What this book covers
Chapter 1, Hello Swift, gives a quick introduction and revision about Swift. This chapter is very important for Swift beginners and is highly recommended for Swift developers to revise their knowledge.
Chapter 2, Advanced Swift, boosts your Swift experience by allowing you to learn some advanced features in Swift. In this chapter, we will talk about protocols, extensions, and memory management.
Chapter 3, Touch ID, gives your app a new flavor of authentication using Touch ID. Users can now use their fingerprint to sign in to your app without needing to write their username and password.
Chapter 4, Introduction to HealthKit, teaches you how to work with HealthKit and how to share or read health data in the native Health app. If you have any apps or ideas about health or fitness, you should give this chapter a shot.
Chapter 5, Introduction to Metal, introduces a cutting edge technology for 3D GPU-accelerated graphics in iOS.
Chapter 6, Introduction to WatchKit, introduces a new device for you—the Apple watch. You will learn all the new technologies needed to build apps for the Apple watch and get your app prepared to exist on users wrists.
Chapter 7, Swift App Extensions, teaches you how to let your users use the app even if your app is not open, using app extensions. App extensions let you extend your app's functionality outside your app and users can access it using system or third-party apps.