Chloe—Girl with a fair lady's heart 少女中的贵妇:克洛伊
克洛伊(Chloe)是来自法国的时装品牌,在国内网站看这个品牌、听它的读音,是不正确的,由于它是法文,你应读成为“Col - eh”。它是由埃及出生的加比·阿格伊奥(Gaby Aghion)在1952年创办的。她发现上流社会的人都只买度身定做的贵价衣服,而一般大众只能买便宜的、抄袭出来的款式,因此她认为可生产一条不那么昂贵但又高级的成衣系列,克洛伊由此诞生了。 1964年开始,“老佛爷”卡尔·拉格斐入主此品牌,然后是性格巨星马丁·斯特本(Martin Sitborn)做主帅。经历了拉格斐1992年的回归,1997年斯特拉·麦卡特尼(Stella McCartney)将其年轻化;随后助手菲比·菲罗(Phoebe Philo)上任。2000年又进一步推出年轻副线,名为“See by Chloe”——2011年,另一个英国人克莱尔·维特·凯勒(Claire Waight Keller)坐稳主帅位置。2015年春夏系列推出时,克莱尔更在北京刚开的旗舰店与中国支持者见面。
克洛伊最大特点是轻柔。采用大量雪纺、软身长裙,而此新设计师又引入轻柔的牛仔布料,带来了新风格!为了贴合互联网年代,克洛伊在2007年为第一个高级时装品牌在iPhone上开设了一个网页,还在 2008 年同步播放自家的时装展,开创先河!
Chloe comes from France. When I visited a few mainland China websites, the pronunciation of the brand is incorrect. It should be “Col-eh”. It was founded by an Egyptian named Gaby Aghion. Her idea was she found out a lot of the rich only wore haute couture whereas the majority only bought cheap apparels copied from the high end market. For the situation, she aspired to create a less expensive line, high class pret-a-porter style and the price was not as high as Dior. Hence it was the birth of the brand! From 1964, the chief designer was Karl Lagerfeld. Afterwards we had the unique designer Martin Sitborn. Then in 1992, Karl came back. And in 1997, Stella McCartney took over and rejuvenated it. Then her assistant Phoebe Philo took it over. In 2000, their younger line See by Chloe was born. Until 2011, another British designer Claire Waight Keller became the design director. In 2015 s/s collection, she also went to Beijing because a flagship store was launched there.
The features of Chloe are softness. They use a lot of chiffon fabrics and long flattering dress style as their remarks. The new designer also introduced soft denim recently. Besides, as technology era came, Chole also introduced their apps on Iphone in 2007, and they broadcast fashion show live on internet in 2008.
Among all designers who worked for the brand I like Stella most not because of ability but attitude: She has strong passion in environmental protection. She does not like fur and a vegetarian. Of course her design is good, otherwise, Gucci would not bring her in the group. Chloe can be seen at Lan Crawford, Hong Kong. The first flagship store can be found at China World Trade Centre Mall in Beijing, selling clothes, leather goods, accessory and shoes.
Numerous designers worked as creative directors in Chloe, and I only like Stella McCartney most.
Shop in Hong Kong: 3/F Marco Polo Hotel, Lane Crawford, Harbour City, Hong Kong
香港地址: 香港连卡佛海港城马哥孛罗香港酒店商场3/F层
Illustration/插图: Alice Cheung Suk Ying