To get the most out of this book
You should have an understanding of software development processes and experience in application development and operations as either a software developer or as an IT professional. Irrespective of your background, be it software development or operations, it is important to have a basic understanding of the software delivery processes and the tools involved.
If you have taken the mock exam or want to take the official exam after reading this book and find that you are struggling with specific exam objectives, you can use the following table to find the chapters you need to re-read.
Exam objective Relevant chapters
Design a DevOps strategy Chapters 1, 8, and 13
Implement DevOps development processes Chapters 4, 6, and 9
Implement continuous integration Chapters 2 and 3
Implement continuous delivery Chapter 4
Implement dependency management Chapter 5
Implement application infrastructure Chapters 6, 9, and 12
Implement continuous feedback Chapters 10 and 11
Please keep in mind that some questions may fall into more than one category and that this book is developed without any access to the official exam materials.
While large parts of this book are theory, it is recommended that you experiment with the concepts introduced if you have no hands-on experience with them. Remember, if you intend to sit the AZ-400 exam, this exam is intended for practitioners with two to three years' practical experience. To perform the practical exercises in the book you will require the following:
Software/Hardware covered in the book OS Requirements
Azure DevOps Services Any device with a modern browser
Azure portal Any device with a modern browser
Azure Powershell Windows 10
Azure CLI, Git client Windows, Linux or MacOS
Visual Studio Windows or MacOS
For more practical experience, links to exercises or labs are included at the end of each chapter. Many of these exercises come from Microsoft Learn and can also be searched at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/browse/?term=devops. Microsoft has also published a cloud workshop that enables you to practice many of the topics covered in Chapters 1 to 6. This cloud workshop can be found at https://github.com/microsoft/MCW-Continuous-delivery-in-Azure-DevOps/blob/master/Hands-on%20lab/Before%20the%20HOL.md.