2017年6月 研究生英语学位课统考真题
一、 本考试由两份试卷组成:试卷一(Paper One)包括听力理解、词汇、完形填空与阅读理解四部分,共80题,按顺序统一编号;试卷二 (Paper Two) 包括翻译与写作两部分,共3题。此外,试卷分A 卷和B卷,请考生注意在答题卡上标出自己的试卷类型。
二、 试卷一(题号1-80)为客观评分题(听力Section C 部分除外),答案一律用2B铅笔做在机读答题纸上,在对应题号下所选的字母中间划黑道,如
三、 试卷二为主观评分题,答案做在ANSWER SHEET II上。答题前,请仔细阅读试卷二的注意事项。
四、 试卷一、试卷二上均不得做任何记号(听力Section C部分除外),答案一律写在答题纸上,否则无效。
五、 本考试全部时间为150分钟,采用试卷一与试卷二分卷计时的办法。试卷一考试时间为90分钟,听力理解部分以放完录音为准,大约25分钟;其余部分共计时65分钟,每部分所占时间均标在试卷上,考生可自行掌握。
六、 试卷二共计时60分钟,每部分所占时间均标在试卷上,考生可自行掌握。试卷一与试卷二采取分别收卷的办法。每次终了时间一到,考生一律停笔,等候监考教师收点试卷及答题纸。全部考试结束后,须待监考教师将全部试卷及答题纸收点无误并宣布本考试结束,方可离开考场。
LISTENING COMPREHENSION (25 minutes,20 points)
Section A ( 1 point each)
Directions: In this section,you will hear nine short conversa tions between two speakers. At the end of each conversa tion a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be read only once. Choose the best answer from the four choices given by m a rking the corresponding letter with a single ba r across the squa re brackets on your m achine-scored answer Sheet.
1.A. Horrible.
B. Pleasant.
C. Expensive.
D. Not worth-w hile.
2.A. Foods can affect our appearance.
B. The well-fed tend to stay healthy.
C. Foods you eat determ ine your health.
D. Food p reference tends to vary.
3.A. Depositing m oney at a bank.
B. Buying drinks from a machine.
C. Paying bills at a checkout.
D. Getting m oney froman ATM.
4.A. Harrison is now her boss.
B. She enjoys working with Harrison.
C. She and Harrison work at d ifferen t com panies.
D. She and Harrison work on differen t floors.
5.A. She believed Linco ln was great.
B. She hoped to be elected president.
C. The man could become p resident.
D. Such a com parison makes no sense.
6.A. A doorkeeper.
B. A housing agent.
C. A car repairman.
D. A bus d river.
7.A. Sm all talk between friends.
B. An in terrogation by the police.
C. A job interview.
D. An in terview for college adm ission.
8.A. She is going to be fired.
B. She’ll have her salary raised.
C. She is satisfied with her pay.
D. She can’t get a pay rise now.
9.A. The noise from the room upstairs.
B. Students working hard upstairs.
C. The music from ou tside the building.
D. Her w ork-related stress or trouble.
Section B (1 point each)
Directions: In this section you will hear two Mini-talks. At the end of each talk,there will be som e questions. Both the talks and the questions will be read to you only once. After each question,there will be a pause. During the pause,you must choose the best answer from the four choices given by m arking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your m achine-scored answer Sheet.
Mini-talk One
10.A. By using in form al and sim p le words.
B. By w riting your views in a logical order.
C. By starting a paragraph withou t a topic sen tence.
D. By making your tone im personal.
11.A. To p resen t your argum ents ob jectively.
B. To base argum en ts on personal p references.
C. To use words like “I” or “we”.
D. To support your argum en ts with references.
12.A. Using sho rtened forms.
B. Varying the level of form ality.
C. Making wording inform al.
D. Using form al words.
Mini-talk Two
13.A. Due to low incomes after graduation.
B. Because of the rising cost of tuition.
C. Because of poo r academ ic performance.
D. For lack of a high school dip loma.
14.A. Easy access to better-paid jobs.
B. Opportunities to listen to experts.
C. A better chance of p rom otion.
D. More time for workout.
15.A. The im portance of a co llege education.
