Unit 3
Group 1
courageous [kə‘reɪdʒəs] adj. 勇敢的;有胆量(勇气)的
例 I admire her for the courageous and remarkable life she led and for the contributions she made without any promise of immediate reward.——SAT 2011年10月,Section 8
记 cour-age-ous
cour, cord=heart,如“cordially” (诚恳地) (SAT 2014年5月,Section 2)
-age*抽象名词后缀,如“marriage” (婚姻) (SAT 2006年10月,Section 9)
-ous*形容词后缀,表示“充满了” ,如“incongruous” (不协调的) (SAT OG Test 8, Second Edition, Section 5)
competent [‘kɑmpɪtənt] adj. 有能力的;能胜任的;足够的
例 Sardonically, he mused that about ten years earlier, all competent proofreaders must have disappeared.——SAT 2012年5月北美版,Section 8
记 com-pet-ent
com-=together,如“commiserate” (同情) (SAT 2011年10月,Section 8)
pet=seek; stive,如“appetizer” (开胃品) (SAT 2014年1月, Section 6)
-ent*形容词后缀,如“prevalent” (流行的) (SAT 2012年1月,Section 2)
disapproving [ˌdɪsə‘pru:vɪŋ] adj. 不赞成的;反对的;不喜欢的——disapproval [ˌdɪsə‘pru:vl] n.反对;不赞成;不同意;不喜欢;反感
例 My only hope of growing seemed to point in an upward social direction; but that direction aroused in me a characteristic disapproval and distaste.——SAT OG Test 1, First Edition,
Section 2
记 dis-ap-prov-ing
dis-=not,如“disembodied” (空洞的) (SAT 2007年10月,Section 8)
ap-=ad-=to,如“appraise” (评价;评估) (SAT 2006年5月,Section 7)
prov, proof=test,如“waterproof” (防水的) (SAT 2012年5月亚洲版,Section 7)
-ing*形容词后缀,把动词变为形容词的形式,如“dazzling” (耀眼的) (SAT 2009 年1月,Section 3)
antagonistic [ænˌtæɡə‘nɪstɪk] adj. 敌对的;反对的;对抗的;对立的;不相容的;逆反的
例 Do not try to puzzle your reader unnecessarily; a puzzled reader is an antagonistic reader.——SAT 2010年1月,Section 7
记 ant-agon-ist-ic
ant-=anti-=against,如“antidote” (解药) (SAT 2010年5月,Section 4)
agon=struggle,如“protagonist” (主角) (SAT 2009年5月,Section 9)
-ist*表示“人”的名词后缀,如“geologist” (地质学家) (SAT 2009年10月,Section 6)
-ic*形容词后缀,表示“与……有关的” “……的” ,如“symbolic” (象征的) (SAT 2008年10月,Section 2)
uncouth [ʌn‘ku:θ] adj. 粗野的;笨拙的——uncouthness [‘ʌn’ku:θnɪs] n. 粗野;笨拙
例 Arnold, however, argued that in Homer’s works, several qualities were to be found—clarity, nobility, simplicity, and so on. He thought that a translator should always convey the impression of those qualities, even in cases where the original text did not bear them out. Arnold pointed out that a literal translation made for oddity and for uncouthness.——SAT 2008年1月,Section 8
然而,阿诺德认为,荷马的作品有某特质,如清晰明确、庄严高贵、朴实无华等,无论原著的文字中是否有所体现,也应当被翻译家通过译文传达并展现出来。阿诺德给直译贴上了“怪异”和“笨拙”的标签。记 un-couth
un-=not,如“unapologetically” (不认错地) (SAT 2011年5月北美版,Section 9)
bravery [‘breɪvərɪ] n. 勇敢;勇气;勇敢之举——bravely [‘breɪvlɪ] adj. 勇敢地;华丽地
例 The sleek young woman’s smile faltered, but she bravely continued the interview.——SAT 2009年5月,Section 5
记 brave-ry
-ry*名词后缀-ery的缩写,如“drudgery” (苦差) (SAT 2014年1月,Section 2)
anxiety [æŋ‘zaɪətɪ] n. 焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事
例 She had to be especially careful to recognize everyone she met, and walked up the street with an expression of anxiety which was misinterpreted as disdain.——SAT 2005年3月,Section 2
记 anx-ie-ty
anx=ang=strangle,如“angry” (愤怒的) (SAT 2005年10月,Section 2)
