Bluetooth Low Energy Key Concepts
Bluetooth Low Energy is a standard with millions of devices running it. Discussing Bluetooth Core Specification in full-length is almost an impossible task as it has many technicalities. So the key concepts that will help you develop the Bluetooth Low Energy applications will be discussed in the book.
The layer stack of Bluetooth Low Energy corresponds to the OSI layer. In this book, we will not discuss the lower level layers (that is, from PHY to L2CAP) as they are out of the scope. The main concepts covered in this book will be Attribute Protocol, Generic Attribute Profile (GATT), Generic Access Profile (GAP) and the top layer Bluetooth Application. The book will give practical examples of how to write the Bluetooth Application based on the GATT server/client architecture.
The protocol stack of the Bluetooth Low Energy can be seen in the following figure:

Bluetooth Layered Model