B. The fu ture of colleges or universities.
C. Accessibility of higher education.
D. Challenges facing college studen ts.
Section C (1 point each)
D irections: In this section you will hea r a short lectu re. Listen to the recording and com p lete the notes about the lecture. You will hea r the recording twice. After the recording you are asked to write down your answers on the answer Sheet. You now have 25 seconds to read the notes below.
16. …though we still struggle to _____(3 words) the large am ount of data that influence the daily prevailing pattern of rain and the sun….
17. This is the ____(2 words) between w eather and clim ate.
18. …and clim ate is determ ined by the way the ____(2 words) over relatively long periods of time.
19. …and this con tributes to global w arm ing that is accep ted as reality by the _____(2 words) of clim ate experts.
20. …find that p red icting exactly how ou r weather will change along with clim ate is _______(3 words)….
VOCABULARY (10 minutes,10 points )
Section A (0.5 point each)
Directions: There are 10 questions in this section. Each question is a sen tence with one word or phrase underlined. Below the sen tence are four words or phrases m arked A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in m eaning to the underlined one. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the squa re brackets on your m achine-scored answer Sheet.
21. This list of likely donors proved to be invaluable to our fund-raising efforts.
A. worthless B. priceless C. valueless D. costless
22. Beyond the general goal of sustainability,there was little consensus at the conference on how to get there.
A. agreement B. con troversy
C. sentiment D. censorship
23. This gam e can be a good distraction during a long car ride along the expressway.
A. annoyance B. diversity
C. am usem ent D. dilemma
24. It is far from easy to formu late a po licy that can be accep ted by the m ajority of the public.
A. implement B. simulate C. assem ble D. devise
25. Like the Industrial Revo lu tion,the d igital revo lu tion has changed the w o rld permanen_tly.
A. forever B. tem porarily
C. sligh tly D. som ehow
26. Helicop ter paren ts will try hard to inhibit the aggressive tendencies of their kids.
A. p rom ote B. restrain C. inhabit D. exp lo re
27. Cam bridge assum_ed a lead ing role in the Victo rian era,especially in religious con troversy.
A. requested B. presumed
C. played D. advocated
28. What coun ts is to create an atm osphere that is conducive to education in ru ral areas in China.
A. detrim en tal to B. correlated with
C. crazy about D. beneficial for
29. Road rage has highlighted the im po rtance of the saying that courtesy m_akes_for safer d riving.
A. arises from B. focuses on C. in teracts with D. leads to
30. This so ftw are not only brings efficiency with respect to memo ry u tilization,but increases the processing speed.
A. in regard to B. as a result of
C. in the wake of D. on accoun t of
Section B (0.5 point each)
D irections: There are 10 questions in this section. Each question is a sen tence with som ething m issing. Below each sen tence are four words or phrases m a rked A,B,C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best com pletes the sen tence. Ma rk the corresponding letter with a single bar across the squa re brackets on your m achinescored answer Sheet.
31. What China has achieved so far is amazing and has won w orldw ide ___.
A. consciousness B. adm ission C. recognition D. confession
32. The dictionary is ___ longer to record linguistic events than they ___ to happen.
A. taking…spend B. spend ing…take
C. spending…spend D. taking…take
33. If you take the right app roach ___ an issue,you won’t go ___ the w rong d irection.
A. to…in B. of…towards
C. for…in to D. about…to
34. Cancer drugs that are ___ effective m ay have a p rogressively d iMinishing effect.
A. scarcely B. initially C. eventually D. consistently
35. As a cell phone is indispensible for m ales and fem ales ___,new brands keep em erging.
A. likely B. like C. alike D. liking
36. Chinese au tho rs of SCI papers are usually asked to have the language ___ by a native speaker of English.
A. relished B. polished C. fu rnished D. cherished
37. The construction of this new airport in the sou th of Beijing will ___ the developm ent of tourism.
A. facilitate B. popu late C. specu late D. con tem p late
38. The Mexican settlers built cities and m issions in what ___ become California.
A. used to B. w ou ld rather C. was to D. had better
39. Increased consum p tion of renew able energy requires producers and consumers to ___ renew able sources.
A. con form to B. app ly to C. am oun t to D. switch to
40. The Volksw agen Group is to restructure the management ___ the em issions testing scandal.
A. in line with B. in response to C. in defiance of D. in excess of
CLOZE TEST (10 m inutes,10 points,1 point each)
D irections: There are 10 questions in this part of the test. Read the passagethrough. Then,go back and choose one suitable word or phrase m a rked A,B,C,or D for each blank in the passage. Ma rk the co rrespond ing letter of the word or phrase you have chosen with a single bar across the squa re brackets on your m achine-scored answer Sheet.