-ty*抽象名词后缀,如“bounty” (慷慨) (SAT 2014年5月,Section 5)
enmity [‘enmətɪ] n. 敌意;敌对;仇视;憎恨
例 The estranged friends attempted a reconciliation, but their deep-seated enmity made the resumption of cordial relations impossible.——SAT 2010年10月,Section 3
记 en-m-ity
en-=not,如“enemy” (敌人) (SAT 2008年10月,Section 5)
m, am=love,如“enamor” (使迷恋) (SAT 2011年5月北美版,Section 6)
-ity*抽象名词后缀,如“actuality” (现实) (SAT 2009年5月,Section 5)
conspiracy [kən‘spɪrəsɪ] n. 阴谋;合谋;谋反
例 In some cases scientific studies have been badly designed, but the antifluoridation lobby weakens its own credibility by making claims that are often completely spurious and by resorting to falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and scare tactics.——SAT 2014年1月,Section 6
记 con-spir-acy
con-=together,如“condescending” (屈尊的; 俯就的) (SAT 2010年10月, Section 9)spir=breathe,如“aspiration” (渴望) (SAT 2005年10月,Section 2)
-cy, -acy*名词后缀,如“bankruptcy” (破产) (SAT OG Test 9, Second Edition, Section 4)
Although he fell that Steven was __________ , Mark did not sense that Steven’s ill will
amounted to outright _____________ .
A. courageous... bravery
B. competent... anxiety
C. disapproving... collegiality
D. antagonistic... enmity
E. uncouth... conspiracy
——SAT 2013年5月北美版,Section 6
applaud [ə‘plɔ:d] v. 赞同;称赞;赞许;鼓掌;喝彩
例 Shouldn’t we applaud this restored popularity? Isn’t patriotism a good thing, especially amid our current difficulties? Yes—but like anything else, it can be taken too far.——SAT 2011 年5月北美版,Section 9
记 ap-plaud
ap-=ad-=to; together,如“appetite” (胃口) (SAT 2005年3月, Section 5)
plaud, plaus=clap,如“plausible” (貌似可信的) (SAT 2010年10月,Section 7)
reject [rɪ‘dʒekt] v. 拒绝;排斥;抵制;丢弃
例 In 1853, when Douglass was considering changing the name of his newspaper, he rejected the proposed title, The Brotherhood, because it “implied the exclusion of the sisterhood”.——SAT OG Test 6, Second Edition, Section 9
1853年,当道格拉斯在考虑为自己的报纸改名时,拒绝了将名字改为被提议的《兄弟情》 ,因为这个名字“暗示着将姐妹之情排除了出去” 。
记 re-ject
re-=back,如“retreat” (撤退) (SAT 2014年5月,Section 5)
ject=throw,如“subject” (使服从) (SAT 2012年1月,Section 2)
resist [rɪ‘zɪst] v. 抵抗;抗拒;忍耐;忍住
例 It has been said that no one who studies the cave paintings is able to resist a yearning for communion with their creators.——SAT 2011年5月亚洲版,Section 8据说没有一个研究洞穴画的人能够抵抗与这些画的创造者恳谈的向往。
记 re-sist
re-=back; against,如“respect” (尊重)(SAT 2008年5月,Section 9)
sist=stand,如“consistent” (坚持的) (SAT 2010年1月,Section 4)
advertise [‘ædvətaɪz] v. 通知;做广告(宣传) ;使突出;展现
例 Isn’t it suicidal to advertise your presence in this blatant way, when you are near enough invisible if you sit tight and do nothing?——SAT 2008年1月,Section 2
记 ad-vert-ise
ad-=to,如“adoration” (崇拜) (SAT 2010年5月,Section 4)
vert, vers=turn,如“diversion” (转移) (SAT OG Test 1, First Edition, Section 8)
-ise, -ize*动词后缀,表示“使成……状态” “使……化” ,如“specialize” (SAT 2011 年10月,Section 3)
justify [‘dʒʌstɪfaɪ] v. 证明……是正当的(或有道理的;合理的) ;替……辩护;证明……无罪;证明有财力作保
