What to expect on exam day
Here is what you can expect on exam day:
- Show up a few minutes early so that you can sign in. You will be asked to provide two forms of identification, and to leave your belongings in a locker provided by Pearson VUE. The proctor will give you something to write on and something to write with, and then walk you to your computer station.
- The exam will be computer-based with one question presented on the screen at a time. You will easily be able to navigate the exam by using the Next and Back buttons.
- You also have the ability to mark questions for later review in case there's a question you're not sure of or that you cannot answer.
- You may have a short tutorial on how to navigate and mark questions before you begin your exam.
I marked about twenty questions on my exam and had plenty of time to complete all of the questions and cycle back through the exam to double-check my answers.
- For any questions that involve formulas, you will have access to a calculator built into the question, so you don't have to do any math in your head. Yay!
- The exam will present you with situational questions and will ask you to put yourself in the shoes of a variety of positions on a project team. The majority of the questions are written from the project manager's perspective, but be prepared to understand all of the roles on the project team.
- You may find that some questions have two or more correct answers. Do your best to select all that apply. It is also likely that you will get questions that contain extraneous information that doesn't pertain to the correct answer.
- Once you submit your exam, you will find out within a minute whether you have passed your exam, and Pearson VUE will give you a certificate proving you have passed. Your certification is good for life without the need for continuing education credits or future retakes of newer versions of the exam.
- CompTIA will mail you your certification shortly after. You may want to buy a frame for it. It's a big accomplishment and you should be very proud!
You will be in a room with other test takers. These test takers will be taking different types of exams, some of which will include typing. Try not to get too distracted by what everyone else is doing so you are able to focus on your exam. You may be offered headphones to use during your exam but this may depend on the testing location.