第162章 大闹鸳鸯宴(二)
“ I heard you let Jesse and alisa out to play. I wonder why?(意思:我听说是你把杰西和艾莉亚放走去玩的,我想知道这是为什么?)”戴妮•维多利亚•约翰逊说。
“Mom ,They're married, and our jess is grown up and not a child anymore. They have their own rights. Why should we interfere? You also said to be independent when you grow up.Don't you remember that.(妈妈,他们已经结婚了,我们的杰西也已长大成人,他不再是小孩子了,他们有自主的权利,我们为什么还要干涉,你也说过长大了要独立自主,难道这个你不记得了?)”威廉•詹姆斯克•约翰逊说。
“The wedding is less than a week away. I don't care if I want to go to the moon for my honeymoon. Why travel now? Don't you think it's strange.(还有不到一星期的时间就举行婚礼了,到时度蜜月想去月球我都不管,为什么要现在出去旅行呢?你不觉得很奇怪吗?)”戴妮•维多利亚•约翰逊说。
“What is strange about this? Young people are energetic and have a strong curiosity about the outside world,which is totally understandable. They can also enhance their relationship in the play, which I think is a good thing.(汉语意思:这有什么奇怪的,年轻人精力旺盛嘛,对外界有很强的好奇心,完全可以理解的,他们还能在游玩中增进感情,我觉得是这是好事。)”威廉•詹姆斯克•约翰逊说。
“God, how can you be so naive, why do you think the problem is so simple, don't you think they will go to shi qingwen to inform the time of the wedding.(翻译:天啊,你怎么能这么的天真,为什么你想问题会那么的浅显,你难道没有想过他们会去找史青雯通知婚礼的时间吗?)”戴妮•维多利亚•约翰逊说。
“No, mom's worried. If they went out to tell the time of the wedding, they were stupid.(汉语意思:不会的,妈妈多虑了,如果他们出去是为了告诉婚礼的时间那他们真是太愚蠢了,传信息用传真就解决了。)”威廉•詹姆斯克•约翰逊说。
“Oh no, I really don't know what to say about you.I wish I were a worrywart,But if it does, I'll see what you do with it。(汉语意思:哦不,我真的不知道该说你什么好了,但愿我是杞人忧天,可万一那天她真的来了我倒要看看你怎么处理。)”戴妮•维多利亚•约翰逊说。
“Should not have that day, even if really to find and do not know the address of what use?(汉语意思:应该不会有那一天的,就算真的去找,又不知道地址又有什么用呢?)”威廉•詹姆斯克•约翰逊说。
“Why does the meal look so cold ,What about your grandchildren?(汉语意思:怎么这顿饭看上去这么冷清呢?你孙子孙媳他们人呢?)”威廉的夫人Linda说。
“They have all gone on a trip and are not at home.(汉语意思:他们都出去旅行了,都不在家中。)”戴妮•维多利亚•约翰逊说。
“Yeah, they go out so much that it's like going to the supermarket, and they get it for free?(汉语意思:是嘛,他们出去的可真频繁就像逛超市一般,难道这钱都是免费得来的吗?)”Linda冷嘲热讽,不怀好意,简直就是冷血之人。
“New mom, I don't think my brother needs your permission to go anywhere. The money didn't come out of your pocket.There is an old saying in China that no matter what happens to you, you can't do it.(新妈妈,我弟弟去哪里应该不用经过你的同意吧,钱又不是从你的口袋里拿出来的,中国有句熟语叫事不关己莫出头。)”蒙丽瑞亚•约翰逊(青雯和威廉•詹姆斯克•约翰逊(中文名字孔慕华)的长女)说,话毕给予白眼和冷笑。
“All have a meal, a while cool not delicious.(都吃饭吧,一会儿凉了就不美味了。)”威廉•詹姆斯克•约翰逊说。
“Have you got the manuscript ready?(你那稿件都准备好了吗?)”威廉扭过头看着自己的夫人Linda说。
“What? I don't understand.(什么?我不明白。)”Linda故作不知。
“Is the wedding speech, the other day I told you.Do you have such a poor memory?(就是婚礼演讲稿,前几日还跟你说的,难道你记忆力这么差吗?)”威廉说。
“Of course I do. I just don't think I'm right. After all, I'm not his real mother(当然记得,只是我觉得我不是很合适,毕竟我不是他的亲生母亲。)”Linda推辞道。
