About the authors
Mark Henderson is a Site Reliability Engineer. He has worked for companies such as Take 2 Games and Stack Overflow. He has a bachelor's degree in information systems and over 13 years of experience in Windows administration, focused on internet-facing applications and scaling enterprise applications. He works daily with containers, Azure, Amazon Web Services, Active Directory, IIS, SQL Server, and .NET. He lives in a quiet, peaceful beach town in Australia with his family, but has been working with small, medium, and large American companies since 2015.
Jordan Krause is a six-time Microsoft MVP, currently in the Cloud and Datacenter Management category. He has the unique opportunity of working daily with Microsoft networking and remote access technologies. Jordan specializes in Microsoft DirectAccess and Always On VPN. Committed to continuous learning, Jordan holds Microsoft certifications as an MCP, MCTS, MCSA, and MCITP Enterprise Administrator, and regularly writes articles reflecting his experiences with these technologies. Jordan lives in beautiful West Michigan (USA), but works daily with companies around the world.