例 It was felt necessary by the founders to define the status of indentured servants, slaves, and American Indians in regard to voting rights, but there was no need felt even to mention, much less to explain or justify, that while women were to be counted among “the whole number of free persons” in each state for purposes of representation, they had no right to vote or to be elected to public office.——SAT OG Test 7, Second Edition, Section 2
缔造者们认为有必要明确规定契约仆人、奴隶和美洲印第安人的选举权利,但对于各个州为争取支持而将妇女列入“所有自由的人民” ,而实际上妇女却不享有选举或被选举担当公职的权利这一事实,他们却认为根本没必要提起,更别说是对其进行解释或辩护了。
记 just-ify
just = law; right,如“justice” (法官) (SAT 2005年10月,Section 5)
-ify*动词后缀,表示“做成” “使……化” ,如“horrify” (使恐惧) (SAT OG Test 5, Second Edition, Section 3)
predict [prɪ‘dɪkt] v. 预报;预言;预料;预期
例 Africa will have changed me in ways I cannot predict, perhaps in ways profound, perhaps only superficial.——SAT 2010年1月,Section 2
记 pre-dict
pre-=before,如“precede” (优于,先于) (SAT 2011年5月亚洲版,Section 9)
dict=say,如“contradictory” (相互矛盾的) (SAT 2009年1月,Section 9)
finance [faɪ‘næns] v. 资助;负担经费;筹措资金,融资——finance [faɪ‘næns] n. 财政,财政学;金融
例 Time after time, I have witnessed cities and other environments become asphalt encrusted as the urge to hold the cars of shoppers or home owners has taken primacy. As economist Donald Shoup summed it up, “Form no longer follows function, fashion, or even finance. Instead, form follows parking requirements. ”——SAT 2008年10月,Section 8
一次又一次,我看到许多城市和其他环境被覆以沥青的外壳,因为消费者和房主无法抑制其内心对拥有汽车的渴望。正如经济学家唐纳德·肖普所总结的, “ (城市)格局不再信奉实用性、时尚性或者甚至是否经济。取而代之的是, (城市)格局只关注停车需求。 ”
duplicate [‘du:plɪkeɪt] v. 复印;复写;复制;重复
例 That nineteenth-century French novelist Honore de Balzac could be financially wise in his fiction while losing all his money in life was an irony duplicated in other matters.——SAT OG Test 4, Second Edition, Section 2
记 du-plic-ate
du-=two,如“dubious” (可疑的) (SAT 2013年5月亚洲版,Section 2)
plic=fold,如“inexplicable” (无法说明的) (SAT 2007年10月,Section 4)
-ate*最常用作动词后缀,其名词形式是-ation,如“propagate” (繁殖) (SAT 2006 年5月,Section 7)
Although many companies ___________ the idea of using solar power, the start-up costs are
often too high to__________ the conversion from other technologies.
A. applaud... justify B. reject... predict
C. understand... ignore D. resist... finance
E. advertise... duplicate
——SAT 2013年10月北美版,Section 5
Group 2
arcane [ɑ:‘keɪn] adj. 晦涩难解的;深奥的;神秘的
例 The details of the agreement were so arcane that only a few people were capable of fully comprehending them.——SAT 2013年5月北美版,Section 6
palpable [‘pælpəbl] adj. 可感知的;易察觉的;明显的
例 It is of course intensely pleasurable to imagine that, as we face the products of Leonardo, Raphael, and other great artists of bygone ages, armed with nothing but our “innate”sensibility, a mysterious yet almost palpable contact is established.——SAT 2006年10月,
Section 2
记 palp-able
-able*形容词后缀,表示“有能力” “适合” ,被修饰的名词有被动的意思,如“interchangeable” (可交换的) (SAT 2013年5月北美版,Section 6)
The details of the agreement were so__________ that only a few people were capable of fully
comprehending them.
