"Let us row for the hotel,"said one of the young ladies."Are you all right?"she asked of Joe.
"Yes,ma'am,barring the wetting."
"It was brave of you to go down after Mabel.""Indeed it was!"cried that young lady."If it hadn't been for you I might have been drowned."And she gave a deep shudder.
"I saw she was caught and that's why I went over after her,"answered our hero simply."It wasn't so much to do."All dripping as he was,Joe caught up the oars of the boat and sent the craft in the direction of the hotel at a good speed.
That she might not take cold,a shawl was thrown over Mabel's wet shoulders.
The arrival of the party at the hotel caused a mild sensation.
Mabel hurried to her room to put on dry clothing,and Joe was directed to go around to the kitchen.But when the proprietor of the place had heard what Joe had done for his niece he sent the lad to a private apartment and provided him with dry clothing belonging to another who was of our hero's size.
"That was a fine thing to do,young man,"said the hotel proprietor,when Joe appeared,dressed in the dry garments,and his own clothing had been sent to the laundry to be dried and pressed.
"I'm glad I was there to do it,Mr.Mallison.""Let me see,aren't you Hiram Bodley's boy?"
"I lived with Mr.Bodley,yes."
"That is what I mean.It was a terrible accident that killed him.Are you still living at the tumbled-down cabin?""No,sir.I've just sold off the things,and I am going to settle in town.""Where?"
"I haven't decided that yet.I was going to hunt up a place when Ike Fairfield gave me the job of rowing out the young ladies.""I see.You own the boat,eh?"
"You ought to be able to make a fair living,taking out summer boarders.""I suppose so,but that won't give me anything to do this winter.""Well,perhaps something else will turn up by that time."Andrew Mallison drew out a fat wallet."I want to reward you for saving Mabel."He drew out two ten-dollar bills and held them towards our hero.
But Joe shook his head and drew back.
"Thank you very much,Mr.Mallison,but I don't want any reward.""But you have earned it fairly,my lad."
"I won't touch it.If you want to help me you can throw some odd rowing jobs from the hotel in my way.""Then you won't really touch the money?"
"How would you like to work for the hotel regularly?""I'd like it first-rate if it paid."
"I can guarantee you regular work so long as the summer season lasts.""And what would it pay?"
"At least a dollar a day,and your board."
"Then I'll accept and with thanks for your kindness.""When can you come?"
"I'm here already."
"That means that you can stay from now on?"
"I don't suppose you want the job of hauling somebody from the lake every day,"said Andrew Mallison,with a smile.
"Not unless I was dressed for it,Mr.Mallison.Still,it has been the means of getting me a good position.""I shall feel safe in sending out parties with you for I know you will do your best to keep them from harm.""I'll certainly do that,I can promise you."
"To-morrow you can take out two old ladies who wish to be rowed around the whole lake and shown every point of interest.Of course you know all the points.""Yes,sir,I know every foot of ground around the lake,and Iknow the mountains,too."
"Then there will be no difficulty in keeping you busy.I am glad to take you on.I am short one man--or will be by to-night.Iam going to let Sam Cullum go,for he drinks too much.""Well,you won't have any trouble with me on that score.""Don't you drink?"
"Not a drop,sir."
"I am glad to hear it,and it is to your credit,"concluded the hotel proprietor.