Python Essentials

Using the built-in conversion functions

We have a number of conversion functions in the various types of data we've seen in this chapter. Each of the built-in numeric types has a proper constructor function. As with many Python functions, each of these has a number of different kinds of arguments it can handle:

  • int(): Creates an int from a wide variety of other objects
    • int(3.718) for another number
    • int('48879') for a string in base 10
    • int('beef', 16) for a string in the given base—16 in this example
    • The int() function can ignore the extra prefix characters on numbers written in Python literal syntax: int('0b1010',2), int('0xbeef',16), and int('0o123',8)
  • float(): Creates a float from other objects
    • float(7331) for another number
    • float('4.8879e5') for a decimal string
  • complex(): Creates complex values from a variety of objects
    • complex(23) creates (23+0j)
    • complex(23, 3) creates (23+3j)
    • complex('23+2j') creates (23+2j)

We can convert single numbers, pairs of numbers, and even some strings into Fraction objects:

  • Fraction(2,3): This is the most common way to create Fraction objects.
  • Fraction(2.718): This creates a value Fraction(765048986699563, 281474976710656). This shows how floating-point values are actually approximations. If we wanted a more accurate value, we should do a meaningful conversion ourselves, using Fraction(2718,1000), which would avoid the error bits present in many floating-point values.
  • Fraction("3/4"): This also works very nicely to create a proper Fraction object.

When we convert a float value to a Fraction, the results look unusual. However, considering that float values are an approximation, the Fraction value reveals the nature of the approximation.

We can also convert integers, strings, and floats to Decimal objects:

  • Decimal(2): Interestingly, this produces Decimal('2') as the result. This shows us that the preferred format for Decimal values is strings.
  • Decimal('2.718'): This will produce the expected value. This is generally how we create Decimal objects.
  • Decimal(2.718): This will produce a value that reflects floating-point approximations: Decimal('2.717999999999999971578290569595992565155029296875'). Because of this, we generally avoid creating Decimal objects from float objects.

We have a number of additional conversions from numbers to various kinds of strings: bin(), oct(), hex(), and str() produce strings in base 2, 8, 16, and 10 respectively. We can also use various formatting features of numbers using "{0:b}".format(x) for binary, "{0:o}".format(x) for octal, and "{0:x}".format(x) for hexadecimal. If we include the "#" modifier in the format string, we have considerable flexibility in the strings produced. For example:

>>> "{0:x}".format(12)
>>> "{0:#x}".format(12)

These functions show many different ways to create numbers from strings and create formatted strings from numbers.