Getting Started with OpenCart Module Development

About the Reviewers

Jack W. Davis is an e-commerce developer specializing in OpenCart and on-page SEO for online stores. He runs an OpenCart development company called Destrove, which has helped hundreds of businesses expand, upgrade, and design their e-commerce stores. With years of development experience and a creative outlook on software design, Jack has become a recognized figure in OpenCart development communities.

Jack also runs a popular e-commerce news and tutorial website, where he spends most of his time writing about e-commerce software and helping others customize their online stores.

Aditya Menon is an experienced developer, and the web is his primary platform. Aditya works for Adbhuth, a privately held start-up. An overview of his strengths, functions, and aspirations include predominantly using PHP and JavaScript. He has written and improvised applications working with teams from across five continents. He is happy to produce and extend intelligently built code bases, with exemplary architectures. He also follows industry standards and best practice discussions closely, and acts on wisdom gained from these arenas. Aditya is currently a consultant and a developer on multiple start-up teams from across the world. He is constantly on the lookout for new tools and techniques to make development faster, easier, and more joyful. He looks at a future where technology in general and software in particular, play even more important and impressive roles in human life. Learning new languages and paradigms to build these tools of the future is what delights him the most. He currently lives in New Delhi, India. He is a 23-year-old man, eager to travel the world, and explore new opportunities.