可信赖的
【例】Taking regular exercise is a fairly reliable method of losing weight. 定期运动是非常可靠的减肥方法。
【考】a reliable friend 可信赖的朋友;reliable evidence可靠证据
【派】unreliable (a. 不可靠的)
restrict [ri'strikt]
vt. 限制,约束,限定
【例】restrict...to... 把…限制在…:Twitter's huge success is rooted in the simple but profound insight that in a medium with infinite space for self-expression, the most interesting thing we can do is restrict ourselves to 140 characters.(2013.12)推特网的巨大成功源于其简单而深刻的洞察力,即在一个有着无限自我表达空间的媒介中,我们所能做的最有趣的事情就是把自己限定在140字内。
【考】be restricted to (doing) sth. 仅限于(做)某事
【派】restriction (n. 限制,约束);restrictive (a. 限制性的)
retain [ri'tein]
vt. 保留,保持
【例】Joe succeeded in retaining her lead in the second half of the race. 乔在后半时的比赛中依然保持领先地位。
sacrifice ['sækrifais]
n. 牺牲,舍身;献祭,供奉;祭品
vt. 牺牲,献出;献祭
【例】You'll move one step closer to your ideal work life if you identify how much risk you are willing to take and the sacrifices you are willing to make. (2007.6)如果你确定自己愿意承担多大风险、作出多大牺牲,你便向自己理想的工作生活迈近了一步。

security [si'kjuərəti]
n. 安全,保障;抵押品;[pl.] 证券
【例】for the sake of security 为了安全起见:For the sake of security, please use the stainless steel rather than iron. 为了安全起见,请用不锈钢,别用铁。
【考】security forces 安全部队;a sense of security 安全感
spite [spait]
n. 恶意,怨恨;(in ~ of) 不顾,尽管
【例】in spite of 尽管,不管,任凭:In spite of the gloomy economic forecast, manufacturing output has risen slightly. 尽管经济前景令人担忧,但制造业的产量仍有小幅增长。
transition [træn'ziʃən]
n. 过渡;转变
【例】in transition 在运输中,在途中:This is a city in transition. 这是一个处在转型期的城市。
【用】常和形近词transaction(n. 交易),transmission (n. 发送),transformation (n. 变化)等一起考。
【派】transitional (a. 变迁的;过渡期的)
victim ['viktim]
n. 牺牲者,受害者
【例】These children are the victims of the war. 这些孩子是战争的受害者。