Configuring logout
The HttpSecurity configuration of Spring Security automatically adds support for logging the user out. All that is needed is to create a link that points to /j_spring_security_logout. However, we will demonstrate how to customize the URL used to log the user out by performing the following steps:
- Update the Spring Security configuration as follows:
- You have to provide a link for the user to click on that will log them out. We will update the header.html file so that the Logout link appears on every page:
<p id="navbar" ...>
<ul class="nav navbar-nav pull-right">
<li><a id="navLogoutLink" th:href="@{/logout}">
- The last step is to update the login.html file to display a message indicating logout was successful when the logout parameter is present:
<p th:if="${param.logout != null}" class="alert
alert-success"> You have been logged out.</p>
<label for="username">Username</label>
Your code should now look like chapter02.02-calendar.