Several days passed and Joe went out half a dozen times on the lake with parties from the hotel.All whom he served were pleased with him and treated him so nicely that,for the time being,his past troubles were forgotten.
At the beginning of the week Ned Talmadge came to see him.
"I am going away to join the folks out West,"said Ned.
"I hope you will have a good time,"answered our hero.
"Oh,I'm sure to have that,Joe.By the way,you are nicely settled here,it would seem.""Yes,and I am thankful for it."
"Mr.Mallison is a fine man to work for,so I have been told.
You had better stick to him."
"I shall--as long as the work holds out."
"Maybe he will give you something else to do,after the boating season is over."A few more words passed,and then Ned took his departure.It was to be a long time before the two friends would meet again.
So far Joe had had no trouble with anybody around the hotel,but that evening,when he was cleaning out his boat,a man approached him and caught him rudely by the shoulder.
"So you're the feller that's took my job from me,eh?"snarled the newcomer.
Our hero looked up and recognized Sam Cullum,the boatman who had been discharged for drinking.Even now the boatman was more than half under the influence of intoxicants.
"I haven't taken anybody's job from him,"answered Joe.
"I say yer did!"growled Cullum."It ain't fair,nuther!"To this our hero did not reply,but went on cleaning out his boat.
"Fer two pins I'd lick yer!"went on the tipsy boatman,lurching forward.
"See here,Sam Cullum,I want you to keep your distance,"said Joe,sharply."Mr.Mallison discharged you for drinking.I had nothing to do with it.""I don't drink;leastwise,I don't drink no more'n I need.""Yes,you do.It would be the best thing in the world for you if you'd leave liquor alone entirely.""Humph!don't you preach to me,you little imp!""Then leave me alone."
"You stole the job from me an'I'm going to lick you for it.""If you touch me you'll get hurt,"said Joe,his eyes flashing.
"Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone."
"Bah!"snarled the other,and struck out awkwardly.He wanted to hit Joe on the nose,but the boy dodged with ease,and Sam Cullum fell sprawling over the rowboat.
"Hi!what did ye trip me up for?"spluttered the half-intoxicated man,as he rose slowly."Don't you do that ag'in,do yer hear?""Then don't try to strike me again."
There was a moment of silence and then Sam Cullum gathered himself for another blow.By this time a small crowd of boys and hotel helpers began to collect.
"Sam Cullum's going to fight Joe Bodley!"
"Sam'll most kill Joe!"
With all his strength the man rushed at Joe.But the boy dodged again and put out his foot and the man went headlong.
"Now will you let me alone?"asked our hero,coolly.
"No,I won't!"roared Sam Cullum."Somebody give me a club!I'll show him!"Arising once more,he caught up an oar and launched a heavy blow at Joe's head.For a third time our hero dodged,but the oar struck him on the arm,and the blow hurt not a little.
Joe was now angry and believed it was time to defend himself.He edged towards the end of the dock and Sam Cullum followed.Then,of a sudden the boy ducked under the man's arm,turned,and gave him a quick shove that sent him with a splash into the lake.
"Hurrah!score one for Joe!"
"That will cool Sam Cullum's temper."
"Yes,and perhaps it will sober him a little,"came from a man standing by,who had witnessed the quarrel from the beginning.
"He brought this on himself;the boy had nothing to do with it."Sam Cullum floundered around in the water like a whale cast up in the shallows.The lake at that point was not over four feet deep,but he did not know enough to stand upright.
"Save me!"he bellowed."Save me!I don't want to drown!""Swallow a little water,it will do you good!"said a bystander,with a laugh.