A. pejorative B. sacrosanct C. imprudent
D. arcane E. palpable
——SAT 2013年5月北美版,Section 6
probability [ˌprɑbə‘bɪlətɪ] n. 可能性;概率;或然率
例 Yet, I think even such people would accept the fact that a major accident is sufficiently serious, and that the probability of occurrence is sufficiently uncertain, that nuclear power cannot be perceived as a desirable technology from the perspective of safety.——SAT 2011 年10月,Section 3
记 prob-abil-ity
prob=test,如“approval” (同意) (SAT 2012年5月北美版,Section 3)
-abil=-able*形容词后缀,表示“有能力” “适合” ,被修饰的名词有被动的意思,如“imaginable” (可以想象的) (SAT 2005年3月,Section 5)
-ity*抽象名词后缀,如“originality” (独创性) (SAT OG Test 6, Second Edition, Section 7)
clarity [‘klærətɪ] n. 清楚,明晰;透明;阐明
例 It is easy enough to understand why we would want such qualities as dignity and clarity to play a role in our lives, less clear is why we should also need the objects around us to speak to us of them.——SAT 2013年1月,Section 2
记 clar-ity
clar=clear,如“declare” (宣布) (SAT 2009年1月,Section 7)
-ity*抽象名词后缀,如“personality” (个性) (SAT 2007年10月,Section 8)
repetition [ˌrepə‘tɪʃn] n. 重复;反复;复诵;复制品
例 Some critics believe that the frequent use of repetition in Native American ceremonial texts was a result of the oral nature and helped make the works easy to remember.——SAT 2009 年10月,Section 2
记 re-petit-ion
re-=again,如“reinforce” (巩固;加强) (SAT 2006年1月,Section 7)
petit=seek,如“competitiveness” (竞争力) (SAT 2011年1月,Section 3)
-ion*抽象名词后缀,表示“行为” “过程” ,如“function” (功能) (SAT 2011年5月北美版,Section 7)
artificiality [ˌɑ:tɪˌfɪʃɪ‘ælətɪ] n. 人工制造;不自然;不真实——artificial [ˌɑ:tɪ‘fɪʃl] adj. 人造的;人为的;虚假的
例 Fettered as women are in European countries by restraints, obligations, and responsibilities, which are too often arbitrary and artificial... it is natural enough that when the opportunity offers, they should hail even a temporary emancipation through travel.——SAT OG Test 4, Second Edition, Section 2
记 art-ific-ial-ity
art=skill,如“artifact” (人造物) (SAT 2006年5月,Section 7)
ific=make,如“significantly” (意味深远地;重要地) (SAT 2008年10月,Section 5)
-ial*形容词后缀,表示“有……的性质,有关……” ,如“residential” (住宅的) (SAT
2012年5月亚洲版,Section 4)
-ity*抽象名词后缀,如“vulgarity” (粗俗) (SAT OG Test 10, Second Edition, Section 9)
In her movie Chocolat, filmmaker Claire Denis shuns __________ and attempts instead to depict events as realistically as possible.
A. probability B. clarity C. repetition
D. elation E. artificiality
——SAT 2013年10月北美版,Section 5
prosaic [prə‘zeɪk] adj. 平凡的;乏味的;散文体的
记 prosa-ic
-ic*形容词后缀,表示“与……有关的” “……的” ,如“academic” (学术的) (SAT 2009年5月,Section 5)
astonishing [ə‘stɑnɪʃɪŋ] adj. 惊人的;令人惊讶的
例 At the very least, reflecting on the “I Have a Dream” speech should be an opportunity to be grateful for the astonishing transformation of America that the freedom movement wrought.——SAT 2005年10月,Section 2
记 as-ton-ish-ing
as-=ex-=out,如“exposure” (暴露) (SAT OG Test 10, Second Edition, Section 4)
ton=thunder,如“detonate” (爆炸) (SAT 2007年10月,Section 8)
-ish*动词后缀,表示“做……”的意思,如“finish” (结束) (SAT 2010年1月,Section 7)
-ing*形容词后缀,把动词变成形容词的形式,如“discouraging” (令人沮丧的) (SAT OG Test 6, Second Edition, Section 8)
habitual [hə‘bɪtʃJəl] adj. 习惯的;惯常的;习以为常的;积习难改的
例 Lying can become habitual in dealing with others while the moral sense in charge of hindering it atrophies.——SAT 2013年5月北美版,Section 8
记 habit-ual
habit=live,如“inhabit” (栖息) (SAT 2013年1月,Section 2)
-al, -ual*形容词后缀,表示“有关……” “有……性质” ,如“federal” (联邦的) (SAT 2006年5月,Section 4)
extraordinary [ɪk‘strɔ:dənərɪ] adj. 非凡的;格外的;特别的;离奇的
例 That any civilized human being in this nineteenth century should not be aware that the earth traveled round the sun appeared to me to be such an extraordinary fact that I could hardly realize it.——SAT 2008年1月,Section 5
记 extra-ordin-ary
extra-, extr-=beyond,如“extremely” (极其) (SAT 2008年5月,Section 9)
ordin=order,如“coordinate” (协调) (SAT 2010年5月,Section 4)
-ary*形容词后缀,如“secondary” (次级的) (SAT 2013年5月亚洲版,Section 2)
deceptive [dɪ‘septɪv] adj. 欺诈的;迷惑的;虚伪的;欺骗性的
例 Clumsy deceivers are sometimes visibly agitated, but in general there is no such thing as “typical” deceptive behavior.——SAT 2010年5月,Section 4
记 de-cept-ive
de-=dis-=away,如“delinquency” (犯罪) (SAT 2007年1月,Section 8)
cept=take,如“reception” (招待会) (SAT 2011年5月北美版,Section 6)
-ive*形容词后缀,如“decisive” (决定性的) (SAT 2013年1月,Section 4)
nimble [‘nɪmbl] adj. 敏捷的;灵活的;聪明的;敏感的
例 What was so special about that encounter with my first seahorse? Why are seahorses different from so many other creatures I have gazed upon during hours and days underwater?
