Specification for construction quality checkout and evaluation of electric equipment installation is a series of standards for construction quality checkout,acceptance and evaluation of electric equipment installation.
The set of standards is comprised of the following 17 parts:
—Part 1:General rules;
—Part 2:High-voltage electric equipments;
—Part 3:Power transformers,oil-immersed type reactors and instrument transformers;
—Part 4:Busbar equipments;
—Part 5:Power cable lines;
—Part6:Grounding devices;
—Part 7:Rotating electrical machines;
—Part 8:Panels,cabinets and secondary circuit wirings;
—Part 9:Batteries;
—Part 10:35kV and below over-head power line installation;
—Part 11:Elevator;
—Part 12:Low-voltage apparatus;
—Part 13:Power converter equipments;
—Part 14:Cranes;
—Part 15:Electric equipments in explosive or inflammable hazardous environment;
—Part 16:1kV and under feeder cable engineering;
—Part 17:Electric lighting devices.
Primary coverage of the PART 1 General rules is below:
—This Code stipulates requirements on range,method and cautions when using;
—Electric equipment installation of electricity generation and transformation has been divided by project items for the checkout and evaluation of the project quality,and at the same time,stipulating the test range refers to all levels of quality checkout institute of the construction,the supervisor and Employer.
—Stipulating the format of checkout and evaluation of project quality.
—Stipulating the technical data as well as the form when checking and receiving the project quality.
Primary coverage from part2 to part 17 of this code stipulate the items,specifications and methods of inspection which is according to the code for construction and acceptance and other related national specification and professional specification.
Basis of this code is the following specification:
GBJ 147-1990 Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of high-voltage electric equipments
GBJ 148-1990 Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of power transformers,oil-immersed type reactors and instrument transformers
GBJ 149-1990 Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of busbar equipments
GB 50168-1992 Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of power cable lines
GB 50169-1992 Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of grounding devices
GB 50170-1992 Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of rotating electrical machines
GB 50171-1992 Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of panels,cabinets and secondary circuit wirings
GB 50172-1992 Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of batteries
GB 50173-1996 Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of 35kV and below over-head power line installation
GB 50254-1996 Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage apparatus
GB 50255-1996 Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of power convertor equipments
GB 50256-1996 Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of cranes
GB 50257-1996 Electric equipment installation engineering Code for construction and acceptance of electric equipments in explosive or inflammable hazardous environment
GB 50303-2002 Code of acceptance of construction quality of electrical installation in building
GB 50310-2002 Code for acceptance of installation quality of lifts escalators and passenger conveyors
The implementation of this code makes the operability of quality controlling,inspection and acceptance of electric equipment installation engineering,which is favor of the improvement of procedure control of construction quality and engineering quality.
This part is proposed by and under the jurisdiction of China Electric Power Construction Research Institute.
Chief Development Organization:
China Electric Power Construction Research Institute
Participating Development Onganizations:
SEPCOI Electric Power Construction Corporation
Jilin Electric Power Construction Company
The Third Northeast Electric Power Engineering Co.
The Second Northeast Electric Power Engineering Co.
Jiangsu Electric Power Construction No.1 Company
Sichuan No.3 Electric Power Construction Company
Shandong Electric Power Transmission & Substation Engineering Co.
Henan No.1 Thermal Power Construction Company
The First Northeast Electric Power Engineering Co.
Chief Drafting Staff:
Chen Fayu Wei Guozhu Chen Guiying Zhao Dianling Yuan Jijun
Sun Guanfu Zhou Nanrong Bi Li Liu Qiang Li Zhigeng
Liu Zhiliang Zhang Anrong Gong Jianhua Jian Hancheng Sun Jian
Yang Zuoqin Zhang Guanghui Wang Jinhong Zhen Kai Wu Lifeng
Dong Gang
China Electric Power Construction Research Institute is responsible for the explanation of this part.