Each of us is working hard to be happy. Happ iness brings substan tial benefits for society41. There is clear and42 evidence that happ ier peop le have better overall health and live longer than their less happy peers. They can reduce their43 to a cold or a heart attack by44 50%.
Happ ier peop le are more likely to wear seat belts and45 road acciden ts. Happ ier peop le are even more financially responsible,tending to46 more rigo rous con tro l over their expend itu res. Most im po rtan tly of all,peop le w ho are happ ier are more47 to m ake positive con tributions to society and participate in public activities. They also have a greater respect48 law and order and offer more help.
There is even evidence that happ iness is con tagious or sp read ing,49 happ ier peop le help o thers around them to become happ ier too. In other words,how happy we are has a m easurable im pact on the50 of our friend’s friends.
41.A. as a who le B. by m ere chance C. at great length D. all at once
42.A. indu lging B. com pelling C. deteriorating D. perp lexing
43.A. sensitivity B. resistance C. con tribution D. vulnerability
44.A. as long as B. as soon as C. as much as D. as far as
45.A. fall short of B. keep clear of C. get stuck in D. end up with
46.A. exercise B. im itate C. rehearse D. perform
47.A. possible B. p leasan t C. willing D. satisfacto ry
48.A. of B. about C. in D. for
49.A. even if B. so that C. just as D. every time
50.A. character B. cognition C. emotion D. mood
READING COMPREHENSION (45 minutes,30 points,1 point each)
Directions: In this part of the test,there are five short passages. Read each passage ca refu lly,and then do the questions that follow. Choose the best answer from the four choices given and m ark the corresponding letter with a single ba r across the squa re brackets on your m achine-scored answer Sheet.
Passage One
Robots are no thing com pared to the revolu tion that d riverless cars are about to bring about. Next year the UK hopes to see trials of d riverless cars on British m oto rw ays. So it’s time to think seriously about what’s com ing down the fast lane in 2017.
Let’s start with the positives. First,quite a lo t of peop le who o therw ise wou ld be killed or inju red on the roads will be saved. Alm ost all studies on properly equipped d riverless cars suggest they are safer than those d riven by humans in that they are better able to prevent acciden ts. There is an additional safety advantage for w om en,w ho wo rry about late-nigh t taxi rides. A d riverless car isn’t going to do you any harm.
D riverless cars shou ld also greatly improve the u rban landscape. We have become used to the ugliness of streets being choked by parked vehicles,but there will be little poin t in owning a car. The cost of a taxi ride is m ostly m ade up by paying the driver,and therefore local rides w ou ld be d ram atically cheaper. It will seem extravagan t to spend much m oney to buy a car you can hire whenever you need it for far less.
So ou r streets will be clearer. There will have to be vast new in frastructu re system s — huge garages to store the cars so they can arrive quickly when ordered. I wonder whether local train services will su rvive. We m ay propose that railway lines be turned in to roads for d riverless cars. I can im agine car ownership and car driving being frowned on as much as sm oking at a fam ily gathering is now.
but let’s turn to the dark side. First,the effect on jobs. There are just under 300,000 HGV d rivers licensed in the UK and about the same num ber of licensed taxi drivers in England and Wales. There are probably around a m illion peop le across the UK dependen t upon d riving others,or goods,or takeaways for their living. In an age of job insecu rity,driving has become the way that many peop le keep their heads above water. If you can’t find anything else,sign up with a local cab firmand spend long hou rs on the streets.
