What this book covers
Chapter 1, Installing Cacti, acts as a quick installation reference for users new to Cacti.
Chapter 2, Using Graphs to Monitor Networks and Devices, teaches you how to add devices and graphs; then we will see how to display them.
Chapter 3, Creating and Using Templates, explains how to create host and graph templates and how to apply them to the devices.
Chapter 4, User Management, gets us introduced to the Cacti user management and explains the Realm and Graph permission settings. It will also provide information on how to utilize the new user groups functionality for multi-customer environments.
Chapter 5, Data Management, explains how Cacti provides the ability to create own data input methods to query for information.
Chapter 6, Cacti Maintenance, serves as a guide on how to backup and restore the Cacti data as well as provide some information on log file management and data housekeeping.
Chapter 7, Network and Server Monitoring, provides some extended information on how to use Cacti for network and server monitoring. It will provide information that goes above plain SNMP monitoring.
Chapter 8, Plugin Architecture, provides information on the new integrated plugin architecture and how to download and install new plugins.
Chapter 9, Plugins, provides information on the commonly used plugins and also introduces the reader to plugin programming.
Chapter 10, Threshold Monitoring with Thold, provides an introduction to the Cacti threshold plugin, Thold.
Chapter 11, Enterprise Reporting, provides some information on the reporting solutions available for Cacti. It concentrates on the graph reporting solutions, Nectar and CereusReporting.
Chapter 12, Cacti Automation for NOC, introduces the Cacti command line interface to the reader. It will also provide an overview of the integrated automation functionality for automated device/graph management.
Chapter 13, Migrate Cacti to a New Server, introduces various steps to migrate Cacti to a new server and the steps to prepare the required files, before transferring them.
Chapter 14, Multiple Pollers with Cacti, introduces you to remote poller concept that allows administrators to spread the polling of devices to multiple systems.