Authentication and authorization has become a major part of all web applications. Authentication involves checking who is accessing the application. Authorization is a process of checking the access rights of the user. In the native approach, we usually store the user's information in the database and write the code in the application. We also create roles for the user and we do the mapping. Here, it is tightly coupled with the application because we have to rewrite the entire code when we connect to a new database or use any other tools such as LDAP or Kerbose. But there are advance options to handle authentication and authorization. J2EE container provides different ways to authenticate the user by configuring the XML files. We can classify authentication into two types, that is, the container-based authentication and authorization and application level authentication and authorization.
J2EE container provides interfaces and classes to provide authentication. In this chapter, we can see how we authenticate the user using JAAS, basic authentication, and form-based authentication.
In this book, we have used JAAS because it a standard framework for authentication. JAAS works on the PAM (pluggable authentication module) framework.
Authentication and authorization can be provided in the following ways:
- Basic authentication: In this technique the application server gives a login form with a username and password textbox, so you don't have to create a login page yourself. You will also know the caller identity.
- Form-based authentication: In this technique the container handles the authentication, but the login form is provided by the user as a JSP page.
- Digest-based authentication: In this method user credentials are hashed with certain algorithms.
- Certificate-based authentication: In this technique the client and the server exchange certificates to verify their identity. Achieving an SSL certificate makes the data transfer over the network secure.