About the Reviewers
Yan Cui is a lead server developer at the award-winning, London-based gaming company, Gamesys. He focuses on building highly distributed and scalable server solutions for Gamesys's social and mobiles games. He is a regular speaker at conferences on topics such as F#, AOP, and NoSQL and is active on his blog at http://theburningmonk.com.
He is the co-author of F# Deep Dives, Manning Publications, and the author of an upcoming book on cross-platform mobile development with F# by Packt Publishing. His Twitter handle is @theburningmonk
Predrag Končar is a game developer and multimedia researcher. His primary areas of interest are games and combining technology and art. He is also into image and audio processing and interactive design, and he likes to spend his free time painting. In the past 12 years, he has worked as a technical and creative director for many online projects, published over 40 online games, participated in the production of several iOS apps, and also reviewed the books Corona SDK Mobile Game Development Beginner's Guide and Corona SDK Application Design, both by Packt Publishing. He has a strong background in Unity, C#, ActionScript, Lua, MEL script, Maya, and Python. He is a member of Mensa and ACM SIGGRAPH.
Jana Moudrá is a passionate developer and modern web and mobile technologies evangelist. She created her first web page at the age of 10. At that time, she had no idea what her future field of expertise would be. Later, she became interested in technologies such as JavaScript and jQuery, but finally ended up with the Dart programming language. She has been exploring it since Milestone 2 (M2). She is also interested in the area of user experience, design, and Android app development. She cofounded the company Juicymo, where she works on juicy apps and products. When she is not working, she organizes developer-related events on her favorite technologies for the Czech developers' community. You can visit her company's website at http://www.juicymo.cz/en.
Martin Sikora has been professionally programming since 2006 for companies such as Miton CZ and SYMBIO Digital in various languages, mostly PHP. Since 2012, he has been freelancing, working on projects in Python, PHP, Dart, Objective-C, and AngularJS. He is a Zend Certified Engineer and was member of the winning team of Google Dart Hackathon 2012, Prague. Occasionally, Martin writes tutorials at http://www.binpress.com/.