There are also safety issues. This en tire system depends upon the In ternet. A terro rist attack,or even a large so lar flare,could knock everything ou t. The more in terconnected we are,the more vu lnerable we are. As with m ost technological advances,d riverless cars will be a w onderfu l fu tu re or a loom ing disaster,dependen t on the po litical choices we m ake.
51. Acco rding to this passage,d riverless cars ___.
A. are already running on British streets
B. have a much less im pact than robots
C. can be a m ixed blessing in the UK
D. offer better p ro tection in case of acciden ts
52. With the popularity of driverless cars,more peop le will ___.
A. buy such a car instead of taking a taxi
B. take a taxi rather than own a car
C. be scared at the sight of these cars
D. try to expand their own garages
53. The m ain idea of Paragraph Five is that d riverless cars m ay ___.
A. force numerous d rivers out of jobs
B. pose a big threat to taxi drivers only
C. create new opportunities for drivers
D. help elim inate job insecu rity
54. The underlined words in Paragraph Five probably m ean ___.
A. learn sw imm ing as soon as possible
B. manageto make a living financially
C. m ake a lo t of money in a short time
D. sw itch between jobs for a high pay
55. The last paragraph im p lies that d riverless cars ___.
A. are expected to run on solar energy
B. are likely to cause traffic accidents
C. seem frightening and unreliable
D. are prone to poten tial breakdowns
56. The m ain idea of this passage is that the d riverless car revolution ___.
A. is about bo th techno logy and society
B. will be more of a cu rse than a blessing
C. can be a perfect solution to traffic jams
D. has been too con troversial to be beneficial
Passage Two
We all spend a good part of ou r lives surrounded by screens. There’s no denying that they’re p retty great. but once in a w hile,it’s nice to be rem inded to step aw ay from them.
The first step is to take a break so the brain com es back to norm al functioning. Second ly,it’s im po rtant to have a p lan for how to properly balance tech use in your life.
Balance is definitely a goal I had in m ind,once I realized that I w as dreading every sound of my smartphones. I’m obviously a fan of technology,but even I w as reaching my lim its. I realized that my relationship with my inbox and social media accounts was not healthy. Given what I do,it’s not uncomm on for strangers to call m e an idiot — or wo rse — at 1:30 a.m. by e-m ail or Facebook m essage. I decided I really d idn’t want to deal with that in real time anymore.
The w ay I evade the screen has been to keep my phones out of my bedroom. That probably doesn’t sound revo lu tionary,but it’s been a game-changer for me. I can still hear the phone ring in case of an em ergency. but I don’t check my e-mail or get on my social m ed ia accoun ts from bed. I even bought an alarm clock to stop m yself from taking my phone to bed and to give m yself som e space from my phone soon after I wake up.
I’ve also m ade it a hobby to find technology that can help me unp lug. Setting up times to send your phone au tomatically in to “do not disturb” m ode rem oves the tem ptation to check in on the office when you’re trying to sleep. timer apps,such as 30/30 or eventhe basic one on your phone,can help you budget time to focus on tasks and allow you to put your phone down.
Reboot m ade an ap p to start your d igital day off righ t. The iOS ap p,called Friday,gives you a conversation prom p t and short essays a half-hou r before sundown each Friday — for exam p le,the best w ay to deal with a crisis,or the benefits of id leness — to m ake su re you go into your tech-free_hou_rs arm ed with som e things to think about.
Even for those w ho don’t consider them selves add icted,setting up a fu ll day each w eek to unp lug is a worthy goal. It will give your b rain time to reset. Using techno logy is great; not being able to stop is ano ther thing altogether.