It surely has something to do with their unconventional beauty, their unique combination of features, demure down-turned snout and tightly curled tail, as sensitive and nimble as an elephant’s trunk.——SAT 2013年1月,Section 2
fluid [‘flu:ɪd] adj. 流动的;流畅的;不固定的
例 Rejecting the cluttered over ornamentation of the past, artists influenced by Art Nouveau sought to draw popular interest away from machine-made products by incorporating more delicate and fluid natural forms—peacock feathers, flower stalks, vine tendrils, even insect wings.——SAT 2008年10月,Section 2
记 flu-id
flu=flow,如“superfluous” (多余的) (SAT OG Test 4, Second Edition, Section 8)
-id*形容词后缀,如“solid” (固体的) (SAT 2008年5月, Section 4)
taut [tɔ:t] adj. 拉紧的;紧张的;紧绷的;紧实的
playful [‘pleɪfl] adj. 开玩笑的;闹着玩的;嬉戏的;顽皮的
例 I turned to watch a mother playing with her infant, tickling his toes with playful little nibbles and then looking into his laughing face and eyes with the most amazing gaze of adoration.——SAT 2010年5月,Section 4
记 play-ful
-ful*形容词后缀,表示“充满了” ,如“doubtful” (不能确定的) (SAT 2006年10月,Section 9)
Studying gray whales during the 1970s, marine biologist Mary Lou Jones dubbed one of her subjects “Amazing Grace,” for its friendliness was __________ and its movements underwater __________ beyond description.
A. prosaic... nimble B. astonishing... fluid C. habitual... taut
D. extraordinary... playful E. deceptive... spry
——SAT 2012年5月亚洲版,Section 9
tenaciousness [tə‘neɪʃəsnəs] n. 固执;顽强——tenacious [tə‘neɪʃəs] adj. 紧握的;坚持的;固执的;顽固的; (记忆力)强的;持久的
例 I soon realized that he was generous, subtle, tenacious, and brave, even with a touch of insolence, but he had an elusive, untamed quality.——SAT 2009年5月,Section 7
记 ten-ac-ious-ness
ten=hold; keep,如“tenant” (房客;佃户) (SAT 2012年1月,Section 4)
-ious*形容词后缀,表示“充满了” ,如“delirious” (极度兴奋的) (SAT 2007年10月,Section 7)
-ness*能将形容词变成抽象名词,如“freshness” (新鲜感;新鲜度) (SAT 2005年3月,Section 2)
audacity [ɔ:‘dæsətɪ] n. 大胆;无畏;厚颜无耻
例 The imposing architecture attested to the skill and audacity of the Incas.——SAT 2005年3月,Section 5
记 aud-acity
aud, auct=increase; make to grow,如“auctioneering” (拍卖) (SAT OG Test 4, Second Edition, Section 2)
-ness*能将形容词变成抽象名词,如“amorphousness” (无定形态) (SAT 2013年5月亚洲版,Section 2)
voraciousness [və‘reɪʃəsnəs] n. 贪婪;渴望——voracious [və‘reɪʃəs] adj. 贪婪的;贪吃的;如饥似渴的
例 Caves have always haunted the imagination. The ancient Greeks shuddered at tales of Cerberus, the three-headed dog guarding the entrance to Hades, and countless legends and Hollywood fantasies include a spine-tingling staple: unknown creatures lurking in the next claustrophobic corridor, hungry and waiting for visitors. Now it turns out that bizarre, voracious denizens of the underworld are not wholly imaginary.——SAT 2009年1月,Section 7
岩洞总是带给人无限的遐想。守卫冥界入口的三头犬——刻耳柏洛斯的传说令古希腊人恐惧不已,并且,在不计其数的传说和好莱坞魔幻作品中,都有这种令人毛骨悚然的情节:某些未知生物躲在前面的一条幽暗封闭的走廊里,饥肠辘辘地等待着“访客” 。现在事实证明这些怪诞、贪食的地下“居民”并非完全虚构。
记 vor-ac-ious-ness
vor=eat,如“carnivore” (食肉动物) (SAT 2006年5月,Section 7)
-ious*形容词后缀,表示“充满了” ,如“tendentious” (有倾向的) (SAT 2014年5月,Section 8)
-ness*能将形容词变成抽象名词,如“weakness” (弱点) (SAT 2006年5月,Section 7)
complacency [kəm‘pleɪsnsɪ] n. 自满;自鸣得意
记 com-plac-ency
com-=thoroughly,如“commentary” (评论) (SAT 2012年5月亚洲版,Section 9)
plac, pleas=please,如“unpleasant” (令人不快的) (SAT 2008年1月,Section 2)
-ency*抽象名词后缀,如“presidency” (总统任期) (SAT 2011年5月亚洲版,Section 3)
Mae West bold disregard for popular conventions and norms during her film career earned her reputation for _______________ .
