Day 24 英文中也有“东施效颦”的表达?
A: Dude,people always try to copy our videos.
B:I know. But it's because our ideas are so good.
A: Ya,we're still the best.
B:Ya,we're the best. They're just wannabes. They'll never be as cool as us.
A: Totally,man. Gimme five!
What is a “wannabe”? Well,it comes from the words “want to be”. Somebody who wants to be as cool,as popular,as rich as someone else,but they never will be. Alex,allow me to show off my Chinese.(Alex:OK.)“东施效颦!”
Good for you, Darby!“wannabe”指的是那些总想成为别人的人,但是却永远成不了别人(那样)的人。
All right,it's bonus time! Gimme five!(=Give me five!)We usually say“give me five” if we want to celebrate something. It means: clap my hand! Why do we say “give me five”? Well,because we have five fingers.

当你想要为某事欢呼庆祝的时候,就可以用“Give me five.”,要求对方跟你“击掌”。Darby,give me five!