77. 你懂了吗? / Do you understand?
78. 我懂了。 / I get it.
79. 我没弄明白。 / I can't figure it out.
80. 这真把人搞糊涂了。 / This is really confusing.
81. 我必须跟你谈一谈。 / I need to talk to you.
82. 我真的需要你的建议。 / I really need your advice.
83. 我可以提一个建议吗? / Can I make a suggestion?
84. 可以问你个问题吗? / May I ask you a question?
85. 能不能再说具体一点? / Could you be more specific?
86. 你是什么意思呢? / What do you mean?
87. 我没有恶意。 / I didn't mean that.