What this book covers
Chapter 1, Hello World – A Cross-platform Game, will show you how to create a blueprint that you will be using for every game you will make with Cocos2d-JS. This chapter will also guide you through the creation of an environment to create and test your cross-platform games.
Chapter 2, Adding Interactivity – The Making of a Concentration Game, guides you through the creation of one of the most popular games that makes you learn how to create sprites and interact with them both with the mouse and finger.
Chapter 3, Moving Sprites Around the Screen – An Endless Runner, introduces scrolling and sprite movements using motion tweens in the creation of a space-themed endless runner. Particle effects and collision detection complete the game experience.
Chapter 4, Learn about Swipes through the making of Sokoban, shows you how to create a classic puzzle game that you can control with the most intuitive way used these days: swiping on the game.
Chapter 5, Become a Musical Maestro, examines the importance of having sound effects and background music in your games. This chapter also shows you how to start and stop sounds and loops by adjusting their volume.
Chapter 6, Controlling the Game with Virtual Pads, provides you three different ways to control your games with virtual pads when you build a fruit game. Virtual buttons and analogic pads will be your best friends when you create your next game.
Chapter 7, Adding Physics to Your Games Using the Box2D Engine, shows you the magic of physics engines in the creation of the blockbuster Totem Destroyer game, which you will easily build using the Box2D physics engine. You will also learn how to create, destroy, skin, and interact with physics bodies in a realistic physics environment.
Chapter 8, Adding Physics to Your Games Using the Chipmunk2D Engine, creates the same Totem Destroyer game, this time using Chipmunk2D rather than Box2D. While the Web is divided by the Box2D versus Chipmunk2D war, you will learn both of them, leaving the choice of your favorite physics engine up to you.
Chapter 9, Creating Your Own Blockbuster Game – A Complete Match 3 Game, completes the book with the creation of the most successful game genre today: a Match-3 game. At the end of the chapter, you will also find some hints and suggestions on protecting, promoting, marketing, and monetizing your game.