57. The first three paragraphs im p ly that the author has ___.
A. lived an iso lated life withou t much social con tact
B. spen t most of his free time w atching television
C. com e to realize the need for som e tech-free hou rs
D. got used to the distu rbing sound of sm artphones
58. The au thor leaves his phones out of the bedroom in order to ___.
A. look revo lu tionary B. play a d ifferent game
C. cease to check his em ail D. save his social m edia accounts
59. Paragraph Five is concerned with the ways the author ___.
A. avoids being distu rbed in the office
B. accesses the Internet via her phones
C. uses techno logy more efficiently
D. uses d ifferent apps to get unp lugged
60. As m en tioned in Paragraph Six,the iOS app can ___.
A. talk with you w hen you are alone
B. help to leave you tech-free
C. write short essays for studen ts
D. rem ind you of what to do on Fridays
61. The underlined words in Paragraph Six probably m ean the hou rs when ___.
A. access to the In ternet is free of charge
B. no digital device is used at all
C. d igital technology plays a key role
D. we get back home from work
62. Which of the follow ing best summ arizes the main idea of this passage?
A. Television screens do great harm to our health.
B. It is im possible to get rid of all your digital gadgets.
C. Cell phones are ind ispensable for our life.
D. Do yourself a favor and unp lug a little each week.
Passage Three
for anyone w ho is really con cerned about keep ing their thoughts p rivate there is only one reliable technology: write with a pen on paper,and burn what you’ve w ritten w hen you’re done. The devices we now carry with us everywhere give us access to various in form ation,but sim u ltaneously offer vast quan tities of in form ation about us. Thus,to go online is to descend in to a world as transparen t as an aquarium(水族箱)that is fu ll of sharks.
It would be a m istake to see these p roblem s as p rimarily technological,because techno logical so lu tions will w o rk only within a legal and po litical con text. The real th reats to p rivacy com e not from vu lnerable gadgets but weak laws,careless users and feeb le oversigh t. A cruel governm en t w ou ld not hesitate to hack in to a com pany’s networks at the first oppo rtunity. And against su fficien t cruelty and physical pow er,technology is ultimately no defense.
Adding to this p roblem is the increasingly in terchangeable border between state and non-state actors. When the FBI could not crack the iPhone used in shootings,it turned to an Israeli p rivate com pany,which,however,has in turn been hacked,and m eanwhile many of the devices designed for use by law en forcem en t,which can get all the in formation out of a cap tu red m obile phone,can be bough t freely over the Internet by any p rivate com pany.
These threats can seem very d istan t,but comm ercially m o tivated attacks on p rivacy fill the w hole of the In ternet,and in fact fund m ost of it today. Websites rou tinely collect as much in form ation as they can about the users and then sell it on to data brokers for use in personally targeted advertising cam paigns. Facebook has built its en tire titanic em p ire on this trade. Even when this data is anonym ized,the p ro tection is leaky,and som eone w ho know s everything about you excep t your nam e is in a much stronger position than one who knows your nam e but nothing else.
but the real danger com es when these two kinds of loss of p rivacy com bine so that the know ledge gained for comm ercial ends is used for political manipu lation too. It is in the in terests of advertisers to short-circuit rational thought and carefu l consideration,but it is even more in the in terests of w icked leaders to do so. Against this we must rely on m oral and in tellectual defenses much more than the supposed m agic of advanced technology.
63. The w o rd “aquarium” is m en tioned in the first paragraph to em phasize that ___.
A. the In ternet can p rovide various in form ation
B. there is alw ays easy access to the Internet
C. there is little that is secret on line
D. ou r in form ation online is well p rotected
64. The second paragraph suggests that the loss of p rivacy on line ___.
A. cannot be solved by technology alone
B. arises from flaws of digital devices
C. can be overcom e qu ite easily
D. has no thing to do with the government
65. It can be in ferred from Paragraph Three that ___.
A. state-owned com panies will become p rivate
B. co llabo ration is crucial to fighting crime
C. the police can get any in form ation they want
D. devices for hacking are readily available
66. Acco rding to Paragraph Four,websites collect personal in form ation ___.
A. for better comm unication B. for financial purposes
C. for political reasons D. for more fund ing
67. On line in form ation about us can be used politically to ___.
A. beat one’s rival during an election
B. help m ake better decisions
C. keep us from thinking clearly
D. prevent the m isuse of any inform ation
68. The m ain idea of this passage is that ___.
A. the safety of ou r on line inform ation is at risk
B. the In ternet has advantages and disadvan tages
C. advanced technology can keep our privacy safe
D. on line in form ation can be a good sou rce of income
Passage Four
It’s easy to im agine the scenario. After spend ing m ost of ou r adult life in paid em p loym en t,the go lden day arrives. Sudden ly we’re relieved of office em ail and that long comm ute. Finally we can en joy our rem aining time pu rsuing those in terests we never had time for. Above all,time to relax.
