THIS BOOK OWES ITS EXISTENCE to a computer made by Toshiba Corporation, software from Microsoft Corporation and Google, Inc., electricity supplied by Pacific Gas & Electric Company, and coffee roasted by Peet’s Coffee & Tea, Inc. Some actual human beings helped as well.
First, thanks to the many friends and family members—Jennifer Beach, Wendell Brooks, Marcus Chamberlain, Robin Chinn, Gregor Clark, Sally Douglass, Lee Goldberg, John Grimes, Helen Hampton, Noelle Hanrahan, Keasley Jones, Martha Johnson, Steve Johnson, Gaen Murphree, Emma Nace, Julia Nace, Lovina Nace, Ted K. Nace, Jasper Patch, Lisa Roth, and Nancy Ruenzel—who commented on the manuscript, helped think up a title, critiqued the design, sent clippings, asked how things were going, and in various ways sustained the comforting illusion that I was actually getting anything done. Many thanks as well to colleagues and editorial reviewers for insightful critiques: John Cavanagh, Robert Clark, Eugene Coyle, Charles Derber, Mark Dowie, Jonathan Frieman, Richard Grossman, Earl Killian, David Korten, Arthur Naiman, and Steve Roth. Special thanks to Sarah Rabkin for crucial editorial advice.
To those who think that book publishing has become a cold and bruising business, I have two words: Berrett-Koehler. I am most grateful to Steve Piersanti and his associates for the collegial and supportive atmosphere they have created and sustained. Special thanks to Jeevan Sivasubramaniam for taking an early interest in the book and to Rick Wilson for welcoming me into the inner sanctum of the design process. Thanks to Mark Ouimet and the rest of the folks at Publishers Group West for their creativity and book smarts. Thanks also to the freelancers who contributed their skills: production coordinator Linda Jupiter, interior designers Gopa and Veetam, copyeditor Sandra Beris, proofreader Donna Bettencourt, indexer Medea Bogdanovich, cover designer Frances Baca, Web site designer Daniel Will-Harris (www.GangsofAmerica.com), and publicist Celia Alario. And thanks to Roslyn Bullas for timely talent scouting.
I want to acknowledge three people in particular. Jennifer Beach, my partner, aimed her heavy artillery at some of my illusions about American history, for which I am most grateful. Her enthusiasm for this project encouraged me more than I can say. I want to also express my deep gratitude to my parents, Lovina Nace and Ted K. Nace, not just for helping me with this book but also for their sheer joy, passion, and curiosity in this world.