The Master instructing the Grand music-master of Loo said, "How to play music may be known. At the commencement of the piece, all the parts should sound together. As it proceeds, they should be in harmony, severally distinct and flowing without break, and thus on to the conclusion."
23. ON THE PLAYING OF MUSIC. 语, low. 3d tone,=告, 'to tell', 'to instruct'. 大(=太)师乐, was the title of the grand music-master. 乐其可知也, 'music, it may be known', but the subject is not of the principles, but the performance of music. Observe the 如. Premare says, 'adjectiris addita sensum auget et exprimit modum.' It is our ly or like,—翕如, 'blendedlike'. 从, up.3d tone, the same as 纵=放, 'let go', i.e., proceeding. swelling on.