Sad ly,this probably won’t be your future un less you’re independen tly wealthy.
The real question is no longer w hen we will retire but whether we will retire,with the p rospect of working un til you d rop likely to become the norm. Due to an ageing popu lation,longer life expectancy and a state pension schem e that can’t keep up,retirem en t m igh t soon be a thing of the past. Now we have entered an end less age of austerity or tightened econom y. There’ll be no governm ent help in your old age. Nor will your em p loyer’s pension p lan provide enough to m ake ends m eet. You are on your own.
The im po rtan t thing is that none of this is as “inevitable” as the po liticians wou ld have us think. Many societies have an ageing popu lation,but not all of them are willing to force a weak 75-year-old back in to a cu t-throat service econom y. That’s an utterly m ad behavior in the UK.
We can trace the un timely death of retirem en t to a num ber of assum p tions about how society ough t to be o rganized. At no o ther time has the welfare state been so hated by the governing elite. Social care. Unem p loymen t assistance. Health. Libraries. Municipal parks. Anything relating to what used to be called “the public good” is attacked at the roots. Austerity redefines these things as financial liabilities or deficits rather than shared investmen ts in comm on decency. It is only amatter of time before pensions are put on the chopping block.
It’s not that there isn’t enough money to fund p roper healthcare or pensions. It’s just that the cash is being d irected elsewhere,m ost notably to the p rivate sector in the form of m assive corporate subsidies,while public u tilities are getting close to co llapse.
And let’s not forget the tax revenues that aren’t being collected w hen econom ic policy is geared tow ards socialism for the rich and the strictest m arket d iscip line for everyone else. In 2015 Google paid 47m euro tax in Ireland on 22bn eu ro sales revenue. That’s a 0.21% tax rate. It m eans the average w age — earner unfairly bears the bu rden of society. No w onder a hap py retirem en t is starting to look like an im possible indulgence.
69. Acco rding to the first two paragraphs,retirem ent ___.
A. is an easy decision to make
B. is difficu lt for many peop le
C. m eans relaxation to the aged
D. is absolu tely out of date
70. The m ain idea of Paragraph Three is that ___.
A. retirem en t will be abolished sooner or later
B. peop le en joy working un til the end of life
C. few peop le can en joy retirem en t pensions
D. many peop le really can’t afford to retire
71. The underlined sen tence in Paragraph Five probably im p lies that ___.
A. it takes a short time for pensions to increase
B. pensions will be abolished sooner or later
C. pensions have a negative effect on economy
D. no wonder pensions are decreasing
72. Many peop le will have a hard time after retirem ent because of ___.
A. too small pensions that are given to the retired
B. the governm ent’s overinvestm en t in public u tilities
C. the ord inary peop le’s attack of the public good
D. the governm ent’s attem p t to build a welfare state
73. Google is m en tioned in the last paragraph ___.
A. as a role m odel of tax-payers in Ireland
B. as a business to be criticized regard ing tax
C. to call on wager-earners to pay more tax
D. to exp lain the high tax rate in force
74. The tone of the author of this passage ___.
A. hum orous B. sym pathetic C. critical D. objective
Passage Five
The In ternet has m ade som e m en so rich and am b itious that Earth no longer seems large enough to con tain their fortunes or egos. That is the sim p lest exp lanation for the revival of in terest in space exp loration. but exp loring space has alw ays been a noble and inspiring pursuit undertaken for m otives that were neither. The first space race,w hich resulted in the m oon landings,w as also a struggle for m ilitary edge. This was not just a m atter of m issile technology. There are at least 350 m ilitary satellites o rbiting the w orld today. The w idely-used GPS system was developed for m ilitary pu rposes. If the m oon has been largely abandoned,this is because it has no econom ic or m ilitary use.
