About the reviewer
Shyam Varan Nath is an industry expert in IoT and cloud computing. His professional experience has involved roles at Oracle, GE Digital, IBM, Deloitte, and Halliburton. His area of focus is IIoT and enterprise cloud architecture. He is a regular speaker at global conferences on IoT and analytics. He is the author of Architecting the Industrial Internet, published by Packt Publishing in 2017. He also wrote the chapter on IoT architecture in the Internet of Things and Data Analytics Handbook. Shyam is the founding president of the Oracle BIWA User Community, which started in 2006 as a global professional special interest group for BI, data warehousing, advanced analytics, IoT, and big data. Shyam is very active on Twitter (@ShyamVaran). He also leads two task groups under the IIC.