IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.0 Administration Guide

Silent profile creation

Now we have installed WAS silently, we need to cover how to create profiles using the profile management command-line script. The script is located in the<was_root>/bin folder with the following name:

  1. For Linux:


  2. For Windows:


The following table explains the valid command-line modes for the manageprofiles script:

To automatically create a profile, we will now craft a command-line script complete with command-line options to create a profile, with the same settings we used in our manual IIM profile creation earlier.

Please run the following command from the<was_root>/bin directory.

  1. For Linux:
     ./ -create -profileName appsrv01 -profilePath <was_root>profiles/appsrv01 -templatePath <was_root>/profileTemplates/default -cellName appsrv01node01 -hostName -nodeName node01
  2. For Windows:
     manageprofiles.bat -create -profileName appsrv01 -profilePath <was_root>\profiles\appsrv01 -templatePath <was_root>\profileTemplates\default -cellName appsrv01node01 -hostName -nodeName node01

The result will be as follows:

INSTCONFSUCCESS: Success: Profile appsrv01 now exists. Please consult /var/apps/was8/profiles/appsrv01/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt for more information about this profile.

Now that we have demonstrated how to create a profile using a command-line script, it is recommended that you experiment with the -help command to drill down into all the available subcommands of each mode of the manageprofiles command script. It may also be pertinent to read up on how to use the -response mode option, which allows a profile response file to be used instead of using such a lengthy command line. Response files are very useful in automation when you want to have a master script to manage many different profile creation types. Each different profile type can be specified by different response files.