The second space race sounds more justified. M r. Musk,for exam p le,promo tes his SpaceX enterp rise as som ething that saves humanity from po ten tial extinction if we stay on one p lanet. It is possible that a nuclear w ar could destroy all human civilization or all human life on Earth. but a co lony on Mars could hard ly su rvive withou t constan t con tact and rein forcem en t from Earth,and it will still be fu ll of human beings as short-sigh ted and quarrelsom e as those who destroyed their original hom e. The universe is expanding very fast but it will never get fast enough that we could leave all ou r im perfections behind.
There is an econom ic rationale to these p rivate space p rogram s: SpaceX is now a p ro fitable com pany and p rivate en terp rises can accom p lish things that governm en ts no longer can. The effectiveness of this argum en t is little d im in ished by the fact that it is not true: the p rivate com petition builds on and relies on the publicly funded work. but it is quite clear that what drives the second space race is not really econom ics; there are much more effective ways to m ake m oney. The real reason is the powerfu l human desire for exp loration and adven tu re beyond what anyone else has achieved in those fields.
We go in to space to advance the fron tiers of science and to p rovide a new perspective on humanity’s p lace in the universe. In doing so,we fuel scien tific cu riosity and inspire generations. Billionaires m ay be lead ing that charge,but Pluto is_not_just_for_the_p_lutocrats. A better solu tion may be a collective one: The UN “O ffice for Ou ter Space Affairs” is offering space trips for nations that can’t afford them. The heavens are not just left to rich men.
75. One of the pu rposes of the first space race was to ___.
A. find o ther inhabitable p lanets
B. sto re fortunes on the moon
C. gain m ilitary superiority
D. prove the self-w orth of humans
76. In Paragraph Tw o,the au thor argues that the space race ___.
A. can possibly save humans from extinction
B. will ensu re residen ts on Mars su rvive on their own
C. will help humans get rid of their im perfections
D. can hard ly help human su rvival on Earth
77. The m ain idea of Paragraph Three is that ___.
A. SpaceX is a financially successfu l com pany
B. the space race is d riven by pu rsuit of adven tu re
C. p rivate businesses can do something great
D. space exp loration has been quite p rofitable
78. Which of the follow ing statemen ts is NOT true acco rd ing to this passage?
A. Space p robe can con tribute to scien tific research.
B. Space races shou ld be con fined to private com panies.
C. Humans can learn more about them selves via space trips.
D. Humans en joy engaging in exp lorations and adventures.
79. The underlined sen tence in the last paragraph probably im p lies that ___.
A. the poor have no access to space trips
B. the rich alone have en joyed space trips
C. the poor also have access to space trips
D. the rich are reluctan t to help the poor
80. This passage is intended to discuss ___.
A. the pu rpose of space exp lo ration
B. the evolu tion of spacecrafts
C. the high cost of the space race
D. the fu tu re of life in the universe
一、 本试卷(Paper Two)答案一律写在答题纸II(Answer Sheet II)上,草稿纸上的答题内容一律不予计分。
二、 中、英文尽可能做到字迹清晰,书写工整,疏密相间均匀,字体大小适当。
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TRANSLATION (30 minutes,20 points)
Section A (15 m inutes,10 points)
Directions: Put the follow ing paragraph in to Chinese. Write your Chinese version in the proper space on answer Sheet II.
“Food desert” is a term that describes geographic areas w here m ainstream grocery sto res are either to tally absen t or inaccessib le to low-incom e residen ts because of high p rices and inadequate public transit. While typ ically associated with large u rban comm unities,this phenom enon also occu rs in ru ral neighbo rhoods that su ffer from in ferio r schools and substandard housing. From a lack of fresh vegetables arise significant negative health im pacts,foremost among w hich is obesity that is linked to an array of serious illnesses. The p revalence of junk food is going to have dead ly consequences. It takes more than determ ination to improve the availability and affordability of healthy foods for victim s of “food desert”.
Section B (15 m inutes,10 points)
Directions: Pu t the follow ing pa ragraph in to English. Write your English version in the proper space on answer Sheet II.
WRITING (30 minutes,10 points)
Directions: For this part,you are allow ed 30 m inu tes to write a com position of no less than 150 words under the title of “The Im po r tan ce of Self-relian ce”. You are advised to give exam ples and avoid using any stereotyped expressions or sen tences,such as “last but not the least”.