“But you're his legal mother. Who else is right for you?(你是他法律意义上的母亲,你不合适还有谁合适?)”威廉说。
“What should not be taken care of should be taken care of, but what should be taken care of。I really think you're out of your mind。(不应该管的偏要管,该管的事却不管,我真的觉得你精神不正常。)”蒙丽瑞亚•约翰逊说。
“You! I am a little tired, go up first, you eat.”(你!我有些累了,你们慢用吧。)Linda被蒙丽瑞亚的话激怒了,怒目圆睁,杀气腾腾。
“After all, she is your stepmother. How can you be so impolite?Go home to your own place。(Linda,Linda~他毕竟是你的继母,你怎么可以这么没有礼貌!你赶紧回自己家去吧。)”戴妮•维多利亚•约翰逊生气的望着孙女蒙丽瑞亚说,说完将筷子重重一放离席而去。
“Mom, your words are also wrong, my god, this house into such a mess?(妈妈,你的话也不对,天啊,这个家怎么乱成这个样子。)”威廉一脸愁容,不知该如何是好。
“If you had not loved the new and married a new wife, would the family be like this?Of course grandma's part of it.(这家到了今天这个地步都是你一个人造成的,如果你当初不喜新厌旧,娶了新妻子,这家会成现在这个样子吗?当然这里面也有奶奶的功劳。)”蒙丽瑞亚谴责道。
“What are you doing?Mona Ruiya, are you leaving are you leaving? Don't listen to your grandmother. This house belongs to daddy. Daddy won't let you go。(你这是要干什么?蒙娜瑞亚你要走吗?不要听你奶奶的,这家是爸爸的,爸爸不允许你走。)”威廉说。
“I wouldn't have come back if it hadn't been for Jesse's wedding and he needed my sister,Now that Jesse's gone, I don't have any fun here.(如果不是因为杰西要举行婚礼,需要我这个做姐姐的参加,不然我是不会回来的,既然杰西走了,我在这也没有什么意义了,等到了日子我会回来的。)”蒙娜瑞亚说完毅然决然地离开了,意志是如此坚定。
“Why are you back so suddenly? Have something?(你怎么突然回来了,有事啊?)”蒙娜瑞亚的华裔丈夫朱嘉说。
“Nothing. My brother's gone. Why am I still living there? It's not like I don't have a home.(没事,我弟弟都走了,我还住在那干嘛,自己不是没有家。)”蒙娜瑞亚说。
“Also, nowhere is there a home of one's own that feels free and relaxed, and that feeling of freedom is unique。(也对,任何地方都没有自己家感觉上自由,轻松,那种毫无拘束的感觉是独一无二的)。”朱嘉说。
“Met on the stairs before I get back my stepmother said I have self-knowledge, others home is someone's home, is to borrow in one hundred also become his home, then give me gas immediately back to her, I said, I am not at you, or I don't come back, also this is my home, this is me a, you have no right to catch me.(我回来之前在楼梯上碰到了我那个后妈,说我总算有自知之明,别人家就是别人家,就是借居百年也变不成自己家,当时给我气的立马给她顶回去,我说:我也不是冲你,不然我也不回来,同样这也是我家,这家有我一份,你无权赶我走。)”蒙那瑞亚说。
“Your stepmother is too much. By the way, should your own mother be informed about your brother?“(你那个后妈是很过分,对了,你弟弟的事用通知你的亲妈吗?)”朱嘉说。
“Don't need, if come that the past not good thing will come back, you didn't see me a letter didn't write, I'm afraid to remind the sad, I think so good, at least my mother won't be sad, see not important.(不必了,如果来了那往日不美好的事情就都会回来,你没看我一封信都没写吗,我就怕勾起伤心事,我看这样挺好,起码我妈不会伤心,见不见面就不重要了。)”蒙娜瑞亚说。
“Aren't you afraid of being misunderstood?(那你就不怕被误会吗?)”朱嘉说。
“As long as the mother can reduce the harm, misunderstanding on the misunderstanding.(只要能给妈妈减少伤害,误会就误会吧。)”蒙娜瑞亚第一次在丈夫面前落泪,比男子还刚强的女人最终还是落泪了。