Restoring Horizon Composer with a custom SSL certificate
The process used to restore a Horizon Connection server with a custom SSL certificate is straightforward as all the steps are handled within either the Microsoft Certificates MMC Snap-in or during the installation of Horizon Composer. The following steps outline the full restore process:
- Install the custom SSL certificate on the new Horizon Connection server using the procedure outlined in Chapter 16, Managing Horizon SSL Certificates.
- Reinstall Horizon Composer using the steps provided in the Installing Horizon Composer section. Since the SSL certificate has already been installed, select the option Use an existing SSL certificate, and select the designated certificate.
- Complete the installation and reboot the Horizon Composer host server.
Horizon Composer is now ready to be linked to the Horizon Connection server using the steps provided in the Configuring Horizon Composer section. If only Composer was restored, and the link between the Connection Servers and Composer is already present, you may need to re-verify the SSL certificate as described starting with step 5 of Configuring Horizon Composer. If the certificate was in fact already trusted by the Connection Server, this step is typically not required.