Machine learning and its uses
The machine learning technology surrounds our everyday lives, even when we don't realize it. In the following section, we can see a few examples of how ML makes our everyday lives easier:
- Netflix: Whenever you watch a certain show on Netflix, it's constantly learning about you, your profile, and the types of shows you like to watch. Out of its database of available movies and shows, it can recommend certain ones that it practically knows that you're going to like.
- Amazon: Right as you view, search for, or buy a product, Amazon's open source DSSTNE AI is tracking you, and will try to recommend new products that you may want to buy. Plus, it won't just recommend similar products that are in the same category or by the same brand, but it'll get down to the intricate details in suggesting those products to you, such as what others bought after viewing this product, and the specifications of those products.
- Siri: Nowadays, Apple's Siri isn't just a personal assistant; it analyzes practically everything you do on your phone to make your life more efficient. It'll recommend apps that you may want to launch right on the lock screen, Face ID enables 3D facial recognition in an instant on the Neural Engine (mobile neural network ASIC); and Siri shortcuts will now predict applications that you may want to open, or other media that you may want to take a look at.
- Tesla Autopilot: When you get on the highway in your Tesla car, your hands are probably no longer on the steering wheel, because you let autopilot take over. Using AI, your car is able to drive itself more safely than any other human ever could, by maintaining a specific preset distance between your car and the next.