A. tenaciousness B. audacity C. voraciousness
D. amiability E. complacency
——SAT 2014年1月,Section 6
Group 3
automaton [ɔ:‘tɑmətən] n. 机器人;自动装置;自动机器
例 Yellow jackets are not mere automatons, preprogrammed mechanisms; rather, these insects change behavioral patterns in response to their experiences.——SAT 2013年5月亚洲版,Section 8
记 auto-mat-on
auto-=self,如“automobile” (汽车) (SAT 2012年5月北美版,Section 3)
mat=thinking,如“automatically” (自动地) (SAT 2012年1月,Section 4)
-on*表示“人”的名词后缀,如“surgeon” (外科医生) (SAT OG Test 9, Second Edition, Section 4)
disciple [dɪ‘saɪpl] n. 信徒;追随者;门徒;弟子
记 discip-le
-le*名词后缀,如“riddle” (难解的问题) (SAT 2005年10月,Section 2)
fledgling [‘fledʒlɪŋ] n. 无经验的人;新手;刚会飞的幼鸟
例 Some claim that since PBS is no longer the fledgling weakling that it was when it was founded, there is no longer any need for taxpayers to continue to fund it.——SAT 2010年10月,Section 7
记 fledg-ling
fledg(e) :长羽毛
-ling*名词后缀,由-le(小的) 、-ing(特定的一类)组合而成,表示“幼小” “不重要” 。
prodigy [‘prɑdɪdʒɪ] n. 奇才;奇迹;奇事;奇观
例 Then in music class she always lets herself get bumped around so she falls accidentally on purpose onto the piano stool and is so surprised to find herself sitting there that she decides just for fun to try out the old keys. And what do you know—Chopin’s waltzes just spring out of her fingertips. A regular prodigy.——SAT 2009年5月,Section 7
然而,在音乐课上她总是(故意)让自己绊倒, (装作)意外地倒在钢琴凳上,故作惊讶地发现自己碰巧坐在上面了,为了好玩,于是决定试着弹一下这些古旧的琴键。并且你知道么——肖邦的华尔兹圆舞曲在她指尖下自然地缓缓流淌。这是经常发生的奇事。
Yellow jackets are not mere ____________ , preprogrammed mechanisms; rather, these insects
change behavioral patterns in response to their experiences.
