Creating an instance of Watson Assistant and a workspace
To get started, we need to create a workspace that Watson can work with:
- After creating an account, go to the IBM Cloud services catalog at https://console.bluemix.net/catalog/. Be sure that you are logged in with your account—you should see your username in the upper-right corner of the browser window:

- Otherwise, press the Log in button:

- Select AI in the All Categories section:

- From there, select the Watson Assistant (formerly Conversation) card:

- This will take you to a page where you can choose a region where you want to deploy the service, and select a Pricing Plan. For this exercise, pick a region that is closest to you, scroll down to select the Free Lite pricing plan, and then press the Create button at the bottom-right:

- Then press the Launch tool button:

- Select the Workspaces tab:

- Then press the Create button:

Before going further, let's discuss the example use case and scenario that we're about to demonstrate. Follow along with us for now, but eventually we would encourage you to invent your own scenario and build a conversational agent that meets your needs.