BMW—the engine that wins! 获胜的引擎!宝马
宝马(Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, BMW)创建于1917年,总部设在德国慕尼黑,也是劳斯莱斯汽车公司的母公司。近90年来,它由最初的一家飞机引擎生产厂发展成为今天以高级轿车为主导,并生产享誉全球的飞机引擎、越野车和摩托车的企业集团,位列世界汽车公司前20名。人们无论年龄大小、会否驾车,无一例外都认识宝马。作为“德国三宝” 之一,他的认知度和销量是三者之冠,原因何在?
如果汽车代表男人,那它的引擎就代表男性的力量。宝马在2015十大最优引擎排行榜中占据两席。这个美誉自1994年起,已获选30 次,也是实至名归。说白点,全凭他们专心做好每件对品牌有益的事,从产品质量、顾客服务到品牌形象,尽量做到尽善尽美,不像另外两家,因要顾及公司其他品牌而做不到专注!
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, simply means BMW, was founded in 1917. It headquarters in Munich, Germany, and is the parent company of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. Almost 90 years, it first manufactured aircraft engine and then has developed luxury car as it is the main focus today. The group is renowned for aircraft engine, racing car and auto car with high quality, and is regarded as one of the best 20 car manufacturing companies across the world. Even you do not know driving you will ever hear its name no matter how old you are. As it is “German 3” , it is alleged the best out of it. Then why?
If a car represents a man, then the engine represents the power owned by the man. In Warts 2015 when evaluating 10 best engines, BMW takes two! They have already achieved it 30 times since 1994. It really worths because of high quality and innovative technology done by BMW, as the team is highly devoted themselves to product quality, customer service, brand building, etc. They make the whole things perfect in every step. Not like the other two, which also care for other product lines, weaken their performance a bit.
In order to keep it going ahead of other competitors, BMW insists on 1/4 of the revenue will be invested on research and development of the product, and ensure innovation and improvement at all. Hence it is made to measure for customers' need. I can say people who buy BMW will be ones who like driving because they enjoy controlling their own. I believe that looking forward to BMW will give their fans new experience in their journey.
BMW is regarded as one of the best 20 car manufacturing companies across the world. So do you want to try?
Shop in Hong Kong: G/F, 163 Ma Tau Wai Road, Tokwawan, Kowloon
香港地址: 九龙土瓜湾163号马头围地道下
Illustration/插图: Alice Cheung Suk Ying