A. automatons B. disciples C. fledglings
D. saboteurs E. prodigies
——SAT 2013年5月亚洲版,Section 8
autonomous [ɔ:‘tɑnəməs] adj. 自治的;独立自主的;自发的
例 It has not been easy to find the answer, but careful laboratory experiments have led to the definite conclusion that our body contains an autonomous time keeper.——SAT 2012年1月,Section 4
记 auto-nom-ous
auto-=self,如“automatic” (自动的) (SAT 2007年1月,Section 3)
nom=law,如“astronomer” (天文学家) (SAT 2010年1月,Section 4)
-ous*形容词后缀,表示“充满了” ,如“momentous” (重要的;重大的) (SAT 2011 年5月北美版,Section 3)
expedient [ɪk‘spi:dɪənt] adj. 权宜的;方便有利的
例 Such expedient misconception argues strongly for the development and dissemination of a more accurate, more objective historical account of native peoples—a goal easier stated than accomplished.——SAT OG Test 1, First Edition, Section 2(西方人)出于方便起见而选择了“误解” ,但却声称要更准确、客观地记载和传播原住居民(印第安人)的历史——这个目标说来容易,但实现起来并非那么简单。
记 ex-pedi-ent
ex-=out,如“exhausted” (疲惫的) (SAT 2006年1月,Section 9)
ped, pedi=foot,如“peddle” (沿街叫卖) (SAT 2011年10月,Section 7)
-ent*形容词后缀,如“obedient” (顺从的) (SAT OG Test 10, Second Edition, Section 9)
cooperative [kəʊ‘ɑpərətɪv] adj. 合作的;协作的
例 The act of speech is a physical act. It is powerful enough that it can create, with the rest of the body, a kind of cooperative dance.——SAT 2005年10月,Section 8; SAT 2012年5月亚洲版,Section 7
记 co-oper-at-ive
co-=com-=together,如“compensate” (补偿) (SAT 2013年1月,Section 2)
oper=work,如“operate” (操作) (SAT 2006年10月,Section 5)
-at(e)*动词后缀,其名词形式是-ation,如“graduate” (毕业) (SAT OG Test 4, Second Edition, Section 2)
-ive*形容词后缀,如“positive” (积极的) (SAT 2007年1月,Section 8)
egalitarian [ɪˌɡælɪ‘terɪən] adj. 平等主义的;平均主义的;主张人人平等的
例 Many blogs also have comments sections, allowing non-bloggers to join the conversation. The result is a much more freewheeling, egalitarian form of communication than one finds in the traditional media.——SAT 2012年5月亚洲版,Section 6
记 egal-it-arian
-ian, -arian*形容词后缀,表示“……学派的” ,如“utilitarian” (功利的) (SAT 2012 年5月亚洲版,Section 9)
collective [kə‘lektɪv] adj. 共同的;联合的;集体的;总体的
例 Properly speaking, a movement is a continuous, collective effort to bring about fundamental social reform. It is a collaborative rather than an individualistic enterprise.——SAT 2007年1月,Section 3
记 col-lect-ive
col-=com-=together,如“commiserate” (同情;怜悯) (SAT 2011年10月,Section 8)lect=gather,如“intellect” (智力) (SAT OG Test 7, Second Edition, Section 8)
-ive*形容词后缀,如“cognitive” (认知的) (SAT OG Test 7, Second Edition, Section 2)
egotistical [ˌeɡəʊ‘ɪstɪk] adj. 任性的;自我中心的;自高自大的;自负的;傲慢的——egotism [‘eɡəʊɪzəm] n. 自负;自我中心;自高自大;唯我主义
例 Jerry had certain ambitions: ambition makes more liars than egotism does. But Jerry was so careful, his lies such modest calculations, that he was always believed.——SAT OG Test 1, First Edition, Section 2
记 ego-t-ist-ical
ego=I; self
-ist*名词后缀,表示“……主义者” “从事……的专家” ,如“botanist” (植物学家)(SAT OG Test 6, Second Edition, Section 3)
-ical*形容词后缀,表示“……有关” “……性的” ,如“physiological” (生理学的) (SAT OG Test 7, Second Edition, Section 2)
communal [kə‘mju:nl] adj. 公社的;公共的;团体的;共有的
例 There are no fences, hedges, nets, ditches, or demarcation lines anywhere. The space is single, communal, open; it puts up no limits, offers no resistance.——SAT 2014年1月,Section 2
记 com-mun-al
com-=together,如“complication” (困难) (SAT 2009年10月,Section 2)
mun=sevice,如“municipality” (市政当局) (SAT 2009年5月,Section 5)
-al*形容词后缀,表示“有……的性质” “有关……” ,如“continual” (持续不断的)
(SAT 2007年1月,Section 3)
reciprocal [rɪ‘sɪprəkl] adj. 相互的;互惠的——reciprocity [ˌresɪ‘prɑsətɪ] n. 相互作用;相互性;互惠主义
例 In the end, the principles of reciprocity and equality were substantially undermined by the ethics and imperatives of the traders.——SAT OG Test 8, Second Edition, Section 2
记 re-cip-roc-al
re-=back,如“revolve” (旋转) (SAT 2007年10月,Section 8)
cip, cept =take,如“susceptible” (易受影响的) (SAT 2009年1月,Section 3)
-al*形容词后缀,表示“有……的性质,有关……” ,如“countercultural” (反主流文化的) (SAT 2009年1月,Section 9)
The participants in the study considered themselves ____________ , but in yielding to the wishes of the group, they were assuming _____________ values.
