The Endpoint and Midpoint snaps
I will start explaining the Object Snap tool with the Endpoint and Midpoint snaps. For that, activate the Endpoint and Midpoint snaps from the Object Snap menu. Also, make sure the Object Snap icon is active on the status bar. When the Object Snap is active, it will appear blue in color.
In the following example, I will show you Endpoint and Midpoint Object Snaps in action:
- Start the Line command and make a horizontal line. Now, don't exit the command and make a vertical line, as shown:
Figure 3.3: Horizontal and vertical lines
- Now, move your cursor close to the A point and you will notice a green box with Endpoint highlighted on the tooltip. Also, when you click, the cursor will snap to the A point, which is the starting point of the line, even though you clicked at some distance from the exact A point.
- In the following figure, you can see that the Endpoint snap is highlighted even though we are clicking at some distance from the exact A point. As long as we have the Endpoint snap visible, the cursor will snap exactly to the endpoint or the A point:
Figure 3.4: The endpoint snap, which looks like a green square, is highlighted
- This green marker is the Endpoint Object Snap and it helps you snap exactly to the endpoint of the line. If you deactivate the Object Snap and then try to do the same exercise, you won't see the green endpoint Object Snap and it will be impossible to snap exactly to the endpoint of the line.
- After snapping to the endpoint, press Enter to finish the Line commands.
- Now, press the Enter key again to start the Line commands and click on the B point of the triangle and this time again, the line will snap to the endpoint of the lines.
- Now, move your cursor close to the midpoint of the AC line and this time you will notice a green triangular snap that lets you snap exactly to the midpoint of the AC line, as shown:
Figure 3.5: The Midpoint snap highlighted as a green triangle
- Once again, this is the Midpoint Object Snap that we activated from the Object Snap status bar menu and this lets you snap to the midpoint of a line or arc.
In a similar way, other Object Snap options will let you snap to the corresponding geometric points and you will be able to do so only when the required Object Snap is active in the Object Snap menu.