A. autonomous... collective B. expedient... egotistical
C. cooperative... communal D. munificent... narcissistic
E. egalitarian... reciprocal
——SAT 2012年10月,Section 5
philanthropy [fɪ‘lænθrəpɪ] n. 博爱;仁爱;慈善;慈善事业
例 In Africa, no one could dispute what Jerry said he was: a wealthy Bostonian, from a family of some distinction, adventuring in philanthropy before inheriting his father’s business.——SAT OG Test 1, First Edition, Section 8
记 phil-anthrop-y
phil, philo=love,如“philosophy” (哲学) (SAT 2008年1月,Section 5)
anthrop=man,如“anthropologist” (人类学家) (SAT 2007年5月,Section 6)
-y*抽象名词后缀,如“honesty” (诚实,正直) (SAT OG Test 4, Second Edition, Section 5)
yearning [‘jɜ:nɪŋ] n. 渴望;向往;怀念;思念;同情
例 Surprise, bewilderment, yearning, acceptance, understanding—in sequence, or all at once—her glance seems to convey all of these.——SAT 2006年5月,Section 2
记 yearn-ing
-ing*抽象名词后缀,表示“状态” ,如“bearing” (举止;姿态) (SAT 2006年5月,Section 7)
avarice [‘ævərɪs] n. 贪婪,贪财
例 The slogan “greed is good” epitomizes the controversial notion that avarice might actually be beneficial. ——SAT 2013年5月亚洲版,Section 5
记 avar-ice
-ice*抽象名词后缀,表示“状态” ,如“cowardice” (怯懦) (SAT 2007年10月,Section 4)
desire [dɪ‘zaɪə] n. 欲望;渴望;希望;要求,心愿;请求;恳求
例 I had grown up in the United States virtually without relatives, which, in my intense desire to assimilate, was quite all right with me.——SAT 2009年5月,Section 7
charitable [‘tʃærətəbl] adj. 慈善的;慷慨的,仁慈的;宽恕的
例 “The instant the State took upon itself educative, charitable, or personally helpful work,”claimed one suffragist, “it became in need of the service of women. ” ——SAT 2012年10月,Section 7
一位妇女政权论者声称: “国家越需要承担起它教育、慈善以及帮助个人的工作,就越需要妇女的加入。 ”
记 char-it-able
-it(y)*抽象名词后缀,如“reality” (真实;现实) (SAT 2012年5月亚洲版,Section 4)-able*形容词后缀,表示“有能力” “适合” ,被修饰的名词有被动的意思,如“tolerable” (可容许的) (SAT 2005年3月,Section 5)
beneficial [ˌbenɪ‘fɪʃl] adj. 有益的,有利的;有帮助的
例 Green marketing tactics often do no more than fool us into thinking that we are doing something environmentally beneficial when actually we are merely responding to the latest gimmick to increase sales.——SAT 2014年1月,Section 6
记 bene-fic-ial
bene-=well,如“benefit” (益处;好处) (SAT 2013年1月,Section 9)
fic=do,如“efficiency” (效率) (SAT 2013年1月,Section 2)
-ial*形容词后缀,表示“有关……” “有……性质” ,如“potential” (潜在的) (SAT 2011年1月,Section 3)
restrictive [rɪ‘strɪktɪv] adj. 限制的;限制性的;约束的——restriction [rɪ‘strɪkʃn] n. 限制;约束;束缚
例 My surgeon, an understanding man who has had the same operation himself, said, “There are general guidelines, restrictions, recommendations. But all the particulars you will have to find out for yourself. ”——SAT OG Test 9, Second Edition, Section 4
我的外科医生是一个非常善解人意的人,他自己也曾接受过同样的手术。他说: “对于此种病症有很多常规的参考、限制和建议。但是你必须找出适合自己的具体疗法。 ”
记 re-strict-ive
re-=back,如“return” (返回) (SAT 2012年1月,Section 4)
strict=draw tight,如“stricture” (约束) (SAT OG Test 4, Second Edition, Section 2)-ive*形容词后缀,如“recessive” (隐性的) (SAT 2006年5月,Section 7)
The slogan “greed is good” epitomizes the controversial notion that __________ might actually be ______________ .
A. cupidity... outmoded B. philanthropy... charitable
C. yearning... equivocal D. avarice... beneficial
E. desire... restrictive
——SAT 2013年